[hider=Rupa Sterling] [hr][hr][center][img]https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/df/10/sample_df104edbad2d93d21c594ff6a99ae339.jpg[/img] [color=00a99d][h1][b]ALCHEMIST[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=00a99d]"Don't ask a bird how much they like their gilded cage. They'll probably just shit on it."[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr] [color=00a99d][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Rupa Sterling[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Alchemist[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Rue, Rocky (Self-Designated), Shitty T-1000 (Self-Designated)[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]19[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [INDENT]HERO (Probationary Status)[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Subject is a young woman of Indian descent with a lithe, athletic build. Muscular definition is most prominent in arms and back. Height: 5'6". Skin tone: warm brown. Eyes: Green. Hair: long, wavy, black. Notable features include distinctive neck tattoos, reportedly acquired under the misapprehension that she could manipulate them due to metallic content in the ink. [color=00a99d]Civilian Attire:[/color] Subject favors practical clothing: dark hoodies or jackets over t-shirts, jeans or leggings, sneakers or boots. Always wears gloves or arm wrappings, presumably to assist in controlling her power. [color=00a99d]Hero Costume:[/color] Minimal deviation from civilian attire. Components include a Small cloak (resembling boxing robes), Arm bandages, Metallic fiber shorts and shirt, Steel-toed boots, Boxing headgear and domino mask for identity concealment Note: Subject has been observed "looting" armor from opponents, transmuting it for personal use. This behavior should be monitored and addressed.[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [INDENT] [color=00a99d]Free Spirit:[/color] Subject displays a strong desire for freedom, likely due to previous confinement. This manifests as enthusiasm but can lead to rule-breaking and authority issues. [color=00a99d]High Energy:[/color] Exhibits constant readiness for action. While beneficial for hero work, it may impede teamwork and strategy planning. [color=00a99d]Naivety:[/color] Sheltered upbringing has resulted in frequent misunderstandings of social norms. Paradoxically, subject shows disturbing familiarity with violence and combat. [color=00a99d]Cinephile:[/color] Obsessive interest in films influences decision-making and expectations. May lead to unrealistic approaches to hero work. [color=00a99d]Brutal Tendencies:[/color] Subject displays concerning comfort with violence and gore. Avoids lethal force not out of moral compunction but adherence to HERO guidelines. Close monitoring is recommended. [color=00a99d][u]Overall Assessment:[/u][/color] Subject's psychological state is complex and potentially unstable. Regular therapy sessions and careful mission assignments are strongly advised.[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Subject Rupa Sterling, born Rupa Paksha, originates from the infamous Paksha clan of Mumbai, India. The Paksha clan has terrorized the Indian subcontinent for generations, their notoriety extending internationally due to high-profile heists and reckless destruction. The clan's power stems from their cultivated Hero Gene, resulting in potent ferrokinetic abilities across family lines. Rupa is the daughter of Parad Rani (Mercury Queen) and Loha Raja (Iron King), two of the clan's most feared members. From birth, she was expected to manifest powers at the 'Shesha Rank' (equivalent to HERO's Alpha class). Her abilities emerged early, at age 5, marking her as a prodigy within the already exceptional family. Unlike her siblings and cousins who were groomed for direct criminal activities, Rupa's role was unique. Her ability to transmute any material into metal made her an invaluable resource. The Paksha clan used her powers to amass incredible wealth and resources, fueling their campaign against DHARMA (India's superhero organization). This culminated in the near-total control of Mumbai by the Paksha clan four years ago. Rupa's daily life was a stark contrast to her family members. While they engaged in combat training and criminal operations, she was kept in a metaphorical gilded cage. Her handlers provided her with luxuries but denied her freedom, keeping her under constant surveillance. This isolation bred resentment from her siblings and cousins, who viewed her as privileged despite her confinement. To cope with her isolation, Rupa immersed herself in American cinema. She learned English primarily through these films, developing an idealized view of Western life and heroism. This fascination extended to her choice of combat training; she requested to learn modern boxing instead of the traditional Musti-yuddha techniques favored by her family. The turning point came when Rupa turned 19. The clan arranged her marriage to the son of another villain family, intending to create an even more powerful villainous alliance. This impending loss of what little autonomy she had spurred Rupa to action. On the night before her engagement ceremony, she used her powers to disable security systems and escape the compound. Her escape coincided with a DHARMA assault, orchestrated by a precognitive hero. This distraction allowed Rupa to flee to Nashik, where she used her abilities to acquire forged documents, adopt the surname Sterling, and secure passage to the United States. Upon arriving in America, Rupa spent several months on the move, using her powers sparingly to avoid detection. The culture shock was significant; her understanding of American life, based entirely on films, proved woefully inadequate for navigating reality. However, her cinematic education did provide her with a strong grasp of English, albeit one peppered with movie quotes and outdated slang. Ultimately, Rupa chose to settle in Castleburg, drawn by the presence of HERO. She saw the organization as a means to secure protection from her family, obtain legal income, and potentially gain citizenship. More importantly, it offered her the chance to reinvent herself as one of the heroes she had idolized in movies. Rupa's integration into HERO and American society has been an ongoing challenge. Her naivety about social norms, combined with her unusual upbringing, has led to numerous misunderstandings. Her comfort with violence and casual attitude towards her lethal abilities have raised concerns among HERO psychologists. However, her enthusiasm, unique skillset, and genuine desire to do good have made her a valuable, if unpredictable, asset to the organization. Currently, Rupa continues to adapt to her new life, balancing her hero training with therapy sessions and cultural acclimation classes. She remains vigilant for any sign of her family's reach, a fear that occasionally manifests in nightmares. Despite these challenges, Rupa approaches her new life with optimism, determined to write her own story as a hero rather than the villain she was born to be.[/INDENT] [color=00a99d][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] [indent]Countermeasures: Traditional weapons and defenses are ineffective. Bullets can't hurt her, and she can tear through walls better than 90% of Metahumans. Landmines and other explosives are effective - the shrapnel does nothing, but high heat and concussive force can kill her. Electromagnetic traps can cause severe damage to her and be turned off to retain a stealth advantage. As of writing, she cannot swim - a telekinetic could simply throw her into a deep body of water. Mustard Gas and other aerosol weapons are effective due to her inability to transmute gasses. Despite her generally upbeat demeanor, Subject regularly suffers from nightmares about her family's crimes and her role in enabling them. Currently seeing HERO therapists. Cultural integration challenges persist. Subject's understanding of American society is heavily influenced by media consumption. [color=00a99d]"My favorite movie? Rocky 4, EASY!!! And like, all of the Rocky movies except 5 are up there too. I also love Shawshank Redemption and The Matrix, those are some top-tier cinema! Lagaan is my favorite musical, but cricket is so fucking boring in real life..."[/color] [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=00a99d][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [INDENT] Γ (Gamma Class) [/INDENT] [color=00a99d][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [indent][color=00a99d]Ferrokinetic Transmutation[/color] Subject can transmute any solid or liquid material into any metal or alloys known to the Subject through touch. Transmutation speed varies based on object size and composition, but is exceptionally quick in most situations. Power is extremely lethal - direct skin contact can easily be fatal. All known metals the Subject has been exposed to seem to be replicable, though several are undesirable. For example, Radium (irradiates the Subject) or pure Iron/Nickel/Cobalt (magnetic enough to cause intense migraines and stick to the skin). Secondary abilities include manipulating metal with extreme dexterity, described by the Subject as 'shaping wet clay'. Metal objects the Subject hold are effectively weightless to them, though this does nothing for non-metal components. Subject also demonstrates high resistance to metal-based physical attacks (bullets, knives, etc) but not any indirect effect of metal (drowning in mercury, radiation poisoning from radium, etc). [color=00a99d]Magnetic Vulnerability:[/color] Subject experiences adverse reactions to magnetic fields. Effects range from mild (power interference, migraines) to severe (internal injuries, seizures, death). Metal is presumed to be vitally important to subject's bodily functions, with magnetic fields having a massively increased effect on them compared to normal humans. Prolonged exposure can result in metal adhesion to subject's body.[/indent] [color=00a99d][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B] ■■■□□□□□□□[/color] Subject displays above-average strength, comparable to a skilled college athlete. Effective strength increases to 6/10 when handling metal objects due to power interaction. [color=00a99d][B][ AGILITY ][/B] ■■■□□□□□□□[/color] Above-average speed and agility. Power enables unique mobility options (e.g., creating handholds in structures). Not competitive with speedster-type metahumans. [color=00a99d][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B] ■■□□□□□□□□[/color] Demonstrates proficiency in chemistry and metallurgy. Significant deficits in general knowledge and life skills due to isolated upbringing. Unable to perform basic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or driving. [color=00a99d][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B] ■■■■■■□□□□[/color] High potential for environmental and structural damage. Ability to transmute materials into hazardous substances (e.g., mercury) poses significant risks to infrastructure and ecosystems. Limited by touch range and potential for self-harm from structural collapse. [color=00a99d][B][ LETHALITY ][/B] ■■■■■■■■■□[/color] Extremely high lethality potential. Direct skin contact can be nigh-instantly fatal to even the highest levels of durability. Touch range limitation prevents higher rating. [color=00a99d][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B] ■■■■□□□□□□[/color] Subject displays high pain tolerance and can function even with multiple massive injuries. Most likely a consequence of training rather than her actual powers. Against metal objects, Endurance is comparable to an 8-9/10. [color=00a99d][B][ STAMINA ][/B] ■■■■■■■□□□[/color] Passive aspects of power (e.g., metal resistance) appear constant. Active transmutation sustainable for several hours before fatigue onset. Passive transmutation occurs at a slow but constant rate when Subject is not actively preventing it. [color=00a99d][B][ EFFICACY ][/B] ■■□□□□□□□□[/color] Subject's default state is power activation. Constant focus required to prevent accidental use. Magnetic fields severely impair control. [color=00a99d][B][ SURVELIANCE LEVEL ][/B] ■■■■■■■■□□[/color] Subject's background with the criminal underworld, anti-authority worldview, high-lethality power, and general psychotic tendencies have warranted a very high level of monitoring by HERO personnel. [color=00a99d][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [indent][color=00a99d]Boxing:[/color] Proficient in both traditional Musti-yuddha and modern boxing techniques. Favors aggressive, close-range combat style. [color=00a99d]Chemistry:[/color] Strong foundation in chemistry, metallurgy, and material science. Valuable for power application and mission planning. [color=00a99d]Multilingualism:[/color] Fluent in Hindi and English. English proficiency notable for mix of formal language and pop culture references. [color=00a99d]Cinephile:[/color] Subjects opinion on their talent in this skill has been copied, verbatim, from their interview: [color=00a99d]'I've seen so many movies dude! If there's a leftover that's like a Xenomorph or the Thing, they're fucked!!! Don't get me started on Robots, I learned the laws of robotics from that one Will Smith film with the weird plastic-looking dudes, they can't even hurt people most of the time. Kinda crappy, T-800s do it all the time! I learned some cricket after watching Lagaan, OH, and I have the PERFECT Wilhelm scream! Check it, UAAH-'[/color][/indent] [color=00a99d][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [INDENT][color=00a99d]Steel Boxing Gloves:[/color] Transmuted boxing gloves. Extremely heavy (30+ lbs each) but weightless to Subject. Highly dangerous in combat. [color=00a99d]Cloak:[/color] Provides additional armor and movement concealment. Subject believes they can use it to 'glide like Batman', despite normally holding more than 100 lbs of metal at any given time. Note: Subject's misconception about gliding capabilities has been addressed. [color=00a99d]MP4 Player:[/color] Personal entertainment device. Contents may provide insights into Subject's mental state and cultural adaptation progress. Often used during Training / Sparring. [color=00a99d][u]ADVISORY:[/u][/color] Close monitoring of all equipment is recommended due to Subject's transmutation abilities.[/INDENT][/hider]