[h1][color=2e8b57]Isla Gill[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=2e8b57]Location:[/color] Ancient Grove [color=2e8b57]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] [i]Well, look at that[/i]. Isla hadn’t fully expected the method to work, not as well as it had, and she was pleased as could be with herself that it had worked. The Budew seemed to be relaxing, at least as much as could be expected, moving forward a little bit, opening up and maybe getting just a little bit bigger. Well…the girl didn’t really know, not entirely, how the whole Budew thing worked, but she was still pretty pleased that the Pokémon was relaxing and walking up and all the rest. Surely it wasn’t interested in attacking or anything. Isla flicked more water to the bulb Pokémon, smiling a bit. Well, smiling until she felt that tickle in her nose. [i]They were flowering![/i] Why hadn’t she thought of that before? Why hadn’t she considered that a flower opening might involve some other things. She felt that tickle in her nose, kept breathing pretty deeply despite the impulse to hold her breath or anything of that sort, and let out a “[i][sub]choo[/sub][/i]” as Isla’s head whipped forward, free arm swinging forward to shield it. Deeply breathing out, the girl opened her eyes again, making sure that she had kept it quiet enough despite the absolutely [i]violent[/i] head motion, making sure she hadn’t scared the little Budew away. Despite the Pokémon having a heck of an effect on the air, Isla still wanted to make friends with them. She hadn’t seen the little guys before, not on the Sevii Islands, and they were pretty interesting. [hr][hider=Pokémon | Inventory][color=2e8b57]Pokémon:[/color][list][*] Dancing | Eevee | Level 9 | Anticipation | Pokéball Tackle, Tail Whip, Covet, Growl, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish [*] Swiper | Nickit | Level 11 | Runaway | Pokéball Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Beat Up, Hone Claws [/list][color=2e8b57]Inventory:[/color] 4000p[list]Tranquil Reviere VIP card 3 x Pokéball 3 x Potion [/list][/hider]