[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iMurSFS.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] Sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair beside Orion’s bed, Eris nervously glanced up from a book she had taken from one of Orion’s shelves: [i]The Art of the Blade[/i]. Though she had no real interest in mastering swordplay, the book served as a distraction and a small barrier between her and the mysterious blight-born man she had been tasked with overseeing. The man, introduced to her as Willis, had been polite enough so far. However, when Orion informed her that she was responsible for keeping him in line, she demanded that Willis keep his distance and remain on the other side of the room. He occupied his own chair by the window, staring out into the world beyond, clearly bored. For hours, the two of them had been keeping watch over the slumbering Aelios Priestess. Eris had offered Willis little in the way of conversation, her fear of him palpable. She knew nothing of his blight-born nature, which only heightened her anxiety. So far, he didn’t seem to resemble Pleiades—at least, he hadn’t attempted to seduce her yet. Not only that, but his clothes were matted with congealed blood, a detail Orion had attempted to explain, but had only left Eris with more questions than answers. Questions she had refused to actually ask Willis. Nonetheless, she had accepted Orion’s plea for assistance. She was a healer and Dawnhaven’s lead researcher in all things blight related, after all. Peering over the edge of the book, her icy blue eyes lingered as she took the opportunity to assess his features while he wasn't looking directly at her. She imagined he might have been attractive when he was human, though it was hard to say for sure through the blood that speckled him, his messy hair, and the glowing eyes that radiated his distaste for being confined in this room with her. As his chair creaked when he shifted his position, Eris immediately snapped her eyes back to the book, raising it slightly to block her face from view. Her heart raced, hoping he hadn't caught her staring at him from the other corner of the room. She closed her eyes for a moment, her face hidden behind the book. [color=B1E4FC][i]‘Please wake up, Priestess… PLEASE,’[/i][/color] she thought, opening her eyes and casting a sideways glance at the blonde woman on Orion’s bed, who still appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Willis yawned, showing two dagger-like fangs sticking out of his mouth. He slowly shifted in the chair, turning to look back at Eris. Her soft brown hair cascaded behind her shoulder, revealing her slender neck. Willis’ eyes constricted into a pinprick as he felt a sharp pang of hunger in his stomach. Pushing back the desire to sink his fangs into her jugular, Willis jerked upright from the chair, knocking it into the wall behind him with a loud CRASH! Eris jumped, fumbling the book in her hands and nearly dropping it. Her eyes darted over to Willis as he stood, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it—especially with whatever enhanced abilities he possessed. [color=ed1c24]“I’m hungry…”[/color] Willis pleaded to Eris. [color=ed1c24]“Is it okay if I, uh… you know.”[/color] He gestured toward Tia’s sleeping figure. [color=ed1c24]“Borrow some blood from her? I just need a sip, I swear!”[/color] [color=B1E4FC]"No! Ab-Absolutely not."[/color] Eris shut the book more aggressively than intended, then set it down gingerly on the table beside her. [color=B1E4FC]"No..."[/color] she repeated, her voice softer now. She glanced at the Priestess, considering shaking her awake so they could both escape. However, knowing what Tia had just done to save a child's life, Eris dared not disturb her. Tia's body needed to recover from the mana she had expended; it was incredible that she was alive at all after such a feat. [color=B1E4FC]"You'll certainly kill her if you do that... she's already so weak."[/color] Turning her attention back to Willis, Eris narrowed her eyes.[color=B1E4FC][i] 'So he's a bloodsucker then...'[/i][/color] She thought, reminded of Kira who had a similar affliction. Kira had never caused Eris any trouble, despite the intimidating presence she carried around with her, which gave her a sliver of hope regarding Willis. In her studies, Eris had read about sages offering blood to vampire blight-borns to keep them alive as test subjects, often extracting blood through a syringe rather than letting them bite a human's neck. The idea crossed her mind to do that for Willis, especially if he only needed a sip, but there were no syringes in Orion's room. The thought of using a knife to slit her wrist for him was equally unappealing. [color=B1E4FC]"Once she wakes up, you need to see the Prince, and then you can find something outside of Dawnhaven to feed on..."[/color] She felt bad for whatever human or animal would eventually become his food. [color=B1E4FC]"Can't you wait?"[/color] It was a genuine question—was he in dire need, or was he about to go feral in the room with her? [color=B1E4FC]"I'm sure she will wake up soon..."[/color] She wasn't sure at all, but she tried to reassure him nonetheless. Willis turned back and looked behind him. The chair he had sat on was reduced to a pile of wood scrap. He shrugged and strode over next to Tia, and sat on her bed with his back facing Eris. The Priestess’ finger twitched, unnoticed. [color=ed1c24]“Well, let’s talk for a bit then, to distract me from my hunger.”[/color] He craned his neck to look back at Eris. [color=ed1c24]“I’m Willis, but you can call me Willy. I’m a retired Lunarian Ranger. Who are you?”[/color] Eris leapt from her seat as Willis approached, her stomach twisting with anxiety as he sat down beside the Priestess. [color=B1E4FC]"P-please don't touch her!"[/color] Eris blurted out, her hands forming a few quick ward symbols before a faint glow of transparent yellow light enveloped the blonde woman's body. Nervously, Eris had cast a shield of light around the woman, preventing anyone or anything from reaching her. This use of magic would deplete her resources quickly, risking her own consciousness, but in Eris's panic, she deemed it necessary. There was no telling what a blight-born might do when hungry. Eris had promised Orion that she would keep the Priestess safe and she intended to keep her word. It was at least better for Willis to feed off her than the Priestess of Aelios. Moving around the room, Eris positioned herself at the foot of the bed to better observe Willis while maintaining distance between them. [color=B1E4FC]"I'm Eris,"[/color] she said softly, trying to ignore the pounding in her head from the rush of adrenaline. She almost chuckled when he referred to himself as retired; dying on duty and becoming blight-born was much more likely. Retired was a nice way to put it. [color=B1E4FC]"I'm the Lead Sage here... I research the blight."[/color] Her voice trailed off as she glanced down at her trembling hands. Struggling to keep the conversation going to prevent Willis from deciding to attack her, Eris asked the first question that came to mind. [color=B1E4FC]"Did you come to Dawnhaven for refuge, or just to find your next meal?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Good question, hahaha. I’m still undecided.”[/color] Willis made a face, his eyes transfixed on the golden hue that surrounded Tia. He stabbed a finger at Tia, but as he touched the light, a pressure blocked his thrust. [color=ed1c24]“I came here out of desperation. For half a month, the Lunarian king and his underlings chased me from mountain to mountain and village to village until I made it to Dawnhaven,”[/color] he explained, knocking his knuckles against Tia’s forehead. His hand bounced off the light, causing a ripple to form in the shield of light that protected Tia. [color=ed1c24]“But a man’s gotta eat.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Actually… Eris!”[/color] Willis looked up at her. [color=ed1c24]“You said you are the Lead Sage, right? So you must have studied a lot about us… about those afflicted with the blight. Is there… is there a cure yet?”[/color] he said, with hope in his voice. Below him, the soft glow of Eris’ magic rippled like water, reverberations fluttering out from Willis’ touch. [center][i][color=fffacd][sub][sub][color=2e2c2c][sub]......Tiiin……[/sub][/color] …Tin… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Gaaaaa……[/sub][/color] …Ga… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Raaaaaaaa……[/sub][/color] …Ra… [color=2e2c2c][sub]Awaken.[/sub][/color][/sub][/sub][/color][/i][/center] Tia gasped awake, air rough in her throat. It caught, thick and reeking of blood. She was bleeding out - she [i]must’ve[/i] been - and her vision filled with golden light. She couldn’t breathe. Her chest convulsed as she tried, but each breath only brought the taste of iron, thick and rotting. Panicked hands shot to her throat, clawing at the scarf that was still wrapped around her. It was solid and sticky, congealed blood clinging to her palms, burrowing under her nails. Before Eris could respond, her attention snapped to the Priestess as she gasped for air. The shield of light immediately began to dissipate into the air in a glitter of gold and white as Eris rushed to her bedside. Now shoulder to shoulder with Willis, Eris dropped to her knees next to Tia on the bed, her eyes frantically scanning over the woman as she grasped at the blood-soaked scarf. [color=B1E4FC]"What—What's wrong?!"[/color] she asked in a panicked tone, desperately searching for the source of the Priestess's distress. Swiftly, Eris pulled the scarf away from Tia's neck and tossed it aside, revealing a mess of scars along the Priestesses throat. From what Eris could tell, these scars were old and had healed long ago, though it was still shocking to see such an injury upon the sacred skin of a Priestess. Lifting her hands above Tia, Eris closed her eyes and focused all the energy she had left within her. Her hands began to glow with a hue of golden light, but as she hovered them, she sensed no major wounds to direct the healing magic towards. Opening her eyes, Eris looked at Willis, realizing she was closer to him than she would have liked, but now was not the time to go running. [color=B1E4FC]"Was she attacked before this? Orion didn't say anything about her being injured too?!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Well, uh… she wasn’t attacked. More like she exhausted herself helping other people.”[/color] Willis thumbed his chin, looking down at the large scar running across Tia’s neck. [color=ed1c24]“I saw her at the market surrounded by a crowd, touching a boy with glowing hands like yours. I’m guessing she was healing him. She was already wearing that scarf then. I got closer to talk to her, but then she got scared, and I got hit in the arm with a shovel. Then people started to scream and run like a bunch of headless chickens. When I got back, she almost passed out carrying that boy, covered in blood. So Orion and I rescued her from the crowd and took her here.”[/color] Reality trickled back to Tia through her panic. Touch - the cloying stickiness of the scarf ripped away from her neck, leaving a sudden chill. Sight - the golden glow that filled her vision faded, unfocused forms and shadowed colors taking shape. Sound - [sub][color=fffacd][center][i]In the eternal one’s veins…seek the violet flow.[/i][/center][/color][/sub] Even as the voices in the room grew more solid, Tia couldn’t make them out beneath the words that echoed in her mind. She could still feel the burning gaze of - of [i]something[/i] watching her, waiting for her to [i]catch up[/i] and get to work. She knew the feeling of that gaze, all heat and weight and [i]commandment[/i], branding her. She’d felt it in a dream once before. And then two days later, the sun had failed to rise, just as she’d seen. [i]A prophecy.[/i] Tia’s hand shot out to grip the arm of the person closest to her - a woman she didn’t know, standing above her. Blood was dried and flaking where it covered her hand. The air was still thick with the smell. But she could breathe again, at least. Her mind whirled to reorient herself. She wasn’t dying. She wasn’t in that field, surrounded by corpses, bleeding out as she watched the stars move above her. Quick, shallow breaths escaped her as she forced her eyes to focus on the woman. Eris let out a sigh of relief as Willis explained the situation, glad she didn't have to use any healing magic. Suddenly, Tia's hand shot out and gripped her arm tightly, making Eris gasp in surprise. As the golden hue of her magic faded from her hands, Eris examined the Priestess's hand, covered in flaking dried blood. Why did everything today have to be so bloody? First, she had put her face in a dead squirrel, then she had to deal with Willis, who was utterly drenched in it, and now she was getting the red hue rubbed off on her arm once again. Nothing sounded better than a long soak in the hot springs right now. [color=B1E4FC]"It's okay, Tia. Everything is okay,"[/color] Eris said softly, gently cupping Tia's hand with her own in reassurance. [color=B1E4FC]"You're safe."[/color] Eris glanced over at Willis briefly, feeling a shiver run down her back as she was reminded how close she was to a hungry blight-born. [i]They[/i] were not safe. [color=B1E4FC]"Willis and I have been watching over you."[/color] She paused, unsure if the Priestess even knew who Willis was, let alone Eris. [color=B1E4FC]"You're very lucky to be alive."[/color] She returned her gaze to the blonde woman, trying her hardest not to look directly at the scars across Tia's neck. [color=B1E4FC]"How are you feeling?"[/color] She asked, ignoring the throbbing in her head that felt like it was getting louder by the second. A small consequence of the magic she had expended today. Willis scooted closer to Tia, practically leaning down to whisper in her ear. As he did so, he made intense eye contact with the Priestess and whispered, [color=ed1c24]“Don’t you dare tell her about what I’ve done to that boy.”[/color] He drew his face away and made a slicing motion across his neck. Then he turned to flash Eris a Brobdingnagian smile. Eris narrowed her eyes as Willis moved closer to Tia, blocking her view of both his and her facial expressions. He had clearly whispered something, but she couldn't tell what it was. Her eyes searched Tia for an answer, but the Priestess remained unfazed by whatever he had said. When Willis turned to smile at her, Eris could only focus on the dagger-like teeth in his mouth and wondered what the shark was trying to hide. Tia could only stare up at him, eyes wide, breath too quick. [i]She knew him.[/i] Well… she knew his eyes, at least. They glowed in his face, deep-set and haunted, even as he smiled. She knew the shape of his silhouette. She’d seen it in her vision. That [i]pull[/i] that she’d felt earlier in the market - she felt it again, now. Her lips formed a silent word as she looked up at him. It might’ve been ‘blight’. It might’ve been ‘blood’. The difference didn’t seem to matter. The warmth of Eris’ hand seeped into her own where it held her. Her eyes darted between the man (who had just [i]threatened her life[/i]) and the woman (who did not seem to believe her own assurances that they were safe). Tia’s weak grip on Eris’ arm tightened slightly, like this tether was all that kept her from unmooring. But her adrenaline was fading fast. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to reorient herself, and remember past the veil of her prophetic dream. Dawnhaven. The market. The boy. Her magic, pouring out of her until she was nearly empty. [i]The boy.[/i] Her eyes snapped open to frantically find Eris again. [color=fffacd]“The -”[/color] Her rasping voice caught in her throat, and Tia coughed, wincing. She tried to swallow, focusing on the muscles in her neck. [color=fffacd]“Boy,”[/color] she tried again, her gaze a mix of hope and fear as she looked up at Eris. [color=fffacd]“…Alive?”[/color] [color=B1E4FC]"Alive,"[/color] Eris confirmed, a warm smile gracing her lips. [color=B1E4FC]"He has you to thank for that."[/color] Still holding Tia's hand, Eris gave it a gentle squeeze. [color=B1E4FC]"You should be more careful, though."[/color] Her smile faltered for a moment. [color=B1E4FC]"We can't afford to lose a powerful healer like you. You're incredibly strong to have survived that..."[/color] She wished she could have seen the spectacle of all the energy it took for Tia to keep that boy from dying. It would have been a sight to behold. Tia let out a long breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Deflating lower into the mattress, her eyes fell closed again as she offered a silent prayer of thanks up to Aelios. It [i]had[/i] been reckless. But faced with the child, all his blood, his heartbroken father… what choice had there been? Eyes still closed, she gave a small shake of her head. The world seemed to tilt and sway with the motion. She opened her eyes again to properly take in her surroundings - the two strangers above her, the decor of the room (because she was [i]inside[/i], she realized, laying in someone’s bed, getting blood all over someone’s sheets). Her gaze stilled on the man - the very [i]dangerous man[/i] who had been the cause of the entire scene in the marketplace, and whom Aelios had deemed [i]very important[/i]. Why else would Tia have seen him in her vision? She pressed her lips together, still looking up at the man, searching for what her goddess wanted her to notice. Swallowing carefully, she tried to speak again. [color=fffacd]“You.”[/color] It was more of a question, really. He was [i]there[/i], at her bedside. Certainly not because he cared, not if his casual disregard for life was any indication. If he’d wanted an easy meal ([i]teeth, wicked and sharp, eyes that glowed and prowled, blood coating him like rainwater after a storm[/i]) then she would’ve been dead already. Was he just here to threaten her into silence? Was he trapped here somehow? Tia’s gaze flicked back to the woman. She paused when she realized her hand was still cocooned in Eris’, held against her arm. Tia had entirely forgotten it was there. Like she’d forgotten how to move, how to flex her muscles to pull away from another person, Tia’s hand lifted away from Eris. The lack of warmth was instant, a chill cutting deeper than just the palm of her hand. She pulled her hand back to her chest, making a self-conscious fist. [color=ed1c24]“Hello, my name is Willis but you can call me Willy. This is Eris.”[/color] Willis said to Tia, pointing at Eris. [color=ed1c24]“What’s your name?”[/color] Eris followed Tia's gaze toward Willis as he introduced himself, noting that the Priestess clearly recognized him. [color=B1E4FC]"Her name is Tingara,"[/color] Eris answered for her, aware of the strain it put on Tia to speak after whatever had caused those scars around her neck. As a devout woman herself, Eris had heard from the Prince that they had a Priestess on the way. When Orion had told her what had happened, and she saw the caravan stationed around the temple, she knew exactly who this blonde woman was. Tia could only blink in surprise when Eris said her full name. She hadn’t told [i]anyone[/i] her full name here, yet. Of course, her transfer to Dawnhaven had gone through official channels, arranged with the Aurelian prince. This woman was someone of stature in Dawnhaven, if she knew who she was - at least, someone who was involved in some official capacity with the prince. [color=B1E4FC]"Can you walk?"[/color] Eris directed toward Tia, standing up and offering her hand for support should Tia try to get out of bed. [color=B1E4FC]"The hot springs could do you wonders, I bet."[/color] Tia’s eyes flicked back to Willis ([i]Willy[/i]? Absolutely not). Looking back at Eris, Tia reached out to her hand. She stopped herself though, when she felt the winter chill against her skin. She saw the blood, long dried, staining her hand. It had left a dusty, rust-colored mark where she’d grabbed Eris’ pale arm. Carefully wrapping the ruined silk of her sleeves around each hand, Tia pushed on the bed, wincing as she tried to sit up. There was something else there, besides the weariness of over-using her magic. She could feel the ache of bruises on her legs, her waist, her back. What had [i]happened[/i] when she’d passed out? She shook her head slightly at Eris, careful of her balance. [color=fffacd]“The prince,”[/color] Tia managed as she forced herself to sit. Her voice was faint, vocal chords tiring after so many words in a row. [color=ed1c24]“Yeah, I was supposed to meet with him after you woke up,”[/color] Willis said, rummaging through the closet beside the bed. He flung out random parcels of clothing until he took out a fancy uniform with gold-trimmed pauldrons and ribbons on the chest, trying to match it with his torso. As Willis crumpled it into a pile, he noticed a hard lump in the fold of Orion’s jacket. He made an incision in the cloth and pulled out a beautiful flower-shaped silver pendant from a hidden pocket.[color=ed1c24] “Bingo!”[/color] Fiddling with Orion’s pendant, he marched to the door without looking, cracking it open for Tia and Eris with his foot. [color=ed1c24]“You all head on to the hotspring… give me five minutes alone, okay?”[/color] he said to Eris. Willis jammed a nail into the pendant, and it flipped open with a Click!. Inside was a drawing of a smiling brunette waif cradling a child in her arm. Willis ripped the drawing out and stuffed the pendant into his pocket. The paper fluttered to the ground, next to an overturned nightstand, a messy closet, and a destroyed chair. Eris watched nervously as Willis rifled through Orion's private things, too afraid to scold him in the moment. At least he was distracted with this and not thinking about eating them. She glanced back toward Tia anxiously, torn between leaving Willis alone with her to find the Prince and letting Willis roam free in town in search of the Prince. He didn't even know what the Prince looked like, let alone being trustworthy enough to follow orders. If he was this brazen right in front of them, who knew what he was capable of when not being watched? [color=B1E4FC]"Hey!"[/color] Eris blurted out as she saw him rip open a locket and toss a paper to the ground. Swiftly, she picked up the picture and held it safely in her palm. [color=B1E4FC]"That isn't yours,"[/color] she huffed, glaring at Willis with her bright blue eyes, though her heart pounded in her chest at the confrontation. [color=B1E4FC]"Give it here, and we will go find the Prince. Together."[/color] She said sternly, extending her other hand toward Willis, expecting him to place the pendant there. [color=B1E4FC]"We need to help her get on her feet,"[/color] she added, gesturing toward Tia, her eyes pleading with him to follow her direction. Tia was too busy focusing on not passing out again to pay much attention to Willis’ immutable instinct to be a menace. A tiny whimper escaped her as she scooted herself to the edge of the bed, forcing long, slow breaths. The world was still out of focus and tilting, and everything still [i]ached[/i]. The winter breeze creeped into the house through the opened door and Tia shivered. [i]Her scarf[/i]. It lay in a crusted brown heap on the floor. Tia’s neck was exposed, she realized, her scars on full display. Shame and embarrassment crept up her spine, but she kept herself from covering her neck with her hand - she needed that still to steady herself on the bed, afterall. She looked up again, to see Willis all but ignoring them as he picked through the house like a vulture with carrion, and Eris growing more and more flustered. [color=fffacd]“Willis.”[/color] The sound was more of a breeze than a name. Willis clenched his jaw as he heard Tia calling out his name. A muscle on his cheek twitched. He stared down at Orion’s pendant with a blank look on his face. When he looked back up at Tia, a slow smile crept up his face. [color=ed1c24]“Okay, Tingara. I’ll obey Eris… on one condition.”[/color] He narrowed his eyes, dragging them greedily across Tia’s bare neck. Then he closed the door. [color=ed1c24]“I want to try your blood,”[/color] Willis told Tia, slowly running his tongue across his canines. Tia froze. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Willis, breath shallow in her chest. Panic was sharp as winter snow in her lungs, up her throat, icy and stark. Her vision flashed. She saw his glowing eyes against the night sky. She felt his teeth in her neck, [i]ripping[/i], she felt her blood hot against her flesh, she - Eris clenched her jaw as Willis asked to feed off the Priestess, her patience running thin with the blight-born. [color=B1E4FC]"Do not touch her,"[/color] Her voice grew sharp, her eyes fixated on Willis. If anyone was going to die today, it wouldn't be the Priestess of Aelios. She had already survived one near-death experience, and Eris would be damned if she let her endure anything more. Pocketing the picture, Eris stepped in front of Tia, blocking Willis's view of her. Fueled by adrenaline, Eris's hands began to glow with a golden yellow hue as she formed ward symbols once more. This time, in an instant, she placed a shield around Willis. Entrapped by the light of Aelios, Willis could no longer touch them, and nothing could touch him either. [color=B1E4FC]"The Prince will hear of this,"[/color] she declared, glaring at him. [color=B1E4FC]"Now, either you cooperate, or you can stay here until we find the Prince."[/color] She glanced toward Tia, ignoring how the magic pulled at her core with each passing minute, draining her own life force. Reality slammed back into Tia when Eris cut off her view of the blight-born. She was light headed, breathing short and quick. Her hands shook where they gripped against the bedsheets, her knuckles white. Fear had wound its way through her chest like a serpent. It poisoned her blood. It stilled her heart. [color=B1E4FC]"Put your arm around my shoulder. I'll help you get to the temple,"[/color] she said sternly to Tia, shedding her usual shy demeanor as she knelt beside Tia to better assist her. There was a reason Eris was made the Lead Sage despite her soft nature. This side of her rarely surfaced, hidden beneath layers of self-doubt, only emerging when it truly counted. Tia blinked up at Eris. Her mind was still stained with an oncoming panic-attack, barely held at bay. She could see Willis again, now that Eris had moved to help her. He glowed with a bold display of Eris’ magic - magic that Tia knew she couldn’t afford to waste. She saw it in the tension of the other woman’s shoulders, in the hard bite of her jaw. Tia numbly followed orders, holding back a wince as she lifted her arm to do as Eris said. As she settled in close, bracing herself to stand, she brought her lips close to Eris’ ear. [color=fffacd]“We need him.”[/color] There was no voice at all - just breath in the shape of words, nearly imperceptible. Tia didn’t know this man. She didn’t trust him not to cause their deaths on a whim, and she didn’t trust [i]herself[/i] not to become a panicking mess in his vicinity. But [i]someone[/i] had commanded her, and deemed him important, even if she didn’t know why yet. [color=ed1c24]“You should listen to Tingara, Eris, and relax. I wasn’t going to hurt either of you. I made Orion a promise,”[/color] Willis said behind the sphere of light trapping him in. [color=ed1c24]“Besides, that was a suggestion, not a threat. Now stand back.”[/color] Willis raised his fist, squinting one eye shut as her rotated his arm. With a sharp inhale, he cocked his elbow and threw his fist forward against the wall of light. Twin snaps sounded in the air - one from the wall of light as hairline fractures spider-webbed out from the point of impact, and another from Willis himself as his wrist it broke at a sickening angle. Splintered ivory poked out of his flesh, his blood a deep, viscous purple as it oozed out of the wound. Tia's eyes widened at the color. Willis cursed. With his non-shattered hand, he scooped up a globule of blood and flicked it against the light. Already, the bone in his wrist was starting to realign itself, to tuck itself back into place as flesh knit back together again. With his own blood to mark his target in the middle of the wall's fracture point, Willis readied another blow. CRACK! His punch shattered the sphere of light into a thousand tiny pieces, his right hand snapping off his wrist from the impact of his blow. [color=ed1c24]“Plus, I don’t threaten people. I just kill them if negotiation fails.”[/color] He tossed the pendant to Eris and ran in front of Tia. Kneeling down, he grabbed her legs and hoisted them onto each of his shoulders before standing back up. [color=ed1c24] “So where’s this hot spring?”[/color] He turned his head to ask Eris with Tia sitting on his nape. She let out a strangled yelp, arms wrapping around the top of his head for balance. As the shield shattered, a shockwave of energy reverberated back to Eris. The abrupt disruption of her magic had sent it straight back to Eris like a freight train. Eris gasped and clutched her chest, the air knocked out of her. Though her vision blurred, she stood her ground, silently cursing the sun for disappearing from the sky; had her magic been at full power, Willis likely wouldn't have escaped. Dizzy, Eris sat down on the bed, her ears ringing, unable to hear whatever Willis was saying. Blinking a few times, she tried to focus on Tia as the blurred image of Willis began to haul the Priestess onto his shoulders. [color=B1E4FC]"Wait—"[/color] she managed to mumble, fighting the darkness encroaching on her vision. Leaning forward with her head in her hands, Eris felt something trickle from her right nostril. Wiping at it, she looked at her hand. Her nose had begun to bleed. Tia’s panic was rising. Her eyes widened as she watched Eris nearly collapse on the bed, blood bright against her paling skin. She started rapidly swatting at the top of his head, desperate to be put back [i]down[/i]. [hr][sub]Collab between: Willis [@BOOM], Eris [@The Muse], and Tia [@c3p-0h][/sub]