[quote=@Memory] What happens when you send someone that completely erases all information you might get? [/quote] [color=f7941d][b]Alexander McClain:[/b][/color] I see... it doesn't base its strategy based on our recording of the information... it doesn't have to, it simply isn't something that has a 'sameness' sort of speaking, like a tree or a landscape or even a wild animal. therefore, nothing... and just think when asking some of these questions... we had literal eternities to explore nearly every avenue of thought that any of an infinitude of minds can bring to the table. You'd think no idea has escaped us right? We tried even that idea you just suggested. It is recorded too... [color=fff200][b]Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Looks back and forth between the podium and you next to me*[/i][/color] Dude... uuuh shall we allow the good professor to continue his lecture? I mean i know i can barely get anything, but at least you do and if i missed anything you can teach me in simpler terms? [color=0076a3][i]*Shurgs*[/i][/color]