[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=fff79a][i]*The cloth sails through the air, illuminated briefly by the flickering light before vanishing into the darkness. A moment passes, and there is no sound of it landing. It's as if the void has consumed it entirely. The silence is oppressive. Then, just as you begin to consider your next move, a subtle change occurs. The rhythmic clicking in the structure grows louder, more pronounced. It's as if the building itself is responding to your action. The walls seem to pulse, the surface shifting in a slow, hypnotic wave. Suddenly, the void is no longer completely dark. A faint, almost imperceptible light begins to glow from within, casting eerie shadows that dance across the distorted walls. The light is not natural; it flickers and pulses, creating an unsettling effect that makes it difficult to discern the true nature of the space beyond the hole. Your senses are heightened. The feeling of being watched intensifies, and you notices subtle movements in your peripheral vision — shadows that dart and disappear when you try to focus on them. The air grows colder, and a low, mechanical hum fills the corridor, resonating through your circuits. As you watch, the light in the void coalesces into faint, ghostly shapes. They appear to be figures, but their forms are indistinct, as if they are only partially real. They move slowly, almost aimlessly, within the void. The sensation of wrongness, of being out of place, deepens. Then suddenly, what's more unexpected, for a reploid, you wouldn't think you could cough like a flesh being, but you suddenly start salivating and coughing after the mist reaches you as if you choked on something despite not even needing to breathe... what is going on with this place? But before you can put two and two together a sudden thunderclap is heard and you are pushed back as in a flash, the hole in the wall is regenerated entirely, while leaving the hulk of metal and circuitry on the floor where you dropped it, as if it just created more wall matter out of nothing. The mist has vanished and you stopped coughing.*[/i][/color] [/quote] ∆: Damn... What even was that... [i]Is this what death feels like? Pretty weird if so...[/i][color=92278f]*I think to myself.* *I stand up from my position, looking over at the wall and questioning what this place is and why I'm here. I then look over at my missing arm, remembering the time when I had lost it, back at "home"... Well, at least this place is slightly better than that crapfest...*[/color]