[center] [hr] [hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmEwNTlmYS5UR1Z1WVEsLC4x/janda-celebration-script.regular.webp[/img] [hr] [hr] [/center] [color=#A059FA]”Here this should help, at least for a couple of days.”[/color] The body of the young stag was placed on the ground, next to it was placed a bag containing the innards of the beast, another with what fresh herbs and winter berries the young ranger could find. A soft look of displeasure pulling at her lips at the small haul, she had remembered Ivor mention that game was getting harder to come by but truthfully she had not believed him until her own ventures took her farther and farther from the lake shore and deeper north towards the newly formed borderlands within the cursed forest. Black tresses of curls spilling out over her shoulders as she stood back up, smiling softly at the guard before walking off just as quickly as she had appeared from the night. Lena reckoned she probably gave him a fright, horns and hooves floating in the air casting shadows against the fenced in walls as she had approached, covered in both dirt and dried blood she was sure she was a sight to behold; a slight chuckle before heading towards one of the shared houses the had first finished building. It had been a month since she had made her way here, and she was still amazed by how quickly the small settlement had exploded, people finding their niches and purpose and all them willing to help and put in the effort to make this place work. Human and Blight Born alike. Having grown up in a town well developed and with deep roots, it never accorded to her, everything that went into making it work and just how fragile it all was. A cold wind and the first dusting of snow had started to fall as she walked almost as if to prove her point, she admired what the Prince was trying to accomplish here but that was his problem and truthfully she had enough of her own to worry about. [color=#A059FA]”Ah c’mon now.”[/color] A soft grumble and a grunt as she pushed against the door, as if it did not care she had spent the better part of three days out in the forest tracking down that young buck, scrapping and scourging for what edible plants she could find only having taken a quick cold dip in the lake when she couldn't stand the sight of herself no longer. A change of clothes and the hot springs had her name on it and she’d be damned in a door would stop her. Bracing herself she leaned her shoulder into the door leveraging what weight she had against it, the groaning of the wood as it gave way and she stepped into the warmly light room. Her boots and cloak swiftly discarded into a heap on the floor, the dagger and bow hung up on their rungs. A couple of chairs and a long table, a small bed shoved against the far wall, a fur rug from her last hunt, and various plants hung up to dry by the fire. The room itself was nothing special, one of many built into this lodging, but it was hers and she was a little proud of how far it had come. On one of the walls pinned up was a hand drawn map of the area, small marks of charcoal noted nests and where to find different edible plants, deeper marks drew the paths and trails she had found. Red markings for where she had made kills, question marks for where she thought other animals might make their nest or find their food. Blue covered most of it to symbolize the lake and its off streams it also filled with small drawings of fish she had seen and question marks when all she saw was rippling from the deep, another long line marked the border ten miles north and while she had ventured that far out yet she would probably need to talk to Ivor soon to see if it was worth the risk of searching that far for not just food but to also know what was out there, was it safe to just ignore it or should they be more wary and concerned about it with the colder months coming. [i]Would predators come south for food just as they pushed north?[/i] The thought lingered for a moment before Lena shook her head, she had just gotten back and she’d be damned if she spent the night wallowing in what ifs; rummaging under the bed almost comically trying to reach something that had rolled to the far back; her hand swinging blindly until it circled around the neck of a bottle. The last of the wine she had brought with her, her mother insisting she bring a few things from home so she wouldn’t become so uncultured less she decided to return back. Leaving it on the table, she made quick work changing into cleaner clothing, casting a glance at the trail of clothing littering her floor, the thought of having to was her gear drawing a sigh from the woman. Future her problem, she decided as she slipped her boots back , the dagger tucked down into one of them as she walked back out into the cold night air shivering slightly without the lack of her heavy cloak but the thought of wearing something soaked in deer blood back after cleaning herself was not a pleasant one so the cold it was. Deciding against better judgement, Lena popped the cork of the wine as she walked through the streets taking a long draw, the sweetness of the summer vintage covered its bite as the heat from the alcohol flushed her cheeks. Part of her wondered what type of image she made walking brazenly through the streets while drinking, but she was tired and damned if she was judged for wanting to relax sooner than later. Quickly enough she found her way to the steps of the hot springs, the pools neatly nestled together, a brief thought on if she could skip a rock from one to the other made her giggle as she sought out the closest and largest one, all too eager to enjoy it, soft hiss melted into a purr as the warm water welcomed her, the bottle left on the ledge as she rested her arms over it hanging off the edge. Blue eyes lazily looking around at the other pools and the falling snow as she took another sip of wine.