Zavakri is gnawing upon the knuckle of her left hand as if it would forever sate her hunger. Raw nerves apparent in the woman as she gingerly moved among the company of would-be-rebels. She observed Aurora with much trepidation, and, indeed, a spectral abacus appeared in the air at her side as she began to perform a swift accounting of the situation. The numbers could be modified, of course, but a raw assessment never hurt things! Finally relinquishing her knuckle from her mouth she made a grand effort of wiping her hand clean on her trousers, before the gears in her eyes began to turn as she prepared to harness the orderly component of magic that was uniquely unlocked to her personage. When their scheme came to fruition and the rebellion was launched, she was prepared to cast. [sub]OOC: Formally declaring a 'held' action to twin-cast 'Reduce' upon the King and the largest-seeming of all the enemy knights should a combat break out. Since this will use her Reaction, there will be no need to query her other usual shenanigans.[/sub]