The cat's dour mood strikes Zaraknvyr as particularly grating. The Drow frowns deeply, his lips only barely restraining the desire to twist into a scowl. He begins formulating a plan on how to berate the creature into a more pleasant disposition. However, Tabiah begins to speak before the slow wheels of Zaraknvyr's mind can truly devote themselves to the task. "Tabiah of the Athar. I am Zaraknvyr, Mercykiller. Abasi has made his disposition quite apparent to me. A Skeptic is a better companion than most, and a wizard as well." He grunts, lifting the beer and taking a slow drink of it. "A wizard has uses." And yet, his gaze swivels to the corner of his eyes. The Bleakers were asking for the same place he was. He licks his teeth. "Skeptic, you do not happen to have a portal key do you?" he prompted with a growing sense of dread as his pale eyes took in the company of Bleakers, partially sizing them up and partially hoping within his grubby little black heart that he would not have to conscript [i]them[/i] too.