[quote=@Memory] I'm not entirely sure. As I understand it, he ran out of energy due to the number of enemies he encountered and had to hide to restore himself. But it's good to know that those sorts of rules do apply here. [/quote] [color=f7941d][b]Alexander McClain:[/b][/color] Hmmm... maybe we can do something to help you find him once we deal with... well... the present issues here that is. [color=fff200][b]Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy:[/b][/color] Well, feel free to go ahead and help him... once we fix my home, i'm good to go on a LOOOOOOOONG ass vacation after all this mess we went through... [color=0076a3][i]*Alexander McClain chuckles at that and slams me on the back then turns to head out*[/i][/color]