[quote=@Blizz] [hider=Wiseman] [center][hr][hr][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1256034253888557198/111486_xGeamYtp.png?ex=667f4c8e&is=667dfb0e&hm=e60f5dc0e4437d5b39d975d32657a1adef7f5fa3b9bfc5f851b1ea3da9dd30ac&=&format=webp&quality=lossless[/img] [color=a90000][h1][b]WISEMAN[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=a90000]"There's more than one way to be a superhero. When you come to terms with that, you'll be glad I'm right."[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr] [color=a90000][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] ??? [color=a90000][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] Wiseman [color=a90000][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] Austin Barrow, Scarface, Barry, Patchy the Pirate [color=a90000][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] 21 [color=a90000][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] Male, He/Him [color=a90000][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] HERO, Full time [color=a90000][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] A somewhat scruffy guy who barely passes as a professional sometimes, Austin stands at a not-so-staggering 5'7", weighs around 180lbs, and has a mess of hair he always says he'll do something about. He often prefers muted colors and clothes that are comfortable over formal or practical when off the job. The most notable thing about Austin's appearance is the eyepatch and the scarring across his face. Despite being a hero and therefore having the ability to easily contact healers, he has never done anything about this and simply says he got hit in the face by a fireball as a kid. As Wiseman, he wears a modified flak suit colored white and dark red, which he has outfitted further with his tech to look more like a supersoldier from a movie than a hero. [color=a90000][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [color=a90000][list] [*]Stoic: It’s very difficult to get under Wiseman’s skin. The job comes first, and the decompression from stress that comes with the job comes after. He’s good under pressure, though maybe not so good above it. [*]Tired: Wiseman has perpetual “I work 87 hours a day” energy. When he’s not on the job, he’s Just as likely to sleep in until noon as he is to attend a HERO meeting in sweatpants… And he’s [i]very[/i] likely to do that. [*]Smartass: Of course he’s smart. He’s Wiseman. He always has something pedantic to say about something, much to the detriment of his relationship with the higherups that expect a blindly loyal soldier. [*]Rational: Austin Barrow is a simple man. His emotional straightforwardness comes from dedication to his job, a self-awareness that comes from his superhero AI-level brainpower, and a mix of other things he buried a long time ago. You’ll never see him acting recklessly, because he [i]always[/i] thinks it through. [*]Affable: It’s easy to get along with Austin once you get past his everbusy, mastermind exterior. He’s not one of those super geniuses that can’t understand people, he’s just a very reserved man when it comes to more intimidate subjects. Grief, trauma, and anger are things that he doesn’t tend to show much of. [*]Confident: When you can outthink an AI like ALISA, you tend to pick up an ego. Though, Wiseman isn’t the type to brag. He simply [i]knows[/i] he’s a damn fine hero, and doesn’t need to be told so to believe it. [/list][/color] [color=a90000][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] At the age of sixteen, an eyepatch-wearing superhuman showed up to AJH in Castleburg with legal documents identifying himself as Austin Barrow, an emancipated minor born on January 9th. He was in a weird position, but demonstrated his powers by solving some of the most complicated mathematical equations and puzzles that anyone but him could name in sixty seconds at the most. For good measure, they ran three separate IQ tests on him for good measure, averaging four digits in the end. He was enrolled and then blended into the background of many other students with ease. No one is sure for certain where Wiseman came from, and he has made enough of a name for himself among HERO's ranks that those in power don't feel the need to ask. It is unlikely that even the Director has any idea whether or not his story was true, but it all began three years prior with a trail of cyber crimes that ultimately led to a trail without a lead. During his days at the academy, Austin demonstrated an uncharacteristically well-developed grasp of his powers and their capabilities. Teachers noted his lack of engagement with the more normal subjects such as mathematics or history, even though he was psychologically unable to be anything less than perfect at them. In more practical classes, such as power training and superhuman combat, Austin demonstrated a natural inclination towards outsmarting opponents and an aversion to upfront fighting. Unless he was truly backed into a corner with no way out, he'd always find a way to trip people up, make them screw each other over, or use some gadget he was able to slip into the training room undetected to catch people off guard. Austin sat somewhere between a troublemaker and a gold star student, and no one doubted he'd be a damn good superhero once he was ready. And sure enough, he became a proper member of HERO upon graduation, taking the name Wiseman and immediately setting to work on things he was sure would make the city a better place. As Wiseman, he developed a reputation as a strategist, flexible fighter and inventive supporter of other heroes. Anyone who needed a second opinion on some big move they were making, such as a raid on a compound of supervillains or some excessive stunt to build the next big innovation that helps heroes do their job, might be inclined to pick his brain, or throw him into a room together with ALISA to do what neither of them them could achieve alone. His record up to the current day has been exemplary, barring the occasional snide comment to authority figures he really should have more respect for. And everyone is none the wiser... [color=a90000][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] No one can find out who Wiseman was before that day he walked into the Academy of Junior Superheroes. But if they did, they would find that "Austin Barrow" doesn't have any parents, or any family members he was ever actually related to at all. [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=a90000][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [color=a90000][INDENT]Theta Class[/INDENT][/color] [color=a90000][B][ Perfect Mind ][/B][/color] [color=a90000][INDENT]Befitting his name, Wiseman’s brain operates on a level that puts a supercomputer to shame. Austin’s power allows him to think faster than most people, form strategies in seconds, do advanced calculus in his head and understand topics that would otherwise be exhausting to learn. He cannot forget anything, as his memory is infallible, and as long as his body is still capable, Austin will never get rusty at anything he learns.[/INDENT][/color] [color=a90000][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ Wiseman is in decent shape, but is my no means able to match up against the heavy-hitting superheroes of HERO. He can handle himself in a straight up fight, but prefers to be smart about things and avoid a fair fight as much as possible. Against someone more inclined towards upfront combat, he’s shit out of luck. [color=a90000][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ Wiseman is slippery when he wants to be, good at ducking under things, slipping over high walls and leaping considerable distances to keep out of some meat-headed villain's grasp. But these are things done in the context of a well-trained human body, easily beat by heroes more agile than him, or by heroes with movement-based powers. [color=a90000][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■■■ Austin goes by Wiseman for a reason. Where other highly intelligent heroes play checkers, he plays chess. Wiseman is capable of memorizing entire languages in a week, and could cheat a world class magician out of a poker game if he really wanted. Even ALISA tends to struggle to keep up with him sometimes, and he has gone back and forth in chess games with her repeatedly. She still thinks he cheated that one time. [color=a90000][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ Wiseman’s destructive capabilities lie in the arsenal of gadgets he has built for himself. Technically speaking, he could build whatever he wanted as long as he had the resources, but HERO isn’t going to give him an MSR to power his workshop, so he tends to stick to things like weapons, computer algorithms that manage data or make other heroes do their job easier. His weapons can cause some above average destruction, by their very nature as [i]weapons,[/i] but are outclassed by most offense powers. [color=a90000][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ If Wiseman really wanted to, he could get into a knife fight with someone and hit them in just the right spot to open an artery, or tune up the waveband on one of his weapons to incinerate flesh. Wiseman knows enough about infrastructure of buildings that he could smoke out an entire bank by tampering with the HVAC system, or rig someone’s car to explode. Most of these things, however, require time or setup to pull off and aren’t very feasible compared to a hero that can crush skulls like paper bags. [color=a90000][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ Beyond getting occasionally roughed up by villains in a fight, Wiseman is no more or less sturdy than a normal human being that is well-accustomed to a scrap. [color=a90000][B][ STAMINA ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ Wiseman prioritizes running from, and [i]avoiding[/i] a fair fight over getting in one. So he tends to keep his body in good enough shape that he can run, jump, hide and climb his way out of scuffles to keep himself unharmed. Though, some heroes have powers that make them machines on legs, and they could outlast him easily. [color=a90000][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ Efficacy isn't a concern for Wiseman, since his power is more of a mutation that is always on then something he uses. But Austin does put it to good use in the form of constantly picking up new skills and learning new branches of applied science that he hasn't tried his hand at yet. This makes Austin the designated renaissance man of his hero company, who people go to when they just can't seem to get that one inconvenient problem taken care of. The only reason he never claims to have outright "mastered" his power is that Wiseman believes he will never run out of things to learn. [color=a90000][B][ SURVEILLANCE LEVEL ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ Wiseman has an effectively spotless reputation in his hero company. Though, the very nature of his highly skilled power usage and the fact that he firmly believes in being less fair towards villains means that it is necessary to keep an eye on him. The man literally has an entire lab full of energy weapons, supercomputers, diagrams of information that seem like mad ramblings, and unfinished gadgets for himself and other heroes that he works in. It would be bad practice to not check in every now and then. With that in mind, Wiseman has never given HERO or ICOSA a reason to turn his lab upside down, so they tend to be [i]somewhat[/i] lax in what he can get away with, but they still do their job nonetheless. [color=a90000][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [color=a90000][b]Hacking[/b][/color] Wiseman has demonstrated a phenomenal ability to dismantle security systems used by villains and incoming cyberterrorists. Often, he simply uses this as a way to retrace the footsteps of some villain who thought they were clever enough with [i]their[/i] hacking skills. In the field, he'll use this to usurp a villain's control over something. Though, he has also been known to quietly hack into public systems, such as a bank's camera network, to catch the bad guys in the act more quickly. [color=a90000][b]Advanced Technology[/b][/color] Wiseman's most well-used skill is his ability to work with technology that baffles some of the world's best engineers. There is no physics-breaking element to any of his devices, but the sheer sophistication he demonstrates in his work outclasses things done by most people in the world of non-powered science. He could reverse engineer an enemy AI similar to ALISA in construction or assist tech-central heroes with their more esoteric projects like it's nothing. [color=a90000][b]Chess[/b][/color] Austin is a monumental nerd when it comes to chess. He claims to have memorized every possible move that has ever been used by anyone since the game's first match in human history. Whether this is simply a batshit crazy claim that is tangentially plausible due to Austin's powers or the honest truth, he's pretty damn good. ALISA has played eight games with him so far, and lost only half of them. [i][sub][color=turquoise]I'm telling you, Director. I can't prove it but he CHEATS![/color][/sub][/i] [color=a90000][b]Strategy[/b][/color] Lay out the battlefield before him, give him enough variables, and Wiseman can come up with a compelling plan that works for everyone involved. He likes to think of himself as something of a mastermind, able to look at a situation like it's a game, and has no trouble thinking on his feet when in a fast-paced situation. [color=a90000][b]Weapons Combat[/b][/color] Wiseman does not, under any circumstances, believe in fighting fair when it comes to villains who could kill someone the day after an encounter with them. To compensate for this, he's trained himself to fight with non-lethal weapons to take down the villains who fly or can move things with their mind. His personal favorite fighting method, though, is knife fighting. Where other weapons are just a tool for the job to him, fighting is more like an art to him, one that he has a deep appreciation for. [color=a90000][b]Research[/b][/color] If there's something Wiseman doesn't know, he'll figure it out. He knows how to dig up information, where to find it and how to verify it. Usually, this just involves looking for dusty old patents or looking for evidence to crimes that was buried deeper than a nuclear waste container. [color=a90000][b]Worldly Knowledge[/b][/color] Wiseman is one of those people that just know too many god damn things. He's the type of person who sits in a chair and glues his eyes to ten different screens at once, processing more information than most people can tolerate with glazed-over eyes and a migraine. He always has some random fact loaded for any situation, that might provide some insight or might be completely fucking useless. [color=a90000][b]First Aid[/b][/color] It turns out that being a hero means getting hurt, so Wiseman learned to stitch his coworkers up early on. [color=a90000][b]Multilingual[/b][/color] Russian, Mandarin, French, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, German, Spanish... Austin is also a bit of a language nerd, if it wasn't obvious. [color=a90000][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [color=a90000]Stasis Blaster[/color] A photonic wavecrest inverter fires a stabilized lepton cluster into a type-9 hadron chamber to create the effect of a freeze ray. Wiseman rigged this into the shape of a rifle, and uses it to give villains a nasty chill just shy of hypothermia. Its purpose is to debilitate someone and take away their motivation to fight back. Because of its ability to halt molecular movement, the Stasis Blaster also does a good job of scrambling electronics [color=a90000]Lasereye Visor[/color] A special set of optical functions built into Wiseman's helmet allow him to see up to five hundred feet away with crystal clear detail, access infrared and UV vision, and see electricity moving through wires. Thanks to a sodium ion power cell lined with neon particulate-infused casing, the visor as a battery life of 18 hours. [color=a90000]Indra Blade[/color] A little known fact about the planet's weather is that less than 5% of the lightning strikes that occur yearly are positive instead of negative. Wiseman uses a similar device to the power source of his Stasis Blaster to provide a positive electric current to a dagger. For all intents and purposes, it's little more than a very strong shock baton, but its shape allows Wiseman to use it more effectively. [color=a90000]Lexicon[/color] A wristmounted computer using quantum computing to process as much information as Wiseman could possibly need. It can project holographic interfaces for ease access, backs up to a computer in Wiseman's lab, and interface with most devices that Wiseman could feasibly access. The programming of the Lexicon also has special provisions that allow ALISA to access it remotely, in case of an emergency or if there is no other way to reach Wiseman. [color=a90000]Angel-5[/color] The fifth iteration of a sub-Vertias AI powered drone that Wiseman employs in areas hit by a crisis. Angel-5 is roughly 3x3x3 feet in size, and is equipped with a robust array of medical resources to provide first aid to civilians or other heroes that are wounded. Everything from ionic cautery blades to foreign object removal kits are packed into its shell. The drone is semi-autonomous by design, as its limited intelligence allows ALISA to access an internal storage device that records all medical attention that Angel-5 provides. This data is also backed up to HERO’s database for the purpose of reports and cross referencing. [/hider] [/quote] Looks good. Accepted!