[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] A frustrated growl rumbled free of Brutrumukk's throat as once again another bird had wronged him and then slipped through his fingers. Fortunately, the [s]bugbear[/s] gnome was quickly able to console himself with chuckling cruelly at the girl's expense when she went through an entire dramatic introduction speech only to awkwardly realize that she had said it in the wrong place. However, the good vibes brought on by the schadenfreude were short lived. When the girl mentioned that they were in the Elemental Plane of Air, Brutrumukk tried to check his gnomish intellect for any knowledge about the place. But all he could come up with was vague memories of stories his mother used to tell at the campfire. Memories that made the strange feeling he'd felt back at that walking inn after seeing a casting of Druidcraft return. Wanting very much for the strange feeling to stop, Brutrumukk focused on the next thing he perceived. That being the girl saying that this Master Ishaan could help once he returned. [color=brown]"Oh 'e can, can 'e?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked. [color=brown]"An' what 'elp d'you reckon a windy nob like 'im would give us? An' what'd 'e expect in return too, fer that matter?"[/color]