[hider=Stray] [hr][hr][center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESoHBHTVAAE_lW8?format=jpg&name=large[/img] [color=96EACE][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grey-magus-font/][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210709/2a2dce1458bbe0a0c7c16fa79e4752ca.png[/img][/url][/color] [b][color=96EACE]"Nah, I'm not drunk, this is just anemia."[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr] [color=96EACE][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Joseph Moore[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Stray[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Lazy Bastard “Who?”[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Twenty-two[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Male[/INDENT][/color] [color=96EACE][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [INDENT]H.E.R.O.[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]The main thing people might notice about Joseph is just how average he is. Standing about six feet tall, with scruffy black hair and brown eyes, he has the sort of appearance that can blend into the crowd even in an empty room. He tends to wear sunglasses at just about all times, because, in his own words, it makes him look cool and mysterious. It doesn’t, and he knows it, but he’ll never admit it. He also wears a lot of layers, often wearing winter clothes even in summer, because he claims he gets cold really easily.[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT] [b]Laid Back:[/b][/INDENT][/color] Joseph is very much the sort of person who prefers to sit back and go with the flow whenever possible, letting life take him where it will. This is most often seen when people want him to do something, only to inevitably find him asleep on a couch somewhere. [color=Turquoise][INDENT] [b]Socially Inept:[/b][/INDENT][/color] Joseph has been blessed with the uncanny ability to come up with the exact [i]wrong[/i] thing to say at the wrong time. On the plus side though, the fact that most people who already know him know about this particular “talent” means that he can use it for his own enjoyment occasionally, with giving people overtly stupid advice having become something of a hobby of his. [color=Turquoise][INDENT] [b]Quiet:[/b][/INDENT][/color] Joseph isn’t exactly a fan of the spotlight, preferring to stay in the background when possible. He has a habit of avoiding public attention and diverting it to others, even if he was heavily involved in an event they’re focusing on. This naturally means he has basically zero exposure to audiences, with only the most hardcore H.E.R.O. fans even knowing he actually exists. [color=Turquoise][INDENT] [b]Diligent:[/b][/INDENT][/color] Although he’s cultivated the image of a lazy, easy-going slacker during his time at H.E.R.O., the truth is that he’s actually rather diligent, spending most of his evenings preparing runes late into the night, or furthering his knowledge on the Code in order to do so more effectively. This gives him the benefit of usually having plenty of runic arrays prepared for all sorts of various purposes. Unfortunately, it also tends to leave him sleep deprived, and more than a little anemic, which is why he spends the majority of his time at H.E.R.O. when not on an actual mission sleeping or relaxing. [color=96EACE][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Joseph isn’t exactly someone who talks about his past. According to him, there’s nothing particularly interesting to say about it. Perfectly average life, parents, school, all that junk. And that would be perfectly believable, as long as you don’t actually look into it, and learn that there doesn’t seem to be much record of Joseph Moore’s history at all. Ask him about it, and he’ll tell you the fun little story about the storm that flooded the building where all that sort of stuff was kept in his tiny hometown, ruining almost all of the records held there. Were there backups? Apparently not, if [i]you[/i] can’t find them…[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] [indent]Terrified of flying. Also terrified of water where he can’t see the bottom. Somehow able to drink [i]actually horrific[/i] amounts of alcohol and still have a healthy liver. Has drank ethanol and rubbing alcohol more than once.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=96EACE][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Epsilon in the records[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [INDENT] [b][u]Runecrafting[/u][/b] Joseph is a magus, a person who wields the power of runes. All of existence is built upon a force known as the Code, which as the name implies, functions as something like the code of a computer program. Magi use runes from various ancient languages to manipulate this code, inscribing them in complex arrays to add, remove, or alter various effects to whatever they're written on. It is an extremely dangerous power to wield, and even a slight mistake in the writing process, or the smallest incompatibility between runes used in the arrays, can cause a paradox that results in the array, along with an amount of space around it dependent on the size and complexity of the array, will be completely erased from reality.[/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ 3/10 Joseph's strength is barely above what a normal person can achieve, being incapable of reinforcing his own body with runes as many other magi can due to the mistakes of his past. [color=96EACE][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ 3/10 Although he's trained himself to be as mobile as possible, his body is still just that of a normal human. [color=96EACE][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ 7/10 Unfortunately, Joseph is actually rather inept when it comes to many normal academic subjects. However, when it comes to things like magic, combat tactics, and analysing opponents, he could easily be called a genius. [color=96EACE][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ 7/10 If armed with the right runes ahead of time, Joseph can cause a pretty decent amount of destruction in a relatively short amount of time. Not that he [i]would,[/i] of course, but between explosive arrays and transmutation arrays, he definitely [i]could.[/i] [color=96EACE][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■□□ 8/10 Though he does his best to avoid it whenever possible, killing people seems to be something of a specialty for him. Runes make it easy. Runically enchanted firearms make it easier. It's a talent he's cultivated over the last eight years, and he gets the depressing feeling that isn't going to change any time soon. [color=96EACE][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ 5/10 While Joseph can enchant his clothing to withstand certain attacks, and even bullets to a degree, it's entirely possible for stronger powers to break through these defences. [color=96EACE][B][ STAMINA ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■□□□□ 6/10 Though it [i]heavily[/i] depends on a number of factors, such as how much sleep he's gotten recently, how much blood he still has in his body, and how much alcohol is [i]in[/i] said blood, when he's in decent condition, Joseph is actually pretty fit. As long as it's actually necessary, he can put a decent amount of effort in for longer than most who've met him would expect. [color=96EACE][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ 5/10 Though not [i]strictly[/i] necessary, most runes generally need to be written using the casters blood, or an ink made with it mixed in. The less blood used for the runes, the less powerful the effects will be. As Joseph, like most humans, only has a limited amount of blood, he usually has to prepare runes ahead of time when he's safe, and then bring them out only when he [i]definitely[/i] needs them. It unfortunately results in fairly common anemia. [color=96EACE][B][ SURVEILLANCE LEVEL ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ 4/10 On his own, Joseph usually doesn’t cause all that much of a scene due to his tendency to try and lay low. It’s only really when he gets caught up in the antics of his colleagues that he tends to get involved in any real havoc. Although, in all fairness, it doesn’t take all that much convincing to join them in the chaos either… [color=96EACE][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [INDENT] Exeptional Calligraphy Marksmanship Stealth Close Quarters Combat Both standard and thaumaturgic First Aid Gardening Cooking Cleaning Sewing Lying to himself [/INDENT] [color=96EACE][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [INDENT] Runically enchanted firearms At least two enchanted combat knives Pouches of spare enchanted ammunition Likely multiple layers of enchanted jackets, shirts, and other clothes Sunglasses Runic tags Notepads Ink bottles and brush Sewing kit Backpack[/INDENT] [/hider]