[quote=@Aku the Samurai] [hider=Fallout] [centre][hr][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/93/92/6b/93926b4a723637832650e1ed8dc2ca0d.jpg[/img] [color=94B21C][h1][b]FALLOUT[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=94B21C]"I'm not here to win. I just want to make sure you lose."[/color][/b][/centre][hr][hr] [color=94B21C][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Riley [s]Basilov[/s][/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Fallout[/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Ley, Chernobyl, ЯE@CT0R [/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]17-19[/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [INDENT]H.E.R.O. (Probationary), LeNSec [/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [INDENT]A young man of Irish descent standing at the average height for his age with a slender and athletic build developed from a lifetime of physical activity, Riley often stands out even when he doesn't really try to. He has a fair complexion, bright blue-green eyes and relatively short, messy black hair with long, framing bangs. Various scars mar his forearms and back, which he usually keeps covered, though not out of any sense of self-consciousness, and his fingernails are painted black. He always wears a pair of silver dog tags with the names scratched out. [b][colour=94B21C]Civilian Attire:[/colour][/b] Riley has never been one to be overly concerned with fashion in any capacity. His casual clothing usually consists of whatever he has available at the time, without favouring any particular style, which usually means wearing a comfortable hoodie adorned with random logos, jeans and sneakers. Since he doesn't get cold, he often wears simple T-shirts in the winter for convenience's sake. [b][colour=94B21C]Hero Attire:[/colour][/b] While he rarely wears it, the current costume that Riley utilises is made from a highly radiation-absorbent material, and covers most of his body, with white gloves that leave much of his fingers exposed. To keep his identity concealed, he wears a customised respirator that covers the lower half of his face. [hider=ЯE@CT0R] Whenever he shows himself using this alias, Riley dresses in an oversized black jacket and matching jeans, with biohazard symbols on the sleeves and chest. He also wears a full-face mask that significantly alters the sound of his voice to make identifying him as difficult as possible.[/hider] [/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [INDENT][colour=94B21C]◦ Anti-Authoritarian:[/colour] Riley has a sharp tongue and isn't at all afraid to use it on anyone he dislikes. He cares very little for those who might get offended by his words and often even goes out of his way to antagonise them, specifically if they are in just about any position of authority whatsoever. It's gotten him into trouble more than a few times, though he doesn't plan to change his behaviour any time soon. Even then, Riley rarely, if ever, raises his voice and he's rather averse to cursing. [colour=94B21C]◦ Knowledge Fanatic:[/colour] Riley likes to learn—scratch that, he's just about completely obsessed with it. For most people, it would be a normal, simple thing, but it was more than that for Riley. His endless curiosity and bottomless desire for knowledge have driven him to study anything he could get his hands on, legally obtained or otherwise. [colour=94B21C]◦ Neat Freak:[/colour] Simply speaking, he hates untidiness, especially if it's anywhere near his chosen workspace. It's to the point where he absolutely refuses to do any work unless the place is of an acceptable—in his eyes—standard. Riley is easily irritated when he sees things out of order and he has very little tolerance for disorganised individuals. [colour=94B21C]◦ Grey Morality:[/colour] While not exactly amoral, Riley displays a very atypical moral code of conduct, where he believes the ends usually justify the means, as long as the most people benefit. In spite of that, he does genuinely try to do good in his own way, even if his actions at times might seem questionable to outsiders looking in. [colour=94B21C]◦ Two-Faced:[/colour] Riley is a fairly straightforward and unapologetic person; at least, that's how he generally carries himself. However, when the situation calls for it, he has proven to be quite deceptive, effortlessly switching gears to appear as if he were another person entirely. It never ceases to unnerve even people who know him pretty well. [/INDENT] [colour=94B21C][B][ BIO ][/B][/colour] [INDENT]Riley doesn’t officially exist. He has no birth certificate and no way to confirm his identity. Not in the U.S., at least. His first visit to the United States was unremarkable and didn’t leave much of an impression on anyone. The second visit, which took him to Castleburg, however, was a bit [i]too[/i] eventful. Following a rather extreme misunderstanding wherein he inadvertently solved a murder investigation, he was arrested and taken into custody by H.E.R.O. While he was cleared of any wrongdoing in that specific situation, his status as a member of LeNSec proved enough of an incentive to keep him around. Riley’s integration into H.E.R.O. has been something of a challenge. The thinly-veiled disdain for authority he displays and his lack of an official background have led to some issues. His cavalier attitude towards standard morals would be more concerning if not for his compliance with every order given, if sometimes not in the exact way specified. Despite reservations about him, his abilities and selfless nature make him an invaluable asset to the organisation. [/INDENT] [colour=94B21C][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/colour] [indent]Riley definitely isn't addicted to Chocolate or coffee. Oddly enough, Riley has a melodious singing voice, to the surprise of many, and much to his chagrin. Would literally rather die than break a promise. He takes them [i]very[/i] seriously.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [colour=94B21C][B][ RANKING ][/B][/colour] [INDENT]Not quite sure. [/INDENT] [colour=94B21C][B][ POWERS ][/B][/colour] [INDENT]Riley possesses the ability to manipulate nuclear reactions. He can freely control the reactions that affect the nucleus of an atom, including nuclear fusion, fission and transmutation, as long as he understands the mechanics behind them. His power includes the ability to utilise all forms of radiation in various ways, making it extremely lethal if used incorrectly, though its effectiveness depends heavily on his knowledge. With his capabilities, he could even be considered to be a kind of living nuclear reactor—without the excruciating death of everything around him, of course. He is not precisely immune to the effects of his powers either, though they are greatly beneficial to him instead of being detrimental. At its highest level, Riley’s powers can theoretically induce nuclear fission chain reactions that can lead to catastrophic explosions if left unchecked. While it does require a level of power that Riley has yet to display, the potential cannot simply be overlooked. [b][colour=94B21C]Weaknesses:[/colour][/b] As powerful as this ability can be, it requires an exorbitant amount of energy to use and as such, Riley generally uses it only in small bursts, preferring to rely on his other skills. Its heavy reliance on prior, and practical, knowledge also hinders it somewhat, though Riley considers that more of a challenge than anything else. [/INDENT] [colour=94B21C][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B] ■■■□□□□□□□[/colour] Riley possesses above-average physical strength, roughly comparable to a trained athlete. His powers do not make him stronger than a normal human. [colour=94B21C][B][ AGILITY ][/B] ■■■□□□□□□□[/colour] Riley’s highly active lifestyle has led him to develop an excellent mix of speed and agility. His power enables him some mobility options, but nothing substantial. [colour=94B21C][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B] ■■■■■■■□□□[/colour] Riley is what many would call a genius. A mix of boredom and repressed curiosity has created a metaphoric vacuum of knowledge within him. He is a fast learner and highly knowledgeable and proficient in various fields with no end in sight to how much more he intends to learn. [colour=94B21C][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B] ■■■■■■■■■■[/colour] Riley possesses a staggeringly high capacity for environmental and structural damage. His ability to destabilise molecular bonds and transmute matter into hazardous forms poses a significant risk to not only people around him but also to the environment itself. Whether or not his stamina would hold out if such a scenario ever came to pass is another story. [colour=94B21C][B][ LETHALITY ][/B] ■■■■■■■□□□[/colour] Riley’s powers have a high lethality rate. Due to his ability to destabilise molecular bonds, he can cause a living being to undergo a catastrophic collapse in a matter of seconds; a “meltdown”, of sorts. He can also transmute inorganic matter into any number of deadly elements that he knows the composition of. [colour=94B21C][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B] ■■■■■□□□□□[/colour] Riley is far more resilient than his frame might suggest. In order to safely use his abilities, Riley’s body is uniquely adapted to withstand high amounts of physical force (though he isn’t bullet-proof) and absorb all kinds of radiation. Other than that, he has a remarkably high pain tolerance, though he shuts down any attempts by others to learn why. [colour=94B21C][B][ STAMINA ][/B] ■■■□□□□□□□[/colour] This is, perhaps, where the biggest weakness of his power lies. While regular transmutation and such do not require much energy to accomplish, greater usage of his abilities drains his stamina at an alarming rate, making using them rather ill-advised. [colour=94B21C][B][ EFFICACY ][/B] ■■■■■■□□□□[/colour] Fortunately for everyone, including himself, Riley has great control over his powers, making accidental usage an issue no one really has to be concerned about. [colour=94B21C][B][ SURVELIANCE LEVEL ][/B] ■■■■■■■□□□[/colour] At the end of the day, Riley is a good person.... mostly. His ways of getting certain things done are more than a little suspect, but he always ensures civilians are not adversely affected. There is also the fact that he was—and possibly still is—a [s]core[/s] member of the grey hat hacker group, LeNSec. Combined with his antipathetic behaviour and dangerous powerset, he requires considerable monitoring by H.E.R.O. personnel, though the overall altruistic actions of the group in question have granted him a bit of leniency. [colour=94B21C][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/colour] [INDENT][colour=94B21C]Hacking:[/colour] As to be expected of a member of LeNSec, Riley is highly skilled at compromising the security of digital devices and networks, breaking through firewalls and generally messing around with electronics. He is proficient enough that he earned a spot as one of the core members of the group, though that fact remains undisclosed. [colour=94B21C]Engineering:[/colour] Riley is good at more than just infiltrating security systems for his job. He's also decent at repairing electronics and other similar technologies. [colour=94B21C]Scientific Knowledge:[/colour] Owing to his academic nature, Riley is well-versed in the many branches of science, particularly in nuclear physics; a subject that he is more than intimately familiar with. He is also familiar with the molecular compositions of quite a few materials. There probably isn't another person in the world who can even approach his level of expertise. [colour=94B21C]Multilingual:[/colour] Riley is fluent in [i]at least[/i] three languages, those being Russian, English and Japanese. [colour=94B21C]Weapons Handling:[/colour] Riley is skilled in the use of melee weapons and a good shot, having been trained extensively in the arts at a young age. [colour=94B21C]Parkour:[/colour] Riley is a skilled traceur, having been blessed with natural athleticism and cursed ████ █ ██████. [colour=94B21C]Close-Quarters Combat[/colour] While not much of a brawler, Riley is more than capable of defending himself if it comes down to it, especially if he has a weapon on him. [colour=94B21C]Larceny:[/colour] Riley is able to quickly and easily steal from others without being noticed. This extends to using his hacking skills to obtain money from his targets' bank accounts, or simply stealing other equipment he has his eyes on. [colour=94B21C]Subterfuge:[/colour] The area in which Riley most excels when it comes to his shadier dealings is his ability to deceive others. Whether it be a change in posture, a slight shift in the tone of his voice, expressing emotion with his eyes, or even fabricating an entirely new personality to further his goals. Really, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether any of the characters he portrays are genuine. [colour=94B21C]Driving:[/colour] Riley has recently obtained a motorcycle license for use. [/INDENT] [color=94B21C][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [INDENT][colour=94B21C]Multi-tool:[/colour] A hand-held tool with multiple individual functions in a single unit are a great tool to have. One of the tools Riley often uses his powers on. The pocket knife is separate. [colour=94B21C]Pocket knife:[/colour] A simple, sturdy pocket knife he was allowed to keep. One of the tools he often uses his powers on. [colour=94B21C]Smartphone and earphones:[/colour] Riley often carries them around, usually to listen to music when he’s cleaning. H.E.R.O.-issued since his original device was confiscated. [colour=94B21C][s]M1911[/s] Taser:[/colour] A variable-powered taser useful for self-defence, and not much else. His actual firearm was confiscated upon his arrest. Most of his equipment was. [colour=94B21C]Motorcycle:[/colour] Riley has a customised motorcycle to go with his license. It’s not stolen, but he wasn’t the one to buy it. [/INDENT][/hider] [/quote] Really interesting character! We did kind of need a boomboom character. Would classify him as an Alpha character, probably, pretty much the platonic ideal of that classification. (You also spelled surveillance wrong LOL). Otherwise, welcome board!