[center][color=007236][h2]Jill Brookes[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][color=007236]Location:[/color] Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory [color=007236]Mentions:[/color] [@Savo] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Vertigo] [@Crusader Lord][hr] After her initial greeting towards Clarissa, Jill had become uncharacteristically quiet as she watched her companions talk amongst themselves. Something was not adding up here. Despite not commenting on it, she [i]had[/i] in fact noticed increasing hostility between Yuu and Chloe on their trek through the factory. She'd been hoping it was nothing. She was hoping she'd imagined it. She was hoping it would stop eventually. It hadn't. Obviously Yuu hadn't been the nicest to Jill when they first met, but the ninja girl was used to [i]that[/i]. People seemed to get exasperated with [i]her[/i] very easily. Even her beloved grandparents had moments where their expression showed a clear... frustration... disappointment? Some kind of emotion that Jill couldn't quite identify but definitely made her stomach sink. They were always apologising for her, always telling her to slow down, telling her to consider other people. She [i]did[/i] try to consider other people, but it didn't to seem to make a difference. That's why she was so surprised when she'd first befriended Zeph, and now when Chloe had so quickly taken her under her wing. She really wasn't used to such unflinching and complete acceptance. That's why, when Yuu had immediately made some unprovoked rude comments towards Chloe that Jill had been incredibly confused. The other girl hadn't even had a chance to say anything before Yuu seemed to pass judgement on her, and it was strange. Jill hadn't known Chloe that long but in that time, she'd been nothing but nice to her, and had been so eager to come along and help Clarissa when she needed it. Obviously, she'd been a bit rude to Yuu, but in her defense, he [i]had[/i] been rude first. None of this made sense, and after a bit, Jill had just started to wonder if Yuu was like this to everyone. Then Clarissa had shown up, and that theory was dashed. Yuu seemed completely different, much nicer, much more complimentary, moreso than he'd been to even Remi and Nevine, who he'd seemed mildly more tolerant of during their fight. And while Clarissa seemed like a nice enough person, Jill couldn't really identify anything off the bat that would make Yuu substantially nicer to her than to anyone else they'd met. Then Yuu glanced in her and Chloe's direction and she realised he was talking about her. Huh? She quickly rewound the conversation in her head. Something about... contests? Oh yeah, she'd heard of contests. She'd even seen a few on television. They seemed pretty cool. She definitely wouldn't mind trying one at least once. Chloe in particular seemed interested so she'd like to go along just to support her. She was about to open her mouth to speak when Chloe seemed to noticed her snubbull wasn't by her side, and quickly excused herself from the group to chase after her Pokemon, leaving her alone with Yuu and Clarissa. Jill glanced between the two of them, then in the direction Chloe had gone, considering what she should do. [color=007236]"You know,"[/color] she said suddenly towards Yuu. [color=007236]"You really should be nicer to Chloe. She's not a bad person, and it's not fair for you to treat her like one."[/color] And without further elaboration or even waiting for a response, she scooped up Aster in her arms and then went after Chloe. Oleander, who had been floating quietly during this whole conversation, glanced dully in the direction of Jill as she ran off. They didn't make any move to follow, just watched her go off as if considering something.