[indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://imageshack.com/i/pnpkbWzQj[/img][/center][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=f5c140][center][b]First Night[/b][/center] [center][b]Near the Abandoned Lot[/b][/center][/color] [hr] On the roof of a shoddy little convenience store, concealed by their class skill and their spirit form, Assassin was in an excellent position to hear and see all that unfolded between the Servants who had gathered down below. And there was a [i]lot[/i] to take in. Defenders of Christendom, a stray Servant offering his talents to the strongest contender, a blackened Holy Grail... All the heroes gathered in the lot seemed to be of a similar mind about what should be done to a corrupted Grail, even if they weren't willing to immediately all band together as allies to accomplish the task. How much did this affect Assassin's plans? As Puss in Boots, they were honour-bound to grant all their Master's wishes and bring them the finest things in life, but the structure of the war was beginning to break down before it had even begun. If there was no magical wish granter to be won, it meant they would have to grant Oleg-Marie's wishes with nothing but the point of their sword. An easy task for the Master Cat! [color=f5c140][b][i]That's good judgment, Master.[/i][/b][/color] Puss responded through the telepathic bond. Indeed, a sharp-eyed Saber was probably the most annoying sort of Servant to have running around when you were an Assassin. [color=f5c140][b][i]I'll give it my [u]very[/u] best effort at the first opportunity.[/i][/b][/color] Puss' words dripped with false conviction and energy, uncharacteristic of the loyal Assassin. Perhaps Oleg-Marie could read into the message that lay within that sarcastic tone. Puss in Boots would grant all their Master's wishes, but if he didn't [i]truly[/i] want Lorenzo killed, it wasn't going to happen. For Puss, the Master's orders came second, after the wishes in the Master's heart. [color=f5c140][b][i]Anyway, if you've made an alliance with a Master, the next thing you should ask about is whether their Servant is one of the ones gathered here.[/i][/b][/color] Puss chimed into their Master's head again, eyeing the Shielder and Rider. [color=f5c140][b][i]There's a guy with a little bicycle who's been making an awful fool of himself, and a kid who's looking to team up with somebody. They're probably going to try and destroy the Grail, if they can reach it.[/i][/b][/color] They sensed one more, a moment later, swinging over the streets to loom over the gathering, not so different from what they themselves were doing. [color=f5c140][b][i]And another Servant's shown up. I'm not sure how long things will stay peaceful for... So just let me know whose side I should be on, 'kay?[/i][/b][/color] [@Letter Bee]