[quote=@Memory] *Straightens my chair* I can’t wait to see what they serve. I wonder if they can even serve meat, since you would have to kill for it. [/quote] Yeah... i mean... wait are you a vegan?! [color=0076a3][i]*I hold a laughter*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Within next moment he reappears with a flourish of plates, forks, knives and spoons for the both of us, and condiments and a jug of water, then gives us two... rather thick menus... it is not possible that they would have all human foods ever... right? What's more, once opened it seems like there are no prices next any dish... just a symbol of a star...*[/i][/color] [color=00aeef][b]Waiter:[/b][/color] I'll leave you to decide, and click your fingers when you are ready! [color=0076a3][i]*He smiles and vanishes again*[/i][/color]