[@Dyelli Beybi] [color=0054a6][h1] [center]Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann [/center][/h1][/color] Helmut again raised a brow at Harper, calling her Chucky. He didn’t get the reference, but he guessed he didn’t introduce himself, so nicknames seemed applicable. “[color=0054a6][i]My name is Helmut Spielzeugmann. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And I assure you I would not waste my time peeping on female students.[/i][/color]” He didn’t blush, but he did look at her with a grimace. He was not as lascivious or ghoulish as she assumed. “[color=0054a6][i]What are the rules of beer pong?[/i][/color]” He had not heard of or played the game before. So, he would need some clarification of the rules. “I guess I could join your game; it could be fun.” He shrugged his shoulders, assuming that beer pong was something fun his peers would do.