[b][i]Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh[/i][/b] [b]Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:00 UTC+7, which is 7:00, UTC+8[/b] The Cambodian Army, Police, and Special Forces were gathered around the Convention Center, ranging tanks, armored personnel vehicles, and even heavy machine guns in front of the building as if the enemy were inside the premises, not on their borders. It was clear that they were waiting for a moment of justification for future treachery, and this moment came sooner than anyone would have liked when the speakers turned on and the voice of Cambodia's Prime Minister, whom the politically astute remembered to be a ruthless, tight-fisted man who had reduced the parliamentary opposition's power to almost nothing, rang through the halls: "People of Cambodia, members of the Army, I regret to inform you that a member of our Parliament, Phuong Keo, has been murdered... By one of the members of Task Force Obsidian, Callie Lindmann. This, in turn, is a nefarious act of treachery, which in turn adds to various minor slights our great nation has received from the Vietnamese and the Thai, including [i]dragging us into the ASEAN War in the first place[/i]. Thus, we declare the dissolution of the conference held in this country and Cambodia - And Laos' - departure from ASEAN, the nationalization of all assets belonging to other ASEAN nations, and the arrest of all ASEAN-loyal personnel in the country - Starting with Task Force Obsidian." [hr] "We're fighting our way out of here!" Noel Alonso proclaimed as he barked into the comms, "Myron, Nico, everyone, we need to reach the Mekong River; I already called for extraction but they'll take two hours to arrive!" Then suddenly, the walls dividing the Philippine delegation's office exploded, and Superbia - The first Superbia Avatar, not the 'Yulian' one - entered the room. In one of his large, calloused hands was held, by the hair, [i]the head of Lei Qingshe[/i], detached from the rest of the body and trailing blood as it swung carelessly from the man's hand. Superbia then threw the head onto the floor before them, saying to Noel, Maria, Henri, Aoi, and Nil, [b]"Your greatest hope has been lost by my hand. Look at your future, and [i]despair[/i]."[/b] Behind him were several elite members of the Cambodian Special Forces, many of them mundane soldiers who had only assault rifles, anti-materiel rifles, heavy pistols, and flash-bang grenades; they were facing Henri, ready to shoot. But all that did was embolden Noel as he said, "Henri, use your power to erase this Avatar! The rest of us will hold back the enemy troops!" Here was hoping Henri was not suddenly paralyzed by despair or ennui or some other emotion, otherwise, [i]Noel would surrender himself[/i] so that the rest of the group could get away... [hr] As for Team Myron, they were exhausted, had gone through hell, and now their allies had betrayed them. How can things get worse? Well, their floor was an exposed position and the Cambodian forces were now raining down machine gun fire at them through the windows, while snipers shot armor-piercing and explosive rounds at the same time. And dare we mention the grenades and grenade launchers, which were hurling incendiaries at them to set the area ablaze? Oh, and Iranian-made drones zoomed into their area to attempt a kamikaze attack on their position just a few seconds later; Cristina would have to shoulder most of the fighting despite her exhaustion unless the others came up with a plan. [hr] Nico, meanwhile, only had flash bangs and tear gas canisters shot at him through the window. He'd evade those easily considering how his Noble Arm was suddenly empowered by an infusion of magical energy that nevertheless marked the arrival of an enemy; it was an open secret that Huo Ren could not choose who his Noble Arm's leakage of power made stronger as long as the other Noble Arm had a fitting theme (Sun or Fire). And indeed he was, his spear drawn and his eyes gleaming with greedy desire. Accompanying him was Yulian, who was carrying [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/3/3f/Ea.png/revision/latest?cb=20130607093800]a strange sword, closer to a baton or small lance[/url], that glowed with spinning red script. "Qingshe is dead," Huo Ren had the temerity to announce. "The embarrassment I was put through today has been more than made up for, as now, I have been avenged. And now, thanks to Mr. Suburov here, [i]I will have what I want...[/i]" [@Gerlando][@Nimbus][@QJT][@Amidatelion][@Digmata][@Chiro][@Creative Chaos][@DammitVictor][@PrinceAlbert]