[center] [img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Hojo%20Tokimune/Hojo%20Tokimune%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img] [b]Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward[/b] [/center] [hr] As the Berserker charged at Tokimune, his keen vision took in his opponent in full, as well as the circumstances around them. It was the clarity of mind afforded to Tokimune due to his zen state of consciousness, allowing him to calmly assess the battle and deduce the best course of action. As they stood upon grounds Tokimune had claimed as his territory, this preternatural vision became even more sublime, with everything looking as if it was coming to him in slow motion. With one hand extended, Berserker intended to grab for his katana, and the other—reaching for the hilt of his weapon—was poised to strike at his bowel. His katana was sharp, of that there was no doubt, and yet Berserker was deliberately putting his arm in harm's way. Tokimune discarded the possibility that this was merely the madness of a Berserker class at work, a glance at Berserker's focused eyes told him that it was done with clear intent. Was his opponent confident he could simply shrug off his blade sharpness, then? Tokimune discarded that hypothesis immediately as well, for though Berserker's face was resolute, it was not an expression of one steeling themselves to endure their hands being cut open. No, rather, there was no doubt in those eyes that the blade would not damage him. Therefore, Tokimune concluded, possibly some sort of skill or noble phantasm that mitigated damage, Tokimune concluded. His first objective, then, would be to determine the true nature of that defensive skill. The samurai began making his move, his movements were swift as he withdrew his blade, away from Berserker's reach. With one quick, graceful movement, he drew his katana away from Berserker's grasp, before swinging it sideways to deflect the kris. Had this fight occurred anywhere else, their speed and strength would have been a match and the foreign warrior might have been able to catch the sword even as Tokimune withdrew it, or prevent Tokimune from deflecting his weapon with brute strength, but Hojo Tokimune reigned absolute in his territory, eclipsing Berserker both in swiftness and strength of arms. Using his previous assessment of the battle, Tokimune deflected the weapon expertly, striking it at the right angle to throw his enemy off-balance based on his. To Berserker, it would appear as if the nobleman knew exactly where he would strike. Tokimune's manoeuvre was not enough to completely have Berserker caught off-guard, but through the slight opening, Tokimune swung his blade upward, just enough to graze Berserker, before leaping backwards to gain some distance. He found the spot where his swords had grazed Berserker to be unmarred, his blade unable to even leave a single blemish upon Berserker's skin. Tokimune was certain he had struck with enough precision and power that it should have left a mark, therefore... [i][color=0072bc]'I see, it would appear that I wouldn't be able to harm this one with mere steel,'[/color][/i] he thought as he observed his opponent. He was starting to see why the young man had chosen the foreign warrior. Of course, a katana was not the extent of Tokimune's offensive arsenal. [color=0072bc]" O' wind...come!"[/color] Offering a small prayer, Tokimune swung his katana sideways, summoning a sharp blade of wind heading towards Berserker. A partial activation of his Noble Phantasm, not releasing its true name just yet to summon the heavenly fury of the Thunder God, but merely invoking the winds of the divine thunderstorm upon his blade. [@King Cosmos][@Iamme]