[hider=Dace Jefferson] [center]Dace Jefferson [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3b/b2/82/3bb282081dd3a7356abd6511272202f0.jpg[/img] [sub][color=00BFFF]Dace Doran Jefferson[/color] / [color=00BFFF]DJ[/color] / [color=00BFFF]23[/color] / [color=00BFFF]Meta Blue Ranger[/color] / [color=00BFFF]00BFFF[/color] / [color=00BFFF]Mekhi Alante Lucky[/color][/sub][/center] [b][i][u][color=00BFFF]A P P E A R A N C E [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent]Coming in at 6'0 and with a dark complexion. DJ has short black hair and a goatee. The most striking or eye-catching aspect of his appearance is his eyes. DJ has heterochromia or different colored eyes. His right eye is blue, and his left eye is brown. It is a feature that DJ likes and compares to a birthmark, but, at times, it makes it hard to blend in, and he gets annoyed when people bring it up alot. DJ has an above-average build despite his hobbies. He does work out, but on occasion, he keeps up his build. He does not talk about this, so it tends to be a surprise to people who are unaware of this. As he does not seem like the one to work out.[/indent][/indent] [b][i][u][color=00BFFF]S T Y L E [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent]DJ prefers causal and relaxed clothing over anything else. It just feels right to him, and he is not one to overdress or have the need to wear more formal clothing all the time. Wearing simple T-shirts, jeans, and other casual clothing. Even a jacket or hoodie when he feels like it. That is not to say he does not wear other clothes. When the situation needs it, he can wear a suit and tie, and dress shoes or even semi-formal attire. Now since DJ's favorite color is blue, he tends to wear blue clothes most of the time. The most popular being a blue t-shirt that he often wears with a black hoodie. Along with a dark blue watch that he always wears on his right hand. [/indent][/indent] [b][i][u][color=00BFFF]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][list][*][b][color=00BFFF]Team player[/color][/b] - DJ while capable of working on his own, he likes working with a group where people can bounce ideas off of each other and have a good time with each other. [*][b][color=00BFFF]Cold[/color][/b] - To the people that he dislikes, DJ can be rather cold to a person if they give him a reason to most of the time. [*][b][color=00BFFF]Brave[/color][/b] - DJ is not afraid to do what he thinks is the right thing and can be counted on to face danger when needed.[/list][/indent] [b][i][u][color=00BFFF]F A C T S [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][list][*]DJ is a tech-originated person who is a white hacker and plans on becoming a cybersecurity expert one day. [*] DJ enjoys photography as a hobby and loves to experiment with his photos in Photoshop. [*] DJ, despite his tech lifestyle, does enjoy nature from time to time, mainly when he really needs to relax and just enjoy the simple nature of it. [/list][/indent] [b][i][u][color=00BFFF]R A N G E R [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent][b][color=00BFFF]Why is DJ a good fit with the Rangers?[/color][/b] DJ, being a tech-originated person, can help with figuring out and using the Ranger Tech and has a strong sense of right and wrong. He always wants to do the right thing and is not afraid of doing what he thinks is right. Along with being someone who works well with a team and can help to solve problems with team unity if needed.[/indent][/indent][/hider]