[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] It was all over before Aurora realized it. She hadn't even caught the conversation between Illig and the other nobles. Her eyes were drawn to the head as it rolled away from the corpse of the former king of the bullywugs. Part of her wondered if this was a good idea and if Illig would honor the agreement. Aurora approached and gave a slight bow. [Color=ed1c24]"Congratulations King Illig, may your rule be long. If we may, my companions and I would like to resume working on some tasks given to us. We have much to do and little time to do it in. No doubt you will remember the services we gave you to aide in your ascension to becoming king."[/color] She bowed again this time trying to get a better look at the book Gullop had in his hands.