[center][h1][b][color=violet]Clarissa Ryte[/color][/b][/h1] [i]Factory Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City (Urban Exploration)[/i][/center] [quote=Chloe]"Girl, same! I'm SO thankful you're okay and SO sorry we took SO long. And like, in the end you saved us? For real, how hilarious is that?" Chloe's gaze fell on the Pokédex in her arms as the purplette explained what'd happened. "Huh, so like, it's in there? That's so cool. But-- um, you might wanna keep that away from me for now?" She flicked her frizzed hair with furrowed brows, half-annoyed, maybe quarter-joking. "I hold grudges."[/quote] Clarissa raised one eyebrow for a moment, though soon returned to normal otherwise as she listened to the blonde explain things. She wasn't sure what the Rotom would want to do, and she didn't want to chase the little one off, but she could at least say one thing in particular for the time being. That much she could do at the very least. [color=violet]"Ah, I'll try to be mindful of that moving forward."[/color] However, the look on Yuu's face was certainly easier to read with her eyes than anything else. No need for powers there....and perhaps it wouldn't be a good idea to try to prod for more informatioon with them either in any case. Even his little partner Pokemon seemed to respond in a somewhat familiar-feeling manner to the psychic, [quote=Are Yuu Ok There, Bro?]"You're an idiot." Despite the insult, Yuu was slightly smiling at Clarissa; there was no contempt in his words as his response sounded more like a jovial, friendly prod at the psychic. "I don't know about the other two, but you don't need to do that for me... if anything should be the other way 'round considering that," Yuu jabbed a thumb in the direction of the open hole the forklift left in their wake.[/quote] [quote=Chloe]"That's so generous of you, but if anything, I owe you a potion! Or like, two. Pretty sure a forklift would've been all 'super effective' on us, you know."[/quote] However, the offer to come with her to the Contest Hall certainly seemed to resonate more than she thought to each person. Chloe seemed to light up vividly enough to the psychic's eyes it was easy to see the excitement in them alone. The girl even so much as grabbed one of her hands out of the blue, holding it in her own as she went on with several questions of her own about the event. Noting how she wanted to participate in them herself at some point. Asking about the time the show started. Noting needing to fix her hair once more despite the obvious. Talking about how herself and Jill needed to get themselves ready for it. Then ultimately her Snubbull getting distracted and zooming off after something just off of the factory floor before the blonde girl would zoom off after it in a seeming hurry and a hasty apology that the psychic felt wasn't nessecary due to how understandble the situation seemed. Yuu, meanwhile, seemed to want to go but auidibly seemed not so pleased about going to where a Contest was in the first place. But inviting her to join the three of them? Er...was it even a 'thing' currently after the aftermath of this rescue operation? Or was it something barely holding together. The tension she could frankly palpably feel between the Chloe and Yuu already even without extending her powers beyond herself, especially from what little she was seeing from how they seemed to regard each other and speak thus far, though ultimately she felt prying or asking either of the two would not result in much but arguing and not much if any good for the moment being. Quite the opposite, really, if her gut instincts were telling her anything about this scenario. Jill's next comments, however, would give Clarissa the rest of the context she needed otherwise in the moment. [quote=Jill]"You know," she said suddenly towards Yuu. "You really should be nicer to Chloe. She's not a bad person, and it's not fair for you to treat her like one." And without further elaboration or even waiting for a response, she scooped up Aster in her arms and then went after Chloe. Oleander, who had been floating quietly during this whole conversation, glanced dully in the direction of Jill as she ran off. They didn't make any move to follow, just watched her go off as if considering something.[/quote] ....Why was Jill's Magnemite just sitting there though? Hmm. Not something she wanted to ask about in the heat of the moment, however, as Yuu's Rotomdex and partner rapidly took action it would take the psychic off-guard somewhat. [quote]"Riolu!" Yuu took a moment to regain his balance as a result of the surprise yanking of his arm. Before he knew it, the Riolu was clambering up the side of Yuu's arm before sitting on his shoulder, much like Sir Lopsalot. "Rio, rio, riolu!" Jojo held on to Yuu's hair as he cheerfully waved his paw at the Buneary, joyfully greeting and introducing himself to him. The small Pokemon would then give a bright smile to the bunny before holding its paw out to him, "Riolu?"[/quote] "Bun?" Sir Lopsalot seemed to regard Yuu, Chloe, and Jill a little, before he would perk up somewhat as the other Pokemon tried to excitedly approach him in a manner of speaking. The Buneary would get a tiny chuckle out of Yuu's reaction to the clambering Riolu, finding it visibly amusing to himself, before reaching out to try to shake the Riolu's hand with one of his own little arms. The trainers could sort out some of their messes....Arceus knew he could read the room as well. But all the same, Sir Lopsalot seemed content and happy to find someone with a bit more of a positive energy about them at the moment. Or, well, perhaps he felt something similar from the little blue Pokemon? Hmm. "Bun! Bun bun bun bun." [color=violet]"...It would be my pleasure to join the three of you."[/color] She still had no full idea of what to think of the whole arrangement, but with the seeming loss thus far of her prior compatriot the psychic still felt as if traveling in some kind of group was the way to go. At the very worst, there were options to split off with if the group fractured somehow. It felt as tentative and shaky as it could right now, though, and Yuu's attitude was certainly a thing she had gotten some kind of iniutial read on even as far back as the lab proper. Still, he'd been willing to help and he and Chloe had been on the same point of telling her that her offer to help them wasn't needed as much as it was the opposite of how they felt about it all in some manner or another. Them? Owing her? It felt silly, but the fact anyone had been willing to come help was something Clarissa felt simply grateful for in the first place. It had also been an odd turn of events to manage saving her rescuers, however, as much as it was just outright ironic. Even so, the psychic glanced back over her shoulder in the direction Chloe and subsequently Jill had now run off into. [color=violet]"Though perhaps we should help them for now? At the very least to keep safe after what you three seem to have gone through."[/color] Motioning to Yuu in a generally friendly sort of manner, her facial stoicism notwithstanding, the psychic had basically invited him to come along and follow to help somehow. Maybe it'd help the group a little if they tried to help each other out? Maybe. Still needed to get to the Pokemon Center, perhaps, and then hit the Contest Hall in time. Time to check out her newest party member would be good as well, really, but at least getting ready in time for the Contest would be something. Not that she hoped it would go beyond simply a VIP meet-and-greet sort of thing really. By the good graces of Celebi, she really didn't want to get on that stage [i]at all[/i]. Even the mere thought could send a shiver down her spine. Please no, and no thank you. She already felt pressured to go after ealier anywho...but for now, maybe helping out Chloe would be a good idea. Yes. [@XxFellsingxX][@Vertigo][@Savo][@Rune_Alchemist]