Route 5 [@PKMNB0Y] Luna, was just a tiny bit faster than Pawniard. Luna stood her ground, eyes narrowed and glowing red at a terrifying attempt to paralyze the Pawniard. Focused on the grass type as it was, it wasn’t able to dodge! The Pawniards body flinched and convulsed lightly as the paralysis took hold and both slowed the pokemon down and impeded its movements. “Heh, good move kid, however,” Pawniard seemed entirely unfazed by the paralysis otherwise. As close as the Pawniard had already got, she couldn’t flee and use the Lileep as a shield, either. It carried through with its fury cutter, hitting Luna square across her face. “Pawniard won’t be fazed by something like that. Another fury cutter, Pawniard!” The Pawniard Sharpened its blades. Luna couldn’t take another one of those attacks. “Lileep, Confuse ray on that Snivy.” “Munchlax, Lick on that Lileep-try and interrupt that Confuse Ray!" Stellar Toy Factory [@Vertigo][@XxFellsingxX][@Crusader Lord][@Savo] Taking off after her partner, Chloe would find herself dashing across the now quiet factory floor. Many of the pokemon had already run off from the commotion save for a few Magnemite still nearby, though they weren’t what Snubbull was chasing. Dashing through the ajar door, it looked like the room was some sort of old storage space. Shelves lined with old, forgotten plushies and other toys along with boxes and a few other miscellaneous items strewn about. It seemed fairly quiet, but dark. Seemed the light had been out in here for quite a long time. There didn’t seem to be anything here, though - Suddenly one of the piles of boxes fell over, nearly falling on Snubbull. A bunch of pikachu plushies fell out of the boxes as well. In fact, much of the plushies in the room seemed to be pikachu. Their eyes seemed to vaguely glow red as though they were watching her… Something was definitely in this room, somewhere… Jill arrived soon after, followed by Clarissa. The appearance of the other two though, didn’t make this room any less foreboding feeling. Or warmer. This place was noticeably cooler than the rest of the factory. Clarissa’s pokedex started buzzing loudly before there was a loud crackle noise heard from it. Rotom still getting cozy in the device, perhaps. Route 3 [@Pyromania99] The pokemon, would choose the third option. The Ledyba, upon seeing Camila would all give a collective cry of surprise. A somewhat sour scent filled the air as the entire flock of Ledyba took off from the tree, flying away from the startling strange human that had approached. They’d move deeper into the forest, just out of sight. A few of the perhaps braver ones would huddle together on a tree further back, eyeing Camila warily. The paras, though, would choose the ‘fight’ option. A few of them scuttled towards Camila. Seemed like the Paras may be protecting the Ledyba? Perhaps thats what they were trading those berries from earlier for… [center][hider=Ledyba] [img][/img] [i][color=8dc73f]“Ah, spooked the Ledyba I see. Those pokemon are particularly shy and typically flee at the first sign of any danger. That scent you’re probably smelling is likely them communicating. Ledyba communicate with each other primarily through it. Unfortunately, they can’t even function without other Ledyba or some other trusted pokemon nearby so they tend to be uniquely difficult to raise. They tend to be found in forests where there aren’t too many predators around for them.” Camila received 1000p![/color][/i] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Paras] [img][/img] [i][color=8dc73f]“Paras, the Mushroom pokemon. A rather odd pokemon that has mushrooms called Tochukaso growing from its back. Its been observed that newly born specimens of Paras lack these mushrooms, but they appear as they grow. Supposedly, the Msuhrooms can be safely harvested and used as medicine to extend life, if you believe old folk tales. They prefer living in humid forests.” Camila received 1000p![/color][/i][/hider][/center] Secluded Grove [@Thayr] The Budew paused for a moment in its basking of the water and the sunlight. It regarded Isla sneezing with some seeming amusement before shaking its body again. The flower bud on its head opened a bit more. In a flurry of motion with a little ‘puff’ sound and motion, an orange cloud of spores were released from the Budew’s body and directly at Swiper. It had just used Stun Spore on Swiper! [i][color=8dc73f]“Swiper was Paralyzed![/color][/i] There was no doubt about it now at least, the Budew had taken Isla’s supposed goodwill and had apparently used it to make itself stronger by using Growth and Stun spore before Isla even realized what it was doing.