Harper gave a cheeky grin, twisting in her seat to face Helmut fully, "Well that's no fun! Don't tell Derek and Steve that, they'll be deeply disappointed... I'm Harper. Harper Thane, it's a pleasure to meet someone else from the East side of the pond." "So new to beer pong huh?" she seemed delighted to be the one introducing the game... "I won't include any funny house rules... you put ten beer cups in a triangle at the end of a ping-pong table and try to throw a ball into the other side's cups. If you succeed they drink and take that cup off the table. Last person with an undrunk cup of beer wins! Though the goal is a really to get drunk so there are no losers!" "It's a fiercely competitive game in here," she added confidentially, "The magically gifted tend to have good hand-eye coordination... at the start of a game at least." She paused, thinking. Internally Harper was considering whether she could get Ace Ventura to be her designated drinker. She liked to stay in control enough to be able to clean up any magical mishaps, but it didn't seem fair on Helmut, who she was encouraging to drink more than (she suspected) he did usually... oh well. The fraternity could look after itself for one night. Hopefully? "Shall we?" she nodded in the direction of the common room's table tennis table which was currently being ignored in favour of retro gaming...