[@Hitman] DONE....I think. Anything I need to fix or edit or change, etc, just let me know! But whew...is way too late at night for this sort of stuff on my end. (@_@) [hider=Freakshow/Luna Bianco] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1LFU6Zb.png[/img] [color=FF8C00][h1][b]Freakshow[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=FF8C00]"There's mistakes you can make up for, apologize for even, and then there's making the ones you can [u][i]never erase[/i][/u]. Don't be a dumbass." [sub]("Eh? What do you mean 'do you have anything better'? You wanted a quote for my file, so this is what you get.")[/sub][/color][/b][/center] [color=FF8C00][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Luna Francesca Angelica Bianco/”Luna Bianco”[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Freakshow[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Anything you’re called outside of your name and public identity. [/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]19[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Female[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]H.E.R.O. (full-time)[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Describe your physical appearance, in terms of both your physique, casual clothing, and any sort of superhero suit you may want. A younger woman with soft, long, and frankly deathly pale white hair that would seem fitting on a person decades older than herself. Her body is toned and muscular but not overly so, with a fittingly athletic but still conventionally attractive build. She is, however, covered in numerous scars and nicks and damage, all of which is thought to be and testified to be a result of damage prior to her powers awakening. Otherwise, she retains no form of scarring or the like when recovering from even extreme injuries. It is assumed her powers have something to do with this in how they emerged, but attempts to theorize on this subject remain inconclusive. However Luna's yes are blue, with noted Northern European ancestry existing on both sides of her family in some capacity by current times, and despite the visible facial scarring from her pre-powers involvement with the Blue Skulls gang both of Luna's eyes are normal and are both fully functional and operable with seemingly perfect vision due to her healing factor. Often in casual attire she enjoys wearing sleveless shirts and even tank tops indoors and outside alike, usually alongside jean pants or jean shorts, depending on the temperature and the weather. Sneakers or other casual tennis shoes seem to be her preferred mode of footwear, with a few sets of boots being the one exception to that for the most part. Swimwear is a topic she hasn't ever had to think about wearing, it seems, and she is uncertain what she would wear on such an occasioon. In terms of winter clothes, long-sleeved shirts and practical winter jackets of a rugged sort seem to be her usual go-to's and style during the colder months. Hero attire is generally considered optional due to Luna's power allowing her to shift appearances and alter herself at will, giving her determinably unlimited appearances to take on. Durable designs have been developed for her potential use when not undergoing major transformations, however, includinmg pants, shirts, and even several bodysuit designs, usually featuring blue and darker blue colors as well as the use of silver and similarly fitting colors. However a small number of the design team for H.E.R.O. have as a result taken to this project with a worrying zeal 'for fun' in their words.[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT] A person who usually says what she wants to without reservation, the sort of blunt and straightforward type in the sense of not seeing any point in sugar-coating things when she feels like something needs to be or should be said/done. She is also an individual who enjoys being hands-on with things, and is more apt to take action over something than not sometimes. That being said, she isn’t the type to not stop talking or is unable to read the room. Quite the opposite in the case of the latter, she will keep her lips shut and senses peeled just as simply as she will speak when she feels she needs to. She likewise less enjoys the ‘usual girly type of stuff’ in favor of more physical activities and exercise and video games and so forth, though learning how to brush and even tie her hair up in a bun is something she’s picked up on (among a few small things) from a practicality standpoint over the last few years. She is also more understanding when it comes to human suffering in a number of ways, though while she can be soft at heart she is pragmatic enough and hardened enough to say “Yeah, what you went though sucks pretty bad. And I feel for ya, get where yer’ comin’ from, etc. Still isn’t an excuse for killing people and all of this though” without skipping a beat. Likewise, Luna has a sort of soberness when ‘in action’ compared to her more laid-back and casual self when ‘off of work’ and not actively doing something at the time. At the same time, however, Luna also has a certain bone to pick when it comes to what few members of her former gang might still be out there or haven’t jumped ship from Castleberg. Leadership she knows is gone at the very top, and putting them in the ground is something she in part still says some part of her doesn’t regret despite her blind rage at the time overwhelming everything in her eyes in the heat of the moment. At the same time, however, she’s reformed to enough of an extent and had years enough to ‘cool down’ that she regrets things as well with how it went down. In her words: “My head wasn’t clear, and I was pissed beyond recognition at what they did once it all clicked into place. Wasn’t an excuse to do what I did, but hell a lot of those at the main base didn’t deserve it. I still remember them from base that day….always will for the rest of my life I think. Wish they hadn’t been there, or sometimes that anyone had been for that matter, and that I coulda’ just led the capes and blues to where they were so some of em’ might’ve had a chance to clean up.” At the same time, however, when it comes to her past she has likewise mixed emotions talking about it even now. Talking about how it was a mistake, and showing herself as proof of it among other things? Yes, she can do that. Talking about the details of ‘that day’ with other people, or other more complicated matters tied to it? No. These matters regarding her past are….much more touchy for her, even after she’s talked with therapists since the time of her initial incarceration. It has, however, led to her putting an incredible effort into furthering her skills, self-control, and self-discipline, such that the difference is most notable of all to maybe the few left in the world who ever saw her ‘worst’ side. While already hard to goad her into anger in a general sense, if angered enough she especially struggles with the worst parts of herself within her. These parts of her are something she has come to rather hate about herself, not that she entirely loves herself in general otherwise. [/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT] A Watervale native of Castleberg whose parents are of Italian descent, Luna Bianco was a platinum blonde girl and the second oldest of three children of her parents. However, her family lived virtually on the border with Brookside and generally wasn’t very well-off in terms of finances. Her father worked one job, her mother worked full time to keep keep the house together aside from a part-time job of her own, and her older brother by a decent margin, Giorgio, would send money back home to help his family after he moved to the Southeast USA to work at a steel mill until he managed to get into management there. It wasn’t the most plentiful or wealthy life, but it certainly was a life that led to the young Luna being exposed to a fair amount of local cuisine and the like in Watervale and mostly friends who lived just over in Brookside to boot. Her life seemed hopeful, and yet it would be her and her two best friends Drew and Chen who eventually got pulled in by the seedier side of Brookside that would spell out years of issues to come….a gang called the Blue Skulls. An aspiring superhuman-run gang, the gang had aspirations for becoming an organized crime group on the level of those that existed within Watervale and also recruited normal people to their ranks to boot. They pushed the idea of ‘family’ in the gang, moving to care for members and trying to lure in kids and adults alike to meet their goals and ends. Set up in the eastern border of Brookside where it meets with Watervale, and close to where Luna lived, the Skulls were closest to the turf of Watervale and certainly ended up in conflict as they tried to get ground and make bank on that side and in Brookside alike. For the three friends, Luna especially, the lure of the gang and other crimes going on near enough to their homes led the protection and ‘care’ of the gang to seem enticing somehow. Or perhaps it was the lure of the forbidden, the promises of wealth, the hope for something in the future, or something else entirely? In the end even Luna would most frankly comment over the matter: “It doesn’t matter how I got in, not fully, but that I got sucked in like my two best friends did. Plain and simple.” It led the three friends to begin with small things like carrying small bags of ‘product’ for gang sellers they were bringing it to for peddling on the streets. Running messages, doing little errands, and the like also had their part in things. Eventually, Luna and her two friends would graduate up to being in combat or fights, sneaking around to scout things out, and even getting moved to different sub-bosses of the Blue Skulls as time went on and their survived the experiences of the initial years. Luna’s parents, close enough to her as they still were, tried to get her to stop and back out of things before it got worse….but this only led to conflict between Luna and her parents as a result. To show some respect to them she would go to school still and learn from her classes, even if she got in some definite trouble here and there for things naturally so otherwise, and the gang made use of her position in school to do a little more subtle selling and influencing where it could to boot. Luna did come to love her blood family, even using her ‘pocket change’ from gang activity and work to try to help with bills and such….or at least groceries once her parents rejected the criminal nature of her income. To Luna, however, the gang was more like a ‘family’ of sorts in its own right as well, and they seemed to do as the gang’s founders had worked to arrange it. It was still a violent and criminal gang to be sure in the end, but they worked to entice members to stay in its ranks. Yet as time went on, the gang’s leadership began to change its tactics and goals and the gang began to become a more overt threat within East Brookside and West Watervale and even sought to reach as far as Southern New Athens. Its work began to become more competitive than before with competitors around itself, its interests began to become more and more heated in the streets and behind closed doors alike, and ultimately the gang became a mess targeted by HERO and the police in the end for its growing threat. Straying from the aspirations and claims it had made when she was sucked in at the age of just eight years old, the change in internal culture had been slower moving in an aim to maintain membership and retain numbers until eventually the Blue Skulls’ leadership decided to drop the idea of being like the more organized gangs of Watervale and to become ‘big shots and a major villain organization’ that would outclass them in scale, power, fame, and scope. Yet with HERO crawling down the gang’s spine after several higher-profile incidents involving powered and non-powered members of the gang, including several daring heists in large businesses in Southern New Athens and two instances of mass deaths, the leadership of the gang knew that the target would be on their backs unless something was done to stop it for a little while. Thus came a plan known as the “Cleansweep”, one which involved the delaying tactic and saving the skin of the leadership and those seen as ‘most valuable’ as contacts and such while using the rest of the gang as fodder in an event that became scarred into Castleberg history. Much of the gang’s lower forces were deployed to seize the bridge going from Brookside to New Athens, a daring move that put the gang on the front headlines of the news as leadership knew supers and cops (“blues” as they called them in the Blue Skulls among members) would be focused on that aspect rather than doing more investigative work. It would draw in combat as the members were told to hold out until ‘a special surprise was ready’. Indeed, many were told that they would be big-timers and at their strongest once the bridge was held for ransom and they fought back supers and the cops, and indeed promises of being able to retire from the gang were made to many as well. To Luna, it was the payout of a lifetime and a mission she didn’t know any alternative to at the time. She was only fourteen years old, having had her powers kick in at the age of ten, and so she too was on that bridge fighting and using the cars and such as barricades alongside others. Yet the last bit of that ‘old spirit’ of the gang’s culture that was leveraged and manipulated to push these members both older and younger to stage that seizure of the bridge was also what the leadership deemed a ‘cleanup’ as well for another reason. After a three-day holdout from the siege being made on the seized bridge, the Blue Skulls left on the bridge debated freeing what hostages they had kept to secure a surrender. It had gotten that bad for them in just a bit of time, and just at this moment as they moved to surrender and stop the fighting and such, even as the police and heroes were moving in, the Blue Skulls’ leadership sprung their last great and promised ‘surprise’. Three secretly-planted bombs by agents of the leadership went off, killing the remaining surrendering gang members, many police, three supers, and most of the hostages outright while blowing chunks out of the bridge itself and hurting many others. Hence came the resulting title of the incident in the news for years to come: “The Brookside Bridge Bombing”. Among the survivors was Luna herself, scarred and marred in the worst way since she started with the gang. She crawled out of debris as survivors gang, cop, and super alike dug through the rubble and searched the water for survivors. Even if for a brief moment, all were only united briefly in the search for survivors as the news caught the three simultaneous blasts of the bombs on-camera and live. Luna, for her part, assisted in dragging out two of the former hostages and the dying form of her sub-commander during the battle as she spoke to her. Said sub-commander had suspected something from leadership, but while she had protested initially she had gone along with things in the end due to pressure from some of her peers and from leadership. She’d heard about a ‘cleaning up’ from spying on leadership prior to the operation being carried out, but had not been suspecting that the gang was ‘clearing space’ in its ranks by killing the last of the ‘old culture and old guard’ from its ranks instead of just expanding operations or the like using the capital from a supposed ransom of the bridge. It was madness, and Luna upon getting the news and finding her two old friends were likewise dead amidst the rubble would feel something come over her. Frustration….no, anger. Yet not even anger, but pure, blind, and unadulterated rage. It had always been hard to ‘get her goat’ and make her angry in most cases, but the revelation that they’d all been sent to the bridge to die was something beyond the teenager’s ability to keep calm and level-headed more than enough despite what she’d been able to live through in the past three days already or had seen and done on the streets. Managing to flee into Brookside using her powers and the chaos of the post-explosions situation, the younger teen’s blind rage was focused as she tore through alleyways and the low-hiding places in the area, bee-lining it to the gang’s main base. While her and only two other members of the gang on the bridge were the only gang survivors out of the dozens that had been placed on the bridge, those at the base who were in the know weren’t expecting survivors either. Told that in case of any they should ‘put them down’, the two human outside guards of the hidden base at the time fired on Luna as she descended upon them and those inside of the building like a rabid and berserk monster. Those who knew, those who didn’t know, she couldn’t tell the difference nor cared at the time in her state as raw fury turned into a nightmare for those there. By the time the blood settled, the haze of uncontrolled fury simmered down, and the screams had faded into quiet once more, the furious monstrosity that Luna had become in more than one way turned back to normal Luna once more….and she was left with coming to her senses and seeing much more clearly what she’d done now in hindsight. It was a bloodbath that literally spelled the end of the Blue Skulls gang, and Luna after looking through the building for survivors would call the police to her location before sitting there on the rent and torn concrete front steps staring at the dust and blood-covered shoes on her own two feet. Even after the arrival of a group of supers to the location, all they found was death and one kid sitting there mostly unresponsive to the world around her. It took one of them daring to come closer, and softly telling the girl to please come with them, that Luna came back to enough lucidity to go without a fuss or a fight. After the incident, and with leadership gone and HQ a mass grave, the few sub-leaders and those not at HQ during the operation ultimately scattered to the winds or abandoned ship. The daring of the Blue Skulls’ leadership, for what it was worth, was a great and terrible gamble in order to bolster the gang’s fear factor and name in the city while removing what was seen as ‘a lot of obstacles’ to the gang’s full shift in stance and a break from its past. A move to try to go above a ‘mere big gang’ and to become ‘a proper big-leagues villain organization’ by downsizing to ‘only the best and brightest’ of its members instead backfired, leading to the massacre of what was left at HQ and the death of the very gang itself as an organization. Luna, for her part, was placed within a lockup at HERO One to a certain extent and would see incarceration for the next five years. Five years that would see her not have any contact with her parents for one and a half of those years, before the first time she saw them again she broke out into tears after her father hugged her. Five years that would see her meet a hero visiting ‘youthful offenders’ in the lockup area, coming after Luna’s first six months there, who would seek to get her enlisted into a rehabilitation and preparatory program called “Criminals Turned Capes” after seeing her at-the-time silent, defeated, and rather non-violent state she’d gone into in the aftermath of ‘that day’. Five years which would see her ultimately get into said rehabilitation program for those last four and years of her five year stay, even after some difficulties and debate, that would help her improve herself and work toward becoming something else. It was a day-by-day process, but with visiting heroes, myriad therapy sessions, very close supervision, and ultimately showing enough ‘good behavior and a real desire to change’ that she would one day be approached by H.E.R.O. proper with an offer after the end of one of the rehabilitation sessions. The offer was simple: “You keep up good behavior, and come work for us, you get to leave lockup and stay under supervision. You work for us for long enough, then, and you will earn your freedom in full. If you reject this offer, then you can stay in rehabilitation and HERO One still. Your choice.” It was a deal she couldn’t refuse….actually, no. Instead it was an opportunity to become something else and do better in the world, and was the one thing that she didn’t want to turn down. If she knew how to fight, might as well turn it to good use. If she could be sneaky or do things, it might as well be to help people. Save lives. Actually make things better, and to keep stupid kids like herself from engaging in the same danger, mistakes, behavior, and problems as she did. Maybe, just maybe, she could put the labor into something that genuinely would help the world be or get better this time around.[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] [color=white][indent] *Spicy food, Thai food, Japanese, and Chinese as well as Chinese-American foods are among her favorite sorts to eat, and her spice tolerance is....unnatural to the eyes of a number of H.E.R.O. staff. Picked up learning Mandarin Chinese due to her frequenting a certain restautant in Watervale's Little Chinatown, and both requested take-out from there during her rehabilitation at H.E.R.O. One as well as seems to have close ties with its owner and the owner's family personally based on observations and inquiries. *Height: 5’10”/177.8cm *Luna has noted Italian ancestry on her father's side, with naming patterns continuing to persist along her patrilineal line even long after they moved to America and came to live in what became Castleberg's Little Italy. Similarly, due to their location her father's side of the family kept up speaking Italian to talk with relatives back in Italy and among themselves even through modern times. *Wrote physical letters while in lockup to each of the families of those at the 'HQ bloodbath' that she knew and regretted the death of, as well as some of those who died on the bridge that she knew to boot. Has memorized the names of a fair many of those lost on the bridge fiasco and the HQ bloodbath. A number have responded back, a nunber haven't responded, and at least two of those she wrote to have kept up more common correspondence with her since that time. *Her favorite restaurant is a small place in Little Chinatown called "The Jade Lantern", also affectionately referred to as "Mama Feng's Place" by Luna personally. The proprietess, one "Feng, Daiyu", has been described as being as her 'second mother' by Luna, and the source from which she learned a fair bit of Mandarain Chinese and got to be close with the woman's family to boot. Even wrote to her while she was in lockup. Upon her first day of release from lockup, Luna requested to go to the restaurant and was allowed to....but with a distant tail to keep tabs on her just in case. True to her word, however, according to those tailing her she went to the restaurant directly and was seen hugging Ms. Feng and both seemed to be crying. (Maybe will think of some more later on.) [/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=FF8C00][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]>>> Β (Beta Class) <<< [/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT]Self-Biokinesis - A power allowing the user to manipulate and alter their own physiology and biology at will, ranging from simple alterations like hair color and such to even vast body-warping alterations and a change in size. Great super strength and super durability augments, to generating bone spikes harder than alloyed steel and firing them like projectiles, to making chitinous plates on the body, to even warping one’s own body form and shape into some kind of horrific monstrosity out of the horror genre is possible with this power. It is a versatile and strong power in its own right, though these transformations and modifications must be actively done and aren’t lingering passive effects in-perpetuum. Regeneration/Healing Factor - A potent thing in its own right that affects both healing and one’s stamina very greatly and superhumanly so, normally treated as part of the 'package' of the main Self-Biokinesis power. However, it is listed on its own in this file for a greater ease of reading. Lost limbs, lost chunks of body, losing a number of vital organs, being injected with toxins and poisons, sources that cause genetic damage, and so forth along such lines are all readily surviveable and are possible to recover from. However, affects on the subject's aging has yet to be determined beyond the subject seeming to normally grow heading into her 'prime', though tissue studies indicate the repairing of genetic damage is also part of this sub-power's capabilities. More study is required in the future to better understand these effects, however, in the long-term. ***[u]Note[/u]: The hair color of this subject was originally ‘platinum blonde’, and according to parental testimony and photos from before her power emerged this has been verified to be true. However, the hair color is currently pale white and has seemed to change after this power awakened, though after observation and study of the incarcerated subject this has been proven to not be a temporary active effect related to the subject's power. A potential side effect, perhaps? Cause remains currently unknown.[/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■■□ [color=FF8C00][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■□□□□ [color=FF8C00][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ [color=FF8C00][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ [color=FF8C00][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ [color=FF8C00][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■■□ [color=FF8C00][B][ STAMINA ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■■■ [color=FF8C00][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■□□□□ [color=FF8C00][B][ SURVEILLANCE LEVEL ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■□□ ***[u]Note[/u]: Subject's past has required a high-grade surveillance level at all times since incerceration since that time, though subject's cooperation and willingness to reform and improve, however, are still noted among other additions to the subject's file. [color=FF8C00][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT] ***[i]Combat/Fighting Skill[/i] - Gained from internal training and participation with the Blue Skulls gang from around the ages of 9 to 14 years old, Luna spent years in fights involving other superpowered people, cops, animals, and even other gangs and mundane humans. The evidence she gives for this is of her own myriad scars, which were gained before her powers emerged at the age of ten, and even in the three days prior to The Brookside Bridge Bombing she was among those fighting and successfully holding out on the bridge between Brookside and New Athens when the Blue Skulls moved to take and hold the bridge ransom. From her experience, mentoring and training inside the gang by some of its veterans (including one or two ex-military members from the old guard of the gang), and so forth, she’s a generally pretty competent and seasoned fighter from the streets still by current times from a sense of practicality. Unarmed combat, the use of some firearms, and even things like fighting with knives and improvised weapons are within the realm of her skillset on top of learning how to use her power to fight to boot were introduced into her ‘toolkit’ of skills during her ‘fighting years’ in the gang. This all being said, this isn’t a reason to overblow what she can do either. Luna isn’t some retired special ops soldier, a middle aged martial arts master, master sharpshooter, knife wielding expert, or so on and so forth. There is always room for improvement, and she is still rather young anyways despite what she’s lived through and learned. Much of her survival can be attributed to her powers, but it's that very survival of hers over the years that allowed her to learn and grow from her experiences as well in turn. Further tutoring and training and some sparring with her powers and regular body alike during her rehabilitation in the “Criminals Turned Capes” program has also helped her better hone herself with further discipline and such in this regard/area of her general combat skill set (naturally she wasn’t taught more how to use a gun or such in this program and such). ***[i]Other Gang-Related Skills[/i] - Thievery, robbery, stealing, breaking in, sneaking around, hiding, hiding things for later, smuggling items or substances or other contraband on her person or such, and pickpocketing are things she gained some solid experience in while running with the Blue Skulls. They are certainly not the best sort of skills for a person to have, but they are skills she can still apply and make use of for sure. ***[i]Parkour and Exercise[/i] - Two areas she gained experience in from her time in the gang and from the time of her rehabilitation respectively. It doesn’t make her powers suddenly much more agile, but she even now in her normal body can navigate the urban streets well in the field and likewise maintains a disciplined and serious workout routine otherwise in her personal life. ***[i]First Aid[/i] - Practical things learned in street fights to recover and help peers, as well as classes in it optionally taken during her rehabilitation program, compose her skills in this area. An at least practical enough combination of experience and training in her case has made her generally competent in this at the very least. Her powers even provide her tools in some cases to help in this realm of things as well, at least in terms of having hands to hold bleeding wounds tightly or so on and so forth in the simpler sense. A skill she holds as symbolically important as ‘learning something to help people’ in her mind as well as it being something that is practically useful in the field as she is taught more in the future. ***[i]Observation[/i] - Reading the room, keeping an eye on one’s surroundings in case of sudden danger, navigating the streets of Brookside and even Watervale in dangerous areas, keeping tabs on the mood in a room, noting where you saw something move, and the like are things that have been ingrained into Luna’s mind for longer than she’s was even in the Blue Skulls. It was a way of life needed to survive at her core, and even now she generally keeps it up as a personal habit to continue to hone which has also somewhat turned generally into an instinctual thing for her to do. It isn’t being some mentalist about people or the like, but it's practical as a skill and is something she is at least good and even keen at. ***[i]Languages[/i]: Luna can speak American English, a good bit of Mandarin Chinese, and Italian. [/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT] Smartphone w/ an Attached Wallet Wireless Headphones [/INDENT][/color] [color=FF8C00][B][ FURTHER NOTES ][/B][/color] [color=white][INDENT] [i]"Potent anti-organic dissolving substances, keeping the subject isolated at longer ranges, and so forth are to be noted in subject's 'Containment' procedures alongside existing measures in the file. Noted in this file because SOMEONE SPILLED COFFEE ON MY COMPUTER, CHISTOPHER, BEFORE I COULD SEND EVERYTHING TO THE DIRECTOR YESTERDAY!" -Kate from Threat Analysis[/i] [/INDENT][/color] [/hider]