[center][h3][color=00aeef]Henri[/color] [/h3][/center] [center][color=00aeef]Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022[/color][/center] [color=00aeef]"No, no, no"[/color] Henri hissed as he listened to the declaration. Everything that could have gone wrong had. Not only was Cambodia now de facto enemy, but their unit was public enemy number 1. [color=00aeef]"Y-yes sir!"[/color] Henri confirmed as Noel laid out their plans. Not that escape would be any easier even when fighting. Henri didn't know how well the Cambodian army was trained in Anti-NA combat, but a well placed bullet could change a game. And they weren't exactly wearing armor. It was then that Superbia made its move. Henri looked at the situation. On one, there were the troops. On the other, Superbia. The power would be easily dealth with by Leonidas, but that would leave him exposed to the guns of the soldiers. Worse, the office was tiny, 15 meters in diameter at most. If Henri activated the field now, it would affect everyone. He would need to get really close to Superbia and the soldiers. Close? That was it! Superbia was standing on the ground, not floating. Leonidas could still neutralize things by touch in the passive state. It would be risky, to say the least, to charge into the crowd, but Leonidas would give actual cover and the rest of the team could still fight. Henri put Leonidas in front of him and charged towards Superbia, hoping the rest of the team would be able to give him the promised cover.