[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b1/c1/e1/b1c1e141d4a3157a177ffeb93ec451e3.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=00a651]Shou Iwata[/color][/b][/h2] Shou watched as everything went to shit he watched as how Berserker attacked the Hojo servant, and how the Hojo servant swiftly retaliated all his moves were graceful but deadly. Despite how he looked he managed to outspeed Berserker and outpower Berseker even managing to catch him off guard a little. But deep down his guts were telling him something was weird. When he was taking fighting lessons his instructor told him the most important thing to do in a fight, read your opponent. Shou didn't want to look down on the rouge Hojo servant but he was sure Berserker should have been able t outspeed and outpower that servant but he couldn't. This led Shou to one conclusion the Hojo servant was using some magic to boost his power, most likely territory creation but before he could warn Berserker a blade of wind was heading towards Berserker. He knew the smart thing to do when servants were fighting the smart thing for a master to do was to watch from a distance but that wind slash seemed like it could hurt, and there was a chance Berserker would choose not to block it. The servant they were facing wasn't even going after the grail, fighting and tiring themselves was a stupid thing to do. So pulling out his katana he sent a slash of lighting to counteract the Hojo's servant wind blade "[color=00a651]Berserker,[/color]" Shou called out. "[color=00a651]He's using some sort of territory skill to strengthen himself.[/color]" It made sense he had called this area his territory it was likely that the territory also expanded far outside of this temple. He was sure of one thing though, the chance of Hang winning by himself was slim, if he joined he would improve those chances but...he was just a normal human fighting a servant like the Hojo servant would be impossible and he might just drag Hang down, but he had to try didn't he?