[COLOR=GRAY][indent][indent][i][color=#a9a9a9]“In today’s top headlines, a H.E.L.P. Albatross lost power while crossing the Pacific. Thankfully, no lives were lost as the Foundation Force was on scene within moments, Triton swimming to the rescue added by Daytripper and the Steel Shell.”[/color][/i] The man looked up from his drink, his eyes squinting towards the TV as he shook his head. There was something still bothering him from today’s rescue. H.E.L.P. was many things, but their equipment was top of the line, those aircraft didn’t just lose power. He absently swirled around the highball glass, listening to the ice inside clink against the tumbler. The bar was mostly empty, the occasional regular sitting by themselves spaced out along the bar rail. Unfortunately, that made the droning sound of the TV even louder, agitating the long-haired man as he swung his drink a little too hard before dropping it with a dull thud against the bar. [i][color=#a9a9a9]“We go now to an interview recorded at the scene with the Foundation Force’s own Triton-”[/color][/i] [color=#ffffff]“Can you turn that off?”[/color] The man suddenly roared as his own face appeared on the screen. [color=#ffffff]“Yo, buddy what’s your-”[/color] The bartender started before suddenly pausing and realizing who he was talking to. [color=#ffffff]“My apologies, I didn’t realize I was serving a bonafide celebrity.” [/color] [color=#ffffff]“Would have preferred it stayed that way.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“You’re a hero, practically a god to some people,”[/color] The bartender smiled,[color=#ffffff] “Enjoy it, Triton.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Mack.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Sorry?”[/color] The bartender replied, [color=#ffffff]“My name is Makaio Tawhiri.”[/color] Mack replied, [color=#ffffff]“But you can call me, Mack.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Well, Mack, your money is no longer good here. A hero drinks for free.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“If I was any other Hyperhuman, would you say that?”[/color] Makaio challenged as the bartender faltered. [color=#ffffff]“Hey, if you want to pay, you want to pay,”[/color] He snapped back while raising his hands. [color=#ffffff]“How about I buy you a drink?”[/color] A woman smiled while pulling a stool up next to Makaio, [color=#ffffff]“And not just because you’re him,”[/color] She added gesturing towards the TV, [color=#ffffff]“I’m mostly doing it because I think you’re sexy.”[/color] Makaio finished his drink, smiling as the woman winked her long lashes at him. [color=#ffffff]“I never turn down a drink from a beautiful woman.”[/color][/INDENT] [COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR] [INDENT]The door to the bedroom flew off its hinges as Makaio backed through it, the woman from the bar wrapped around his torso, passionately kissing his bearded face. She wrapped her hands around his face, pulling his mouth tighter to her own, her tongue dancing against his. She pulled at the buttons of his shirt, the small pieces of plastic giving way to the aggressive tug as they flew in every direction. Her hands traced his muscled body, feeling out every vein and scar, the lines of his tattoos. [color=#ffffff]“You probably get this a lot,”[/color] She whispered in his ear, panting in anticipation, [color=#ffffff]“But you get me so,[i] wet[/i],”[/color] Makaio stifled a chuckle before reaching around behind the woman’s back. The tearing of fabric echoed through the room as she excitedly squealed at his display. Placing her feet on the floor, she pushed him onto the bed before dropping to her knees and going for his belt. A wave of sudden nausea fell over Makaio as his eyes were drawn to the necklace laid between the woman’s bosom as she knelt in front of him. A crimson cross hung on a simple silver chain. The strength rapidly drained from his body, his mind quickly connecting the dots, but still, it wasn’t fast enough. The closet door burst open and from within two men lunged forward, each driving a spike through Makaio’s shoulders, pinning him to the bed. The Foundation Force member howled in pain, weakly attempting to fight back but the waves of nausea only increased and his abilities were non-responsive. A cruel sneer was the last thing he saw before a click and a whir echoed through the bedroom. The weapon's hilt flew to her hand from its hiding place before the blade materialized - one quick slash severing Makaio’s head from his body. A splattered arc of blackened crimson sprayed the wall as a deafening silence fell over the room.[/INDENT] [COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR] [INDENT][center][i][color=#a9a9a9]“This is a warning.”[/color][/i][/center] Broadcasts all over the world were suddenly interrupted, their image becoming nothing more than gray static as a modulated voice-over spoke. Their tone was flat, yet starkly defiant. [center][i][color=#a9a9a9]“No more deceivers.”[/color][/i][/center] An image of an attack on Times Square by Hyperion’s Children from five years ago flashed onto the screen. It was followed by images of a squad of H.E.L.P. agents intervening in an investigation. Another image flashed onto the screen, this time of the Human Hyperhuman Alliance counter-protesting for more Hyperhuman rights. [center][i][color=#a9a9a9]“No more heroes.” [/color][/i][/center] The voice spoke again, the static image changing to display the severed head of the Foundation Force’s Triton. His long hair and beard were stained in his own freshly spilled blood. It glistened on the screen, still wet from the kill. [center][i][color=#a9a9a9]“No more false gods.”[/color][/i][/center][/indent][/indent][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/GxrTKQH.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Campus[/I] - [I]Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Take On Me #3.001:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Brand New Numb[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]In The End[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]Prior to five years ago, the Homecoming Trials had always gone off without a hitch. Now again, for the second time in Pacific Royal’s history, the Trials had been disrupted. The student body was shaken, though thankfully the arrests of Naira Cameron, Lindsay Ainsworth and the rest of their House Orcinus associates had brought about a feeling of temporary relief. From the perspective of the bulk of the student body, Hyperion’s Children were dealt with, the only ones who were any wiser were the faculty and any remaining members hidden and laying low. Staff at all levels had been briefed regarding House Orcinus, their greeting, and connection to Hyperion. They were splintered and disorganized now, without a leader and hopefully that would dissuade them doing any further harm. There was some welcome reprieve in all this, the attack by House Orcinus had taken some of the heat off of the Foundation during this tough transition. That was bound to change. A memo was sent out to the entire student body informing them of the uniform changes on campus. Understandably, this message was met with frustration due to the inconvenient timing. The majority of students packed only a limited wardrobe for wearing outside of academic hours. In the past forty-eight hours, the ferry to the mainland had been exceptionally busy with students of all ages venturing over to purchase new clothing, and the graduating class purchasing formal attire for their upcoming dance. For the incoming students, Jim and the faculty had gone old school and replicated the first trial from the year the house system was introduced, back in 1990. Setting up both the Chimera’s Lair and the Thunderdome as a combination obstacle course, athletics and problem solving exercises. No augmented reality involved and medics were standing by in the event of any real world injuries. The low tech event had been a hit, and seemingly was more enjoyed than some of the previous spectacles brought about by the Hedge Trials on the Southern Plateau. With the weekend behind them, the school had finally entered into its true academic year and the campus was buzzing with students moving between classes. It was still foreign to Jim to see the campus this alive without nary a blazer in sight. In all his years at Pacific Royal, from the time he was a student to being Chancellor, the uniform had been a constant. Scarcely updated from the day the doors opened until now, and a part of him was deeply saddened to see it gone. Blackjack was still reeling from their experiences in the Trial, not that Jim could blame them. They had each been assigned time with counselors in order to work through what they had experienced. A team advisor had yet to be assigned and while Jim hoped that Rory would take up his offer to lead in the interim, he also knew that there was a very real possibility that Tad might not wake up and they would need to find a permanent replacement. Most of the team’s physical injuries had been tended to. Some of the more severe injuries however needed time to fully heal and Gil was still bedridden due to the extensive damage he suffered. Even Hyperhuman healers had limits, and Blackjack’s wounds had found them. It was a surprise that none of them had been pushed into a state of Hyperpsychosis by the time they were rescued. Initially, Torres had wanted to start Blackjack as her guinea pigs for a new sparring course, however given the state of the team and the fact that the Face of the Foundation had been called away to deal with an emergency, Jim instead had their courses rearranged to put the sparring later in the week. For the time being, they were simply attending their regular classes. All that left was the Graduate’s Class homecoming dance at the end of the week. Calliope and Gil had made good headway, but with Gil currently still residing in the Infirmary, Jim knew Calliope would need a new hand. He had suggested that she reached out to Harper in Gil’s absence. Hopefully, the team would get to enjoy a normal week for once. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]