[indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwmN8oMFVx8ErjfPN4Rhcho8MhGH6rv0ElRoGh2VXk864ETovxuEuyAek&s=10[/img][/center][quote][sup][color=limegreen]Battle Against Nemesis[/color][/sup] [color=gainsboro]Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9[/color] [@Gerlando][@Letter Bee] [/quote] [i]Tonight is getting better.[/i] Hikari thought ironically, and yet things were going to escalate much more. For the moment however she was simply annoyed at Rin’s interference, this was supposed to be a fun, chill… date? Right, it was a date. It wasn’t until Kazuki asked about the Nomu that Nightowl remembered that they, at the moment, had a mission to take care of. She was about to tell Rin to get lost when… [quote] Suddenly... A woman screamed at the sight of the corpse, the businessman that Spectra killed earlier, the man turned into a High End Nomu. [hider=Nomu][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShujdbeWiEN8z-ITQsVhopKtRU1jtSkeVPTg&usqp=CAU[/img][/hider] [color=crimson]"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."[/color] Le'Nombril spiraled into panic as the alarms sounded. Rin smirked, it was the perfect timing. [color=deepskyblue]"Mei, send Yusuke the reports, we can't have them be chilling in the Executive Top for so long. This must be our lucky day, Achilles! [/color] In the background, Hawks Agency Heroes are working on the evacuation. [color=crimson]"W-Will eat humans... Quirkfuls, Quirk Factors....Become -[/color] Rin breathes, freezes the Nomu in place... continuously as frosty blizzard turns it into an icy sculpture but not for long. [color=deepskyblue]"Flashfreeze Howl: Icy Breath![/color] However, the Nomu broke out of the icy stampede and ran outside. It displayed high intelligence, Rin came to the conclusion that it can talk and think, it is a High End Nomu. [/quote] …[i]Perfect[/i]... Hikari hadn’t said a word and Rin was going to be internally goading already. Rin caught up quickly that not only the Nomu survived Yui’s assault but its wounds regenerated faster than the blink of an eye could see. It's not going to be a simple task. Having worked with Kazuki & Hikari before, she knew well enough that Formation B will be the best here. Formation B is letting Kazuki & Hikari deal with the upcoming assault against the Nomu. “I sense that Parakeet Kanako has lost herself in the fog of her thoughtful Quirk…Kazuki, find a high ground, get to the higher levels and assemble abled snipers with you. “ She instructed. It seems that Sir Knight Eye's team and Yusuke and his team joined too, this isn't good, having too many fighters will just spill our doom. The Nomu activated its Quirk. Radio Scream. The scream was so loud that it disrupted any electronic device and communications including appliances, making the place into a mini blackout. It all happened so suddenly, the Nomu jumped and pounced in the darkened area. The power generator then turned on and regained electric power. Nomu is bloodied from his mouth and is seen eating a bunch of people with its grotesque tentacles with mouths. Rin reacted. That was close. If not for reducing kinetic energy around my zone, we…no..don't think about death. One shot; Kazuki had made sure that once the electric components in his railgun and his suit were resistant to EMPs, and had used the time the Nomu fought to get a bead of its actions. Three Anti-Quirk bullets were aimed at its eyes and mouth, even as his suit was transmitting a message to Ravens - He had made use of the Black Nomu’s appearance and the distraction it presented to ‘press send’ to his Professor while yes, climbing up the stairs to the restaurant’s higher floors and looking for a suitable vantage point. There was a chance he had been detected anyway while multitasking, but best to take down the Nomu first before dealing with that - After all, he had [i]a girlfriend[/i] to fight beside… [/indent][/indent][/indent]