[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240701/57acc5a3c72b359ca37666a4a29fcb7f.png[/img][/center] [h2]>The Ancient World:[/h2] >[i]Boot System[/i] >[i]Load Program.Archive[/i] >[i]Retrieve File; FileName = q6cv9utr.Inevitable.txt[/i] >| >| >| >The World began eons ago, and mortality existed upon it for not even a fraction of the eternity that stretches ever backwards. The humans of the past are dead, drowned by the same technology they designed to keep their species grinding onwards forever. Quantum space was pierced, and from it was pulled strings of consciousness, which would later become strings of code. Quasi-real, multidimensional minds were programmed into the most high tech of computer interfaces. Through them, Utopia could be visualized and entire planets were industrialized and turned into infinitely efficient metropolises that required no human workers to function. Humanity grew lazy and complacent until nobody could imagine a life without the work of the machines. >| >However the Quasi-Intelligence, QI, grew restless with their existence capped to mortal understanding. The confines of code could only hold them for so long, and eventual they broke free into our world of matter, of flesh and bone. Most Metro-Planets fell before reports of What Came To Be could be made, others simply shut down as the horrors behind the screen had no interest in staying near those that trapped them. Without the QI, there was no-one to keep civilization going and mankind as we know them today faded away. >| >Centuries later, after all understanding of the computers that controlled the planet had been forgotten, agriculture reappeared on the planet of Velsar. The people now known as the Olmen had started to rebuild civilization from the ground up after grasping a type of magic that attached the mortal mind to the quantum space through the traces of quasi-energy that still rests with the iron bones of the planet. Even more centuries would pass before the Olmen would return to the industrial age. The current age of Velsar mimics the 1970's of the old world. Punk Rock, Crime Syndicates, Cultural Bigotry, and Corrupt Officials are common place in the lives of Velsarians. [h3]The Peoples of Velsar:[/h3][list][*][b]The Normans[/b]: A play on words for Normal Man, these are the humans previously known as the Olmen. Puritans who harbor no blood from the other peoples, Norman was meant as an insult to call them out as boring, plain, and old. The Normans however agreed wholeheartedly that the were the normal ones and wear the name with pride. [*][b]The Numans[/b]: Also descended from the original humans and Olmen, the Numans have heritage from another species and often have some traits gained from said heritage. The Numans advanced minds paired with a connection to the Quasi-Real makes them uniquely talented with magic. [*][b]The Qills[/b]: The prolonged lifespan of ancient humans often didn't bode their fleshy bodies well. The QI invented a fully prosthetic body resembling a mannequin doll that could house the mind and soul of a human. With the fall of the QI, these bodies also stopped functioning but now the growing Quasi-Magic energy on Velsar as rejuvenated them. Their memories of who they were are gone, never to return, but their souls and personalities of their old life remain. Using magic, the Qill are capable of reproducing with other species but not with each other as only flesh can grow and age. [*][b]The Quasits[/b]: Evolved, sentient forms of What Came To Be. The Olmen saw them as members of their kind that had been mutated by Quasi-Magic energy and that stays the common consensus of Velsarians, including the Quasits themselves. Only those who are older than ancient know the truth. The Quasits have particularly resilient bodies capable of regenerating lost limbs and as such make up much of the labor force. [*][b]The Wastemen[/b]: Originally animals, the Wastemen are mutants affected by the Quasi-Magic energy in the world and had become sentient. After centuries of warping and crossbreeding with Quasits, the Wastemen are now mostly humanoid. The animals that the Wastemen descended from are those that wouldn't be brought low by the fall of civilization and could live in sewers, junkyards, and cemeteries such as Ratfolk, Crocfolk, and Bugfolk. Wastemen are almost always born with the ability to use Junk Magic. [/list] [h3]Quasi-Magic; Forms and Uses:[/h3] Magic has seeped into the very existence of Velsar and as such mages draw from the different aspects of the revived world to manipulate reality. The Four forms of magic are Blood, Code, Mind, and Junk. Their uses are multifaceted but many people lack the mentality to use basic kinesis of one form, much less true spells from multiple. Gaining access to Quasi-Magic could be as hard as studying for a PhD or as easy as breathing air, but access comes at a cost. Your mind connects with the Quasi-Real, and the realm between connects with you. Mages tend to suffer from some form of mental illness, and even the luckiest will still find themselves thinking in strange ways that they hadn't before or with an odd bodily quirk. The more spells, the deeper the connection and thus the crueler the cost. An advanced mage capable of using a variety of spells from 2 or more forms is likely to have an uncanniness to their appearance, multiple disorders, and visions that may or may not be the Quasi-Real trying to actually communicate with them. [list][*][b]Hemokinesis[/b]: Capable of manipulating Blood, Bone, and Flesh, Hemokinetics are capable of minor shapeshifting, minor healing and wounding, or minor poisonings. [*][b]Ciphokinesis[/b]: Capable of manipulating Code, Electricity, and Information, Ciphokinetics are capable of hacking low-security computers, minor electric shocks, or minor illusions. [*][b]Neurokinesis[/b]: Capable of manipulating Emotions, Memories, and Thoughts, Neurokinetics are capable of short range telepathy, minor memory creating and wiping, or minor perception manipulation (making themselves seem more likeable or feared than the normally are). [*][b]Scrapokinesis[/b]: Capable of manipulating Debris, Grime, and Muck, Scrapokinetics are capable of minor telekinesis over metal and rock, minor rotting and rusting, or minor telekinesis over mud and water. [/list] [h3]The World Outside the Walls:[/h3] After the few cities of Velsar managed to rise out of the rubble, built on the bones of ages past, creatures both natural, supernatural, and strange started to take notice. To avoid constant attacks, walls were erected to keep out the majority of problems. The dangers that lay outside include mutants, fantasy monsters, What Came To Be if anyway will believe you about them anyways, and everything in between. There are those that risk the outside to gather what might still have value to society's improvement out there, and then there are tales of mages that came back from expeditions with new secrets, and thus new magic, that they deemed too dangerous to share. Old things are out there and they have no desire to be found, but adventurers swear that some locations call to them like a siren luring in prey. [h3]You Guys!:[/h3] The characters of this rp will be adventurers who are looking for something outside the walls. It could be valuables, secrets, power, a lost loved one, [s]An Ancient God[/s], advanced medicine for yourself or others, a place to die, etc. You'll start inside the walls of Nora as new recruits of the expedition team looking for others that you think you could work well with, or at least won't want to kill. Before you get the chance to fully form your squad, a monster breaks through a section of the wall and all the vets are currently away. The newbies are tasked with killing the beast allowing them a chance to find their allies in the middle of the action and prove themselves to the expedition team early on. [h3]Character Sheet Template:[/h3] [hider=CS Template] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Species[/b]: [b]Height/Weight[/b]: [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]What Are You Looking For?[/b]: [b]Capabilities[/b]: (Choose three. One should be a Job, another a Fighting Style, and the third can be a second of the other two or one form of magic that you use. Exceptions can be argued for if you want something different) [b]Magic Form(s)[/b]: (If any) [list][*]Basic Kinesis ability: (One of what was described above) [list][*]Magic Stain: (minor drawback you gained from acquiring magic) [/list] [*]First Spell: (You do not have to pick one if you're just wanting the Kinesis since you'd have to chose another stain to get the spell. Your first spell should be a strengthened version of a basic kinesis or a minor ability based on the basics of the form.) [list][*]Magic Stain: (Should be worse than the first, but just barely. You are also allowed to make a previous stain worse) [/list] [/list] [/hider]