[quote=@RoadkilBanana] [hider=The Last One] Name: Cyrus Age: Unknown Gender: Male Appearance: Cyrus is tall, lanky and mysterious. Wearing a black trench coat with a matching hat covering his dark green hair. His face is odd, when you can see it, he seems to have pale skin, an odd, spiked mouth, and black pupils with ghostly white irises. His most notable feature is a pure black, void like claw in place of his left hand. Abilities/Equipment: He is able to manipulate a weird type of energy he calls "Void". He uses it to create weapons, clones and portals, to name a few. [/hider] Here ya go [/quote] So i think we can now talk about the alignment of Cyrus. Becuase if he's evil or in a dubious spiritual condition due to his powers and nature, he might not be able to stay in heaven for long. And eventually face Limbo, Purgatory or even Hell...