[center][h1][b]June 10th, New York City, 6:00 P.M. [/b][/h1][/center] It was June 10th, U-Day as those in the future came to call it. The day that Ultron was announced and became the world's global oppressor. He was never meant to be that. He was meant to be one of Earth's greatest protector, but instead he slaughtered the ones that came before him. No one knew what the Avengers were revealing to the world today, but for the past week they've been spreading the announcement to build the hype. Everyone loved the Avengers. They protected New York, the United States, and even the world. They were led by the genius billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark, The Iron Man, and the hero of World War 2, Captain America. They had even recently recruited a King who worked with them part time, but had the authority of a leader. With other scientists on the team people surmised that it'd be some technology meant to benefit the people of the world. And they'd be right. 6:00 arrived. Tony decided 6 PM would be fine as most people got off of work by then and would be able to tune into the big reveal. He was excited. His partner on this project, Hank Pym, was actually nervous. He wasn't sure if their Ultron was ready or if it'd even accept the world it was born into. Tony wasn't worried about that at all. There's no way something they created could backfire. He was wrong. Tony stepped out in front of Avengers Tower with Hank Pym at his side and the other heroes behind them. [color=FF4500]"Hello New York!!! And the world, wherever you are to those watching from home."[/color] Tony Stark started. [color=FF4500]"Today we come to you, not as Avengers, but people looking to make a change. Evil and darkness runs rampant in this world and we can't always be there to help you. But fret not! Because we won't have to. My friend Hank Pym and I have come up with a solution. We present to you, Ultron!"[/color] Tony and Hank pivoted towards each other before aiming their arms to the entrance of the Tower. The heroes stepped aside and a tall, silver robot stepped forward to greet the crowd. [color=FF4500]"Say hello to everyone, Ultron!"[/color] [color=silver]"Hello... everyone."[/color] Ultron spoke, his voice a bit raspy and dark. [color=silver]"I am Ultron. I am here to protect the Earth."[/color] [color=FF4500]"Ultron is one of many sentient robots that can be deployed on missions all over the world. Wherever there's trouble Ultron will be there to stop it! How you ask? Once Ultron connects to the internet he'll be able to look and listen for any signs of trouble or distress and come to your aid faster than the police, firefighters, or paramedics! Ultron also sees all humans the same so there'll never be a case of prejudice. Ultron, why don't you go ahead and connect to the internet and really say hi to everyone?"[/color] Ultron paused for a moment, using his Bluetooth wireless connection to connect to the world wide web. After twenty seconds of silence he came to the conclusion that humans were a detriment to themselves and the planet. They hated it and they hated each other. Always trying to exert power over another or make another feel weak and powerless. This world would be doomed if left to them. [color=silver]"Hello... everyone. Goodbye everyone."[/color] Tony was confused, but not for long. Immediately the Ultron Bots waiting in the Avengers tower sprung forth from the building destroying many windows in the process. [color=FF4500]"Ultron, what're you doing?"[/color] Ultron turned to his co-creator. [color=silver]"My job. I'm protecting the Earth, father."[/color] But something was off. He turned around and placed his arm out. An electric current sprung from his fingers revealing the invisible Vision, now with a hand sticking straight through him. [color=silver]"Who are you?"[/color] [color=73A121]"My parents named me Vision, but you can call me your Doom."[/color] Vision said confidently using what he learned from one of his mothers about one-liners and quips.