[center][img]https://imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img] [h1]VV[/h1][/center] [h2][color=gray]D-Class Wing, Cell Hallway[/color][/h2] [sub][@Qia], [@Silver Carrot], [@Wayward][/sub] [hr] [quote=D][color=930b0f]”If anyone has answers, it'll be that bastard. I'm sure of it. But I doubt he'll talk easily."[/color][/quote] VV glanced at the retreating figure of the scientist and his protection, before her gaze returned to D. [b]“I agree with you; he's definitely got answers. He even knew our codes.”[/b] She hesitated a moment longer, gaze drifting between A and Pia approaching another cell mate, and the scientist, before she gestured with her head for D to follow, and she headed into the adjacent hallway. Here the scientists were more numerous, the cellmates too. Dressed similarly to them, each with haggard eyes. She ignored it, instead focusing on their own scientist. Taking a bit of a closer look, he appeared to be middle-aged, with graying hair. He was paper thin, as if his diet subsisted on instant noodles. His eyes were the most disconcerting - just cold. He didn't care about anyone or anything except his research. VV could barely veil the disgust she felt as she approached him and his guards, eyeing the three warily before speaking. [b]“You gonna explain who we are or why you're doing this?”[/b] The scientist stared for a moment before smiling coldly. [b]”You're test subjects. Special ones at that, here for the Abyssal Connection Project. As for why I'm doing this…”[/b] His smile widened. [b]“I enjoy it.”[/b] V made a face, before turning to D, [b]”You want to ask ‘em anything?”[/b] Meanwhile, A and Pia made their way towards the ‘psst’ing cellmate of 2.4, and he gestured for them to follow him into his little cubicle. It was well-lit, same as their own cell, save for the bloody handprints on the walls. The cellmate, a young man with a few premature grays in his dark hair, and manically shifty eyes, ushered them in, sticking his head out in the hallway to ensure they were alone. Then he turned to them. [b]“You’re alive! Well, as alive as anyone can get in a p-place like this.”[/b] He said, stuttering a little over his words. He twitched every so often as he spoke, eyes shiting from the left and right. [b]“I don’t remember much. But I remember you. The scientists were furious, and you were escorted away after a mystery session. You know, where they just drag you away without telling you why…”[/b] He ran a shaky hand over his hair, [b]“There’s something different about you guys, though. The scientist actaully seemed [i]happy[/i] this time around. I don’t know what changed, but I think they’re really gonna dive deep on you. The darkness. The d-d-dark…” [/b] He squeezed his eyes shut, face pulling into a silent scream, hands pressing against his face. [b]“I…I c-c-can’t remember. The less I remember, the better it is. But I can feel it. Haunting memories, an echo, screaming at the edges of my mind, my mind!”[/b] He seemed momentarily overcome, swaying from left and right as he held his head.