[b]Name[/b]: Xander [color=bc8dbf]‘Elio’[/color] Swallowtail [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Species[/b]: Numan [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 5'7" - 142 lbs. [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]:[hider=Elio][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8df1d1df-3f81-4272-b06a-1073ee815f6d.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]:Elio has a more analytical and detached approach when dealing with others as if he doesn't want to involve them in anything personal. In other words, he’s scared of slipping up. He has a debt-based mentality and an unhealthy obsession with “what is due” to others. He goes by the alias “Elio”, so as not to feel inclined to give what is personal to him. [b]What Are You Looking For?[/b]: [color=bc8dbf]“I don't know why that’s important, but fine. I’ve got this group I’m a part of, and I… got myself in a bit of debt. If I die out there, fine, no one liked my ugly mug anyway, If I can pay off my debt, even better.”[/color] [b]Capabilities[/b]: JOB//: Mechanic, COM-STYLE//: Spear Combat, KINETIC//: Scrapokinesis [b]Magic Form(s)[/b]: Junk [list][*]Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Metallokinesis (Metal Telekinesis) [list][*]Magic Stain: Rusted metal filaments have begun sticking to his skin, making it an annoyance to work with machines. [/list] [*]First Spell: “Sharp Points” - Allows Elio to sharpen the end (an area equal to 5 square inches) of a piece of metal up to a 900 on a BESS sharpness scale. [list][*]Magic Stain: Rusted metal has begun embedding itself into Elio’s skin, building up with the use of his magic. It’s painful, to say the least. [/list] [/list]