[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=00aeef][b]Numakhiim Muryiell[/b][/color] [hider=Avatar] [img]https://i.ibb.co/zb02fGN/Numakhiim-Muryiell-avatar.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=0076a3][i]*Looks at the both of us plainly*[/i][/color] Well it is not... you two were summoned directly by His Highness because you... more precisely your friend, was responsible for feeding an entire universe to the outer void. That is a sin that would send most responsible souls to damnation, whereas Cyrus, however he had to survive his condition, did not commit mortal sins that would cross out forgiveness at all. [color=0076a3][i]*I just blink embarrassed for having our beans spilled like that in front of a newcomer to heaven*[/i][/color] [/quote] Cyrus: [color=007236]"Well that's... Information..."[/color]