[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya was upstairs as Hector saw the woman approach and seemed to protectively pull behind a chair, he recognised the action but was not offended by It. [color=fff79a]“Just arrived this morning… if it ever was one. Sorting out some plans for a repair.”[/color] Hector said, his accent was thick Lunarian, it was heavier than the capital accent. [color=fff79a]“Knife alley, you sure went to nice places, just be careful, we had disappearances on the road past the fort, don't know what, but i'd keep a dagger handy just in case.”[/color] He said in a gentle warning, she probably was used to regular humans but blight born with a whole new danger level if anywhere out there, blight Beasts or an Auralian group with a grudge. who knew. Taking a drink from his dark ale, placing it carefully to not damage his drawing and notes. [color=fff79a]“It's the Princess Octavia, her husband, they Spent a lot of gold here, asked a lot of people.. you'd have to ask my friend Lord Coswain for exact details but there's a lot of hope placed on that couple. People want to be where the change is. This small place is where history will be made or things will end it seems.”[/color] He was for his one eyed and bearded face, thoughtful and tried not to alarm her. Dawn Haven was hard to explain, hard to place and turn into words. [color=fff79a]“Try the Market, its up the road. Or I'm told…ask for Sunni.. he meant to live at Inn I think. saw General goods, a smithy and so up there.”[/color] He said patching together the limited information they had gathered since their arrival, a name was said a lot, and everyone seemed to be after this Sunni…Even if he was not, he would know who. [color=fff79a]“If you need anything mending let me know, I can patch most things. Not be pretty but be fixed. I can work on daggers, leather... handles. You name it.”.[/color] Hector said, finding this down to earth and direct woman easy to get on with and decided to offer his services if she needed help, Hector let her be as the woman Sya returned and bounced down hooded as she seemed to normally be around those whom she did not fully trust yet. [color=c4df9b]“Sure, it's in the back, behind the bar.”[/color] Sya said keeping a few paces back following her softly making almost no noise as she did. A talent she had been forced to learn. [color=c4df9b]“Me, Sunni helps, I have an entertainer who works evenings, and helps on serving. No one else. I'm one who handles everything from beds to the accounts ledger.”[/color] Sya said not hiding anything and deciding that she needed an accurate answer. The cold did not bother Sya one bit, she could be out here naked in the deepest winter and be fine…not that she would… maybe for kinky activities… who knew… ropes could be fu…. The little woman returned with water, and brought more wood for the fires to heat the water up. She cut her train of thought off as she came back to work, just in case she said anything out loud. Part way when the topic of caravans came up, Sya would have to work out what they could afford to do, she might have to check with Sunni too depending how much the bill ran to if it was a sensible decision. [color=c4df9b]“I'll run the numbers… Give me a break down, and i'll decide. I need a list, rough volume and what this might cost me.”[/color] Sya said firmly, arms crossed and body language showing however much the Eye of Beholder had its… problems she was doing best to run a business as well as was able. Sya was queen of this little domain and she reminded people from time to time, she was Mistress and this was her home. Sya gave her a wave when she saw her busying over a large book, several plans and a rough schematic drawing from memory. She was engrossed in a project as she worked out wondering how to turn a single home made design into a business. Sya would not be held back, she was going to prove to herself, the wider world and Olivia…Olivia yes that she deserved and earned this. Extra bedrooms, a private living area and one for guests were in her ideas. Maybe Sya would go to the bath house another day, it sounded nice and today had taught her, pleasure and enjoying herself was not impossible. How would they react to her? She would have to go openly… and would have to show her full self. That worried her more than a little especially because the springs were attached to a temple and temple and blight borns were not good combinations. Hot clean water in her skin sounded so nice though, she was immune to cold but did not mean she could not enjoy the heat too. Food was off the list, maybe a tiny bit, but it did nothing for her now, it was… empty. At first she ate just because that was what she thought she had to, now she had given up that human aspect. You could get drunk… might have to watch how much she sampled of her moonshine. [@amorphical]