[quote=@Silver Carrot] [@Omega Man] Ooh, I like the Rogue/Ravager idea! I think I'll develop that! Given the meanings of both 'rogue' and 'ravager', and the fact she temporarily steals powers, I'm thinking 'Marauder' Edit: Besides Terminator, what would the supporting Amalgms in this backstory be? An Amalgam with Mystique? Should she have initially been a villain to Titan X? [/quote] If it were me, I'd make her mom a combo of Lady Shiva and Mystique and call her Lady Mystique. And you could make her a villain originally who joined the group at some point in it's nine year history. The name Marauder works well too! [quote=@Polaris North] Ohhh shoot I missed that. I'll just change him to Psimon Sinister! Unless you had other plans for the kind of villain he is? Or in this case, if it would break it timeline-wise? [/quote] Psimon Sinister is still mostly Mister Sinister just with the added bonus of having telepathy and telekinesis as well as part of his brain exposed similar to Psimon. I think he still fits with what you were shooting for... _____________________________ Anybody else out there watching this?