Hey, guys. Been awhile. So, first off, I want to apologize to all the folks who expressed interest in this RP months ago for suddenly disappearing without a word. To be honest, I just got burned out. The RP took a lot more prep than expected and along with irl stuff I just put it on the backburner but I still should’ve let y’all know that at the time. I’m sorry about that. But, assuming people are still willing/interested in the RP, I’d like to try again. Past couple days I’ve been working on the RP and I’m almost done with what I need to be ready for launch. Technically, still have more work to do even after that, but some of it can wait. To start the rp, I mostly just need to get a few NPC profiles done and then it should be ready...? So yeah, please let me know if you're still interested in the RP! Or let me know if you're not interested in the RP anymore. That's fine, too. Hope everyone has a good day/night! EDIT: Realized I just posted something that was similar to a previous post. So scratch that. But I did get the map finalized, formatted, and included all of the locations of Pokemon and such. That's what I was going to show off but I'll wait until the RP is set up to show that off.