[quote=@RoadkilBanana] Cyrus: [color=007236]"So, basically, you're giving me the option to become a one man multiversal protection program? Because if so... cool."[/color] [/quote] [color=00aeef][b]Numakhiim Muryiell[/b][/color] [hider=Avatar] [img]https://i.ibb.co/zb02fGN/Numakhiim-Muryiell-avatar.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=7bcdc8][i]*Sighs then chuckles in surprise*[/i][/color] You'd think newcomers here would first want to take some time to settle with the sudden change they went through, but i guess you must be the kind to jump into the action without much time to take a break ey? It's not a one man. You are by far the only one to chose this line of work, freelancers for heaven are literally everywhere you look around here, these two before you being among them. Also it does come with a myriad benefits, you said your father in-law took your soul... how about him finding out that you earned the protection of heaven, and your original soul burst out of whatever prison he has him in, guns blazing and all, because when you got God on your side... you know how that goes i presume...