[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/autumn-flowers-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240703/2088c5ef58c4d09c76265a3f4214c9be.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Evangeline looked outside through her window. Seeing the vast blue seas had a calming effect on her ever since she first moved into H.E.R.O. One. The past few months passed by like a blur as well. She was too busy doing as much as she could, doing missions left and right, helping out at HERO whenever she could. She thought that if she did a lot of good stuff for the organization, maybe they'll be enough to compensate for all the bad things she did. She looked over at a vase of flowers on her desk, a bouquet of peonies and carnations given to her by HERO for the Director giving her his stamp of approval to become a full-fledged hero. She'd like to believe she'd done a great job taking care of them all this time, but the edges of their petals were starting to wilt. She watched as a petal peeled off from the carnation and slowly fell to the desk, the first of many that will eventually come. At the television screen, it showed reporters showing live scenes of festivities at New Athens. So many people were there to celebrate the festival. The TV was muted but she could imagine the people's cheers and laughter filled the air along with loud joyful music. Just watching them made Eva tired. She wanted to join the others there but she wasn't really a fan of crowds, especially when everything was televised and her previous victims might recognise her. She wasn't the flashy type of superhero either, she's fine working on the sidelines and giving everybody else the spotlight. She didn't become a hero to be famous after all, she did it to atone for everything she and her family had done. Just then, Eva noticed a message was sent through her HERO smartwatch where a hologram of the Director made a message: [indent][color=lightslategray]"Attention, heroes. I need a group of you to assist me at the Johnstone Convention Center. If you are available, please come and meet behind the stage. You will be rewarded for your time."[/color][/indent] She sighed, thinking that there's no turning away from facing what she dreaded. She stood up and gave herself a final lookover at her tall mirror. Since September's pretty chilly, Eva was wearing a bone white trench coat with matching pants, and a black turtleneck underneath. The sleeves of her turtleneck could be tore off in case she needed more open skin to generate more poison in an emergency. Hopefully she wouldn't have to. Eva was then making her way towards their transport system to be with the others at the convention center when she noticed the Assistant Director outside near the waters, trying to catch all the papers being blown away from her arms by the wind. Eva managed to catch one as she approached her. [Color=Chartreuse]"Let me help you with these, Miss Duff."[/color] Eva said, leaning low to get the scattered papers Emily couldn't get. [Color=Chartreuse]"Oh I remember, there's also going to be an orientation for the new heroes. Is that why you're not with the others at New Athens?"[/color] She asked, looking around nervously before asking Emily again. [Color=Chartreuse]"If you don't mind, I believe I'll be a bigger help here than at Castleburg. Crowds aren't really my thing and with the event being televised, I would probably get recognised by my... previous victims."[/color] Eva asked with a stoic expression on her face as usual, unsure if even the Assistant Director knew the extent of Eva's past crime life.