[color=8493ca][center][h2]Javal[/h2][/center][/color] [center][h3]??? - Forest[/h3][/center] [color=8493ca]"I definitely would not,"[/color] Javal replied to the mage as he accepted his polearm back. [color=8493ca]"If that metal bird is a sign of what is in store for us in this world, I'd hate to go anywhere without a weapon."[/color] Not that their armaments did anything against that flying monstrosity beyond pull off a single tail feather, but it was certainly preferable to trying to fend it off with just sticks and fists. Javal looked at his reflection in the bird's tail feather. It certainly was different from when he was on Earth. Pale, blue-eyed, white-haired. It might take some time getting used to seeing a different reflection every time he looked at a mirror, but he could definitely work with this. [color=8493ca]"I've no complaints about the proposed course of action, the cave seems like our best bet. Once we get there, I'll stand guard outside, as I talents are slightly less effective in enclosed spaces."[/color] Javal was not unfamiliar with the fantasy convention of elves having better night vision than humans- from what the elf said, it sounded like it held true here. It was a shame that they had lost the knight, but whether they survived was up to them- and whether or not the elves' hunches were right and the flute might have some use. A bit of a contrived coincidence, perhaps, but this world was strange enough that he was willing to believe it possible. [color=8493ca]"Before we go, anyone care to take a look at their new forms?"[/color] he asked, raising the severed tail feather in case any of the others had yet to see their own reflection. [@Expendable][@Thunder999999]