Looks like you're still accepting characters here. I'm new in the site, not in general to the concept, and I love the idea of doing something with this fandom, so I hope to make the cut! [hider=Will de Leon][center]WILL DE LEON [sub][color=D20103]IAN WILBERTO CARMONA DE LEON[/color] / [color=D20103]WILL[/color] / [color=D20103]24[/color] / [color=D20103]Meta Red Ranger[/color] / [color=D20103]D20103[/color] / [color=D20103][url=https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp7250011.jpg]Face Claim[/url][/color][/sub][/center] [b][i][u][color=D20103]A P P E A R A N C E [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent]Will stands tall for his demographic at 5’10” and 180 lbs of mass on a frame that is in truth 165 lbs of lean muscle. He is handsome, of Puerto Rican descent with a warm and welcoming demeanor. Will is extroverted, outgoing, willing to be the life of the party but not reducing himself to clowning in order to do so. He claims to have that rhythm and that salsa and he wears that confidence. His hair is black and he sports it buzzed very short and faded towards the bottom. Will doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings, but he does have several small scars on his face, mostly along his eyebrows, cheekbones, and one across his chin.[/indent][/indent] [b][i][u][color=D20103]S T Y L E [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent]Will wears sporty clothes almost exclusively. Ranging from a full on tracksuit to a set of shorts and a jersey or tank top on top (Liverpool jerseys are common), Will is not particularly trying to impress anyone with his “style”. Instead, he aims for “practicality”, and nothing is more practical and allows you to spring into action than a pair of well-fitting shorts! From time to time you may also see Will wearing a traditional taekwondo gi, which he might deem more appropriate as a “battle suit”, but that’s more so in a professional setting. Lastly, hats and sneakers; lots of hats, lots of sneakers, but most of these do feature the color red in one way or another.[/indent][/indent] [b][i][u][color=D20103]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][list][*][b][color=D20103]Courage[/color][/b] - Will has had to repeatedly prove his courage based on different situations that he’s faced, despite not wanting to do so; “a man can only be brave when he is afraid.” - Ned Stark [*][b][color=D20103]Insecurity[/color][/b] - Will has let himself down many times and in his mind, he has let those around him down in turn; “sometimes it’s difficult to fill the shoes that we’re wearing.” - Will de Leon [*][b][color=D20103]Discipline[/color][/b] - Will has spent many years training martial arts and keeps himself in great physical condition; “luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.”- Seneca the Younger[/list][/indent] [b][i][u][color=D20103]F A C T S [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][list][*]Will is a washed-up athlete who works as a personal trainer in the local 24/7 Fitness and coaches a children’s class of taekwondo. [*]Will has proven to be talented in virtually every sport he has ever played or attempted to play, he is also very competitive when up against “worthy competition”. [*]Will does not own a computer. He is living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to meet the monthly payments for his smartphone, but hey, that’s basically a computer, right?[/list][/indent] [b][i][u][color=D20103]R A N G E R [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][indent][b][color=D20103]Why is Will a good fit with the Rangers?[/color] [/b]Will is a good fit in the Power Rangers because he is a man with athletic prowess, combat experience, little to lose and a heart of gold. He will always strive to do what’s best, even at his own expense, and while many may view this as some sort of social dysfunction, some alien force may recognize the power of his dumb, honest, altruistic heroism.[/indent][/indent] [b][i][u][color=D20103]B A C K G R O U N D [/color][/u][/i][/b] [indent][hider=Background:][indent] Throughout his childhood and teenage years in New York, Will proved to be a talented athlete, standing out as a running back in gridiron football, as a goalie in soccer, as a shortstop in baseball, in wrestling and in backyard basketball, as well as earning a black belt in taekwondo. However, Will did not receive a worthwhile athletic scholarship to college; in fact he went to a university on decent financial aid for good grades, and earned a double major in nutrition and physical education. Regardless, elementary school through college would prove to have only been mere stepping stones in a grander career, after all. Will intended to become an MMA champion, nay, a UFC superstar! After a short and successful amateur career where he earned four submission wins to a single decision loss, Will decided to go pro. The loss on his debut was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was an important lesson: anyone can get caught, and this time, he did… it was tougher to put a positive spin on the second KO loss. A close decision loss followed by what should’ve been Will’s first win but ended in a highlight reel flying armbar submission plastered all over different compilations on YouTube all but cemented the death of his career, but Will wanted one win. Will was matched up against a true prodigy on his sixth fight. At this point, despite being only 23, Will was widely considered to bea journeyman for his paltry record of 0-5; happy for the opportunity. Observant fans knew there was always a game fighter in Will, his submission wins in the amateur circuit were not yet forgotten, but his opponent was on another level; younger, on a win streak, and the subject of talk for people such as Dana White, Ariel Helwani, Conor McGregor and everyone near the UFC juggernaut. This was Will’s greatest chance to make an impression before the world; instead, for five rounds, he was made to look like a punching bag. Will isn’t prickly about many things, but he certainly doesn’t like to speak about that fight. He retired and unretired while being interviewed in the ring (clearly concussed), only to then retire again during the press conference. Nowadays, Will works as a taekwondo instructor for children, and as a personal coach on the side. Money is tight, which precipitated a move to New Harbor, but despite lower rents here, money only seems tougher to come across. Will spends most of his days nowadays circling temporary job opportunities as his class size is decimated and he finds little clientele within the confines of the local 24/7 Fitness.[/indent][/hider][/indent][/hider]