[color=f49ac2][center][h1]Megumi Takaki[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][hr] Megumi groggily got up from her desk, where she had been resting the night before. She brushed her hair aside with her hands, then looked down, seeing the textbook she had been using as a pillow. There was a small, dried up puddle of drool on a colored diagram. Sighing, Megumi felt slightly lamented over the desecration of the book, but there was little she could do about it now. After wiping the spot with her thumb for a second, she closed the book shut and got ready for the day. After getting properly freshened up and dressed, Megumi felt she was forgetting something about today. While eating breakfast, she checked the news on her phone. Various articles popped up on her feed highlighting the citywide HERO Festival, celebrating HERODays and something called "HEROXposition". She scrolled through the social media feed, but she quickly grew bored of it and switched to another site. It explained the latest theories of magic she found, which Megumi studied as thoroughly as she could. She had conducted experiments in the past, ranging from chanting and hand signs to magical herbal recipes and concoctions. Despite her best efforts, she had been unable to create any effects that could be deemed "magical". Still, she refused to give up on the matter. A notification sounded on her HERO smartwatch, breaking her out of her thoughts. She made her way back to her room, where a hologram of Director Hugo Powers had appeared to deliver a message: [indent][color=lightslategray]"Attention, heroes. I need a group of you to assist me at the Johnstone Convention Center. If you are available, please come and meet behind the stage. You will be rewarded for your time."[/color][/indent] She had no idea why she received the message, though it seemed like it was sent to every hero with a smartwatch. From what she could tell, though, the call to action was optional. With that in mind, she opted to ignore it and allow more experienced heroes handle the mission. Megumi grabbed her bag, which contained her trusty action figure robot G.E.M., and set off to tackle whatever the day would throw at her. In this case, it was a sheet of paper that somehow managed to fly into her face. Looking around, Megumi saw Ms. Emily Duff in the midst of the rather windy weather having lost the papers she held. Megumi recalled there was some small news regarding a small orientation about new heroes, and she figured she could attend. Although she had made great efforts to prepare for being a Hero, it was only recently she had actually managed to apply and obtain a proper license. At the very least, it wouldn't hurt to attend. Walking over to a slowly growing group, Megumi extended her arm out to hand the sheet of paper that had flown into her back to Emily. "[color=f49ac2]Ms. Duff, I believe this is yours,[/color]" Megumi said emotionlessly.