[center][img]http://imageshack.com/i/pnZVpkj9p[/img][/center] [center][color=35902B][h1][b]「 ARDENT 」[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [sup][center]End of 5th Avenue, New Athens, Castleburg[/center][/sup] [hr] The wind was worse up high, above the buildings. David was floating, suspended in midair by his power in the sky above New Athens. He tugged on the collar of his green jacket, trying his best to ignore the slight chill that was creeping through him. Even if it was uncomfortable, it was something to take his mind off of other matters, and it was better than being down [i]there.[/i] David had taken up a midair viewing position near the start of the parade's route, and now that the last of the floats had passed by, the throngs of people packed onto the sidewalk had begun to take notice of him. Pointing, waving, jostling each other, taking pictures and videos on their phones... Boston's most famous bruiser had come to Castleburg, and people were excited about it. That was the only reason he was here. David had no interest in seeing some shitty parade celebrating a bunch of glorified costumed cops, but part of his end of the bargain with HERO involved being very public about his new status as a protector of the city. There was nothing he would've liked better than to make his way to the shittiest part of town and start asking the wrong questions until some villain got nervous and came out to pick a fight, but he wasn't allowed to act on his own, [i]yet.[/i] That being the case, this was the best way of making himself useful. If he took a good vantage point and put himself on display, there was at least a slim chance that he could find some trouble, or that some trouble could find him. David had only been sneaking glances at the crowd of fans slowly swelling beneath him, fifty feet down. Finally, he gave them a proper look, turning his head and smiling eagerly as if he had only just noticed the gathering for the first time. For all he grumbled internally about having to make such a public display of joining the Castleburg HERO team, it was hard to stay angry when actually looking a crowd in the eyes. Their excitement was so pure and energetic, as for them today was nothing more than a day to cheer on the people who let them live safe, easygoing lives. There was even a kid in an Ardent T-shirt. Was that a custom third-party product? Or had HERO already started a full campaign of marketing and merch under David's nose? He threw up a peace sign, trying his best to look like he had nothing on his mind. They wanted him to fly down and chat, he could tell. Maybe sign some things. Before he could decide what to do about it, there was a notification. An annoying bastard's face popped out of his new watch. [color=lightslategray]"Attention, heroes. I need a group of you to assist me at the Johnstone Convention Center. If you are available, please come and meet behind the stage. You will be rewarded for your time."[/color] It was going to be something pointless, David had no doubt. If there had been a proper emergency, or even the suspicion of some attack from a villain or a Leftover, the message ought to have been phrased very differently. David clicked his tongue as he weighed his options. [i][color=35902B]You're the one who told me to fly around and show myself off to these people, let them known I'm in the city. You can't complain if I'm too busy to come running when you call, right?[/color][/i] He smiled to himself as he remembered the ankle bracelet that the Director could use to track his position. Suddenly, the dull job of making public appearances for the festival seemed like a bit of fun, only because it was an excuse to shirk another order. [i][color=35902B]I hope you check the tracker, old man. I hope you check it, so you can see that I'm sitting here, wasting time instead of flying off to help with whatever you need.[/color][/i] As soon as that thought passed through his head, David glanced down once again, at the gathering of fans on the street. The atmosphere had changed slightly, and they were eagerly muttering to one another. Expecting something. If David had flown down closer, he could have listened in, but he knew well enough what they were discussing just from the looks on their faces. They had all seen it: he had a mission. Ardent had been given some new, exciting task from Director Powers himself and now the civilians were speculating about what adventure awaited Castleburg's new hero. Maybe they had a point. Whatever Powers wanted, it would be something to [i]do.[/i] In any case, now that they were all expecting something from David, he couldn't stay here. He gave the crowd a last smile. [color=35902B]"Duty calls!"[/color] He hollered just loud enough for the people on the street to hear before snapping into motion, flying out of sight. [center]☆[/center] David had only been in Castleburg for five days, and he didn't particularly have the lay of the land. Even so, there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to spend his time sitting in on some seminar about how to integrate into the city. After all, he wasn't a [i]new hero[/i], and there was nothing Assistant Director Duff could tell him that he couldn't find out even quicker by just using goddamn Google Maps. As he quickly discovered, even Google Maps may have been overkill for this particular journey. It was literally on the same street. He only needed to follow the parade's route to get to the convention centre. It make him sick, imagining Powers watching the live updates from his tracker as he left 5th Avenue, did an awkward loop around a quarter of New Athens, and then practically came back to where he started. In any case, he had arrived after only a few minutes. David scanned the outside of the convention centre for a convenient open window he could use to enter, before giving up and flying down to the street, joining the thick crowd that slowly filtered through the main doors. As soon as he was among them, excited whispers began tittering through the clump of superhero fans. Most people in the crowd parted for David, reverently backing up and pulling out their phones to snap pictures as he passed. The boldest of them stayed in place, hoping for a greeting or a handshake as he was forced to make his way around them. Comfortable in a crowd, David wasn't surprised to find that he was turning some heads upon his arrival. For these people, catching sight of a local hero was probably a weekly or even daily occurrence, but he was a new face in town, someone these people had only seen in news reports about action in Boston. The excitement would die down within a week or two, he figured. Once he had passed through the doors and into the large space being used for the festival, David was able to fly again, passing over the crowds and booths, and even over the stage itself, to reach the meeting spot in mere moments. As soon as he was backstage, away from the crowds, he landed. Passively floating was a stylish look when you were in front of fans, but he had always felt that hovering in the air during proper conversations just made him look like a dickhead. There were two kid heroes who he didn't recognize, and one hero who he definitely did. At a glance, it was pretty clear none of them knew anything more about the situation than David did. Since they seemed to be in the middle of introductions, he waited just a moment before stepping forwards. Flight was noiseless, so it was only when his boots were on the floor that they would have any sign of his presence. He offered a nod to the heroes. [color=35902B]"Hey. I'm Ardent. New here, from Boston."[/color] If they kept up with hero trends at all, that would be enough for them to recall who he was. Really, just his face might have been enough. Unlike the kid heroes, he wore no mask, and his tight-fitting black-and-orange costume was also pretty recognizable. For all that, though, his expression wasn't exactly approachable. The two guys seemed to be interested in chatting, whereas the girl was isolating herself a bit. Maybe she had the right idea. If they didn't bother with small talk, they could probably finish this task up quicker, whatever it was. [color=35902B]"What kind of sick power play is this? He tells us to meet him here to help him out, but he isn't actually here?"[/color] David hissed. He was more talking to himself than anything, internally questioning why he had actually bothered to show up.