[center][h2]Richard Evans[/h2][h3]Route 5[/h3][/center] While he had hoped that the paralysis would have stalled the Pawniard's assault a bit more, Richard's hopes simply amounted to nothing as Luna took a Fury Cutter to the face. The fight had quickly converged upon the Lileep's position, but any tactical advantage afforded by the presence of the fossil Pokémon meant nothing if their positioning was terrible. As things were now, any further battle would have Snivy out cold. With no knowledge as to the extent of their opponents' roster, having one less teammate available to fight was just [i]asking[/i] for problems later down the line. It didn't take more than a moment for him to recognize that both of their opponents were attempting to focus on Luna, and it took but a moment more for him to pull out her Pokeball and simply withdraw her from the battle altogether. "That's a bit too close of a call for my liking," he remarked, glancing down at the capsule after pulling the Snivy back, "so let's not deal with that for the moment. Sara, you're up to bat." With that, the trainer tossed the Nacli's ball into the air and released it onto the field—[i]away[/i] from the three Pokémon already duking it out, of course. There were a scant few moments before it could process the situation, but getting it to recognize the immediate threat would [i]hopefully[/i] help solve that issue. "Sara, Mud Shot the Pawniard! Just keep firing until it goes down!" With paralysis in play and the enemy Pokémon a fair distance away to begin with, Richard hoped that he could gain enough tempo to simply force the opposition to either attempt to weather the storm or fall trying. [@Rune_Alchemist]