[b]Name[/b]: Cambrian Hadal [b]Age[/b]:22 [b]Species[/b]: Wasteman (cephalofolk) [b]Height/Weight[/b]: technically, his height is variable due to his biology. If stretched to his maximum, he can reach a “height” of maybe 13 feet, though he wouldn’t be able to support himself standing if he did that. At rest, he stays roughly at 5’9. His weight is another story— simply put, he weighs 85 pounds. He may weigh more if he stored water in himself, but his pure mass is 85 pounds. [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: Masculine [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Appearance][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829042618695417888/1257883469183455244/IMG_3746.png?ex=668606c5&is=6684b545&hm=e2916e2117a1d7065a9a9650216d210e1d3a09d16b62eda083e3dc391fdda521&[/img][/hider] Cambrian is a Cephalofolk man with tanned skin and a sweet, gentle face. While he has a mostly humanoid appearance, standing tall with two legs and holding two hands close to himself, he has no hair— in fact, his eyebrows are just bumps, and his “hair” is made up of ten cream-colored tentacles with black and red spotting. He usually keeps his tentacles out of his way by taking his two longer tentacles and using them to tie the rest behind his head. Cambrian’s face is fairly flat, with no proper nose and just a flat bump, but it has a beautiful set of markings like a large, red circle on his forehead, dark stripes under his eyes with red fading into his normal skin tone, and a single mole on his lower left cheek. Along with his unique facial features, he has four teeth sticking out from his black and red two-toned lips— two small fangs and two small tusks. He breathes through slits hidden behind his pointed ears that look similar to gills and function both in air and water. His eyes are a bright red similar to that large dot on his forehead, with white cuttlefish pupils that are usually partially obscured by his angled eyelids. Despite the way he carries himself, he has no bones and can technically bend and fit through anything he likes, as long as it’s bigger than his mouth. His teeth are hard and sharp in a kind of internal beak-jaw formation, but the only thing close to bone in his body is a single chitinous “spine” as flexible as plastic, the rest of his limbs being held and controlled through pressure, biological pistons, and hydraulic action. While Cambrian can fit into anything, he greatly prefers looser, softer clothing that doesn’t easily absorb water, such as ELS cotton, mesh, and softer polyester. He has various scars on his body that reveal a white-colored flesh similar to the underside of his tentacles, but he mostly tries to hide them with his clothing. [b]Personality:[/b] Cambrian is a character defined by intriguing contrasts and complexities, making him both enigmatic and unsettling to those who encounter him. His initial impression of being shy and socially inept masks a profound intelligence that sets him apart. While others might underestimate him due to his social awkwardness and inability to grasp social nuances like sarcasm, beneath the surface lies a keen mind capable of strategic thinking and rapid problem-solving. He operates on a different level, often thinking several steps ahead like a chess master in a world of checkers players. However, Cambrian's brilliance is overshadowed by his profound mental instability. There is a dark undercurrent to his personality, manifested in a disturbing fascination with gore, blood, and pain. This morbid interest extends to both self-infliction and a troubling desire to cause harm to others. It's as if he is drawn to the darker aspects of human experience, finding some form of solace or meaning in the visceral and the brutal. His emotional instability is evident but somewhat masked by his asocial behavior. Cambrian struggles to connect with others on an emotional level, preferring the solitude that shields him from the complexities of social interaction. This isolation only serves to deepen the tumult within him, creating a stark contrast between his outwardly quiet demeanor and the swirling chaos within his psyche. Metaphorically, Cambrian's soul is likened to a swirling inkblot, obscured by turbulent waters at the surface. Cambrian is a young man whose intelligence and social ineptitude create a paradoxical blend of fascination and fear, deeply troubling and compelling to everyone who tries to understand him. [b]What Are You Looking For?[/b]: Cambrian… wants [i]freedom.[/i] He wants a way to control his life, a way out of the crime candidate that raised him and used him like a slave. Even if he died out there, he’d at least be controlling his death instead of having his life hang in the balance of people who don’t see [i]him[/i] as a person. [b]Capabilities[/b]: [list][*]JOB: Cambrian’s forced to work for a crime syndicate specializing in black market trades of various valuables and illicit substances. He’s been used mostly to dive into deep rivers and complex waterway systems to find sunken treasures and rare materials. [*]FIGHTING STYLE: Cambrian is a glass-canon who focuses most on dodging and using his blood magic for stealth, as he literally has no bones and thus can’t take many blows to the face. He’d use his wounding spell for fast and easy damage, as well. [*]MAGIC: Cambrian was born with Blood Magic.[/list] [b]Magic Form(s)[/b]: Hemokinesis [list][*]Basic Kinesis ability: Shapeshifting. He was born with the ability to change the colors on his skin through blood magic. [list][*]Magic Stain: Oh Fuck, He’s Crazy Chances are, if Cambrian wasn’t born with his blood magic abilities, he wouldn’t be as emotionally unstable and morbid as he is. [/list] [*]First Spell: Wounding and Healing. When Cambrian uses this aspect of his abilities, he can create large and deep gashes that look like they were dealt by a sword or knife, with just the touch of his fingers. He can, to a lesser extent, also heal wounds, though it takes him more time than inflicting them— mostly because he hurts more than heals. [list][*]Magic Stain: SNAP! Cambrian… enjoys pain and blood. The more he sees it, is around it, messes with it, the more excited and unstable he becomes. If he does too much, goes too far, he may end up in a frenzy. [/list] [/list]