[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240626/3afd0ff6c945a1a139cc6764b09dedfc.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=lightgreen] Johnstone Convention Center. New Athens, Castleburg. Status: Talking with other heroes. Interacts: Terra & Oracle [@shylarah], Ardent [@ManyThings] [/color][/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]Fortunately for Blast, he would not be left to stew in his boredom for too long. Two individuals arrived at the backstage area not long after Blast had sped into the convention. Jake couldn't say that he was particularly familiar with either of them, though they were assuredly heroes, given their attire: the girl was wearing some type of white full-face mask, and the boy was wearing a bandana and a ridiculous-looking pair of goggles (though that would probably be the pot calling the kettle black). The male hero also appeared to be the friendlier of the duo, as he immediately came up and introduced himself to Jake, whereas the girl had navigated herself over to a corner. They seemed nice, though, which in the hero business, was a surprisingly uncommon character trait. A lot of the people Jake had met were either self-centered fame-seekers or totally off-the-wall looney-tunes, so this was a welcome change of pace. Blake immediately hopped up off the chest, a wide grin on his face, as he approached the guy that approached him and introduced himself as Terra [color=lightgreen]([i]sounds like a girl's name[/i])[/color] and the girl as Oracle [color=lightgreen]([i]sounds like...no idea what that means.[/i])[/color] They also recognized him, which was always nice, though not unexpected. "Blast" wasn't exactly a secret identity. [color=lightgreen]"Hey!"[/color] the blonde hero immediately responded, grabbing Jareth's hand and giving it a vigorous shake. [color=lightgreen]"You're right on the money. I'm Blast. You can call me Jake, though, we don't need to play with all the secret name stuff. Unless you're a villain. Which I'm assuming you're not. Yeah, definitely not."[/color] Jake looked the young man in front of him up and down, before continuing with the rapid-fire conversation. [color=lightgreen]"OK, so you're Terra, and [i]you're[/i] Oracle, then?"[/color] In a blur of green and black, Jake zipped over to right in front of Oracle and gave her hand a quick shake. [color=lightgreen]"Nice to meet the both of you."[/color] The small group was then joined by another hero that Blast did in fact recognize: he had actually just read about this guy being transferred over to Castleburg from somewhere else, and that he was some type of former vigilante, something that Jake did not really understand [color=lightgreen]([i]why do hero work and not get paid? Seems goofy[/i])[/color] but also didn't find particularly distasteful. Plus, the guy could fly, which was really cool. If Jake could trade his power out for any power, it would probably be flight. The man introduced himself as Ardent from Boston, which sounded about right. Jake used his powers to zoom on over to the muscular hero that had just joined them, offering him a handshake as well. [color=lightgreen]"Nice to meetcha. Blast, err, Jake. Welcome to Castleburg. Love the suit, by the way."[/color] Upon hearing the new addition's likely-rhetorical question, Jake just gave a shrug as he leaned back against the chest he was once sitting atop of, tapping his foot against it impatiently. [color=lightgreen]"No idea where he is. Whatever it is, though, it's gotta be pretty important. Powers doesn't ask for help unless it's important."[/color] Jake tapped a finger against his chin, in thought. Powers was a difficult fellow to decipher. [color=lightgreen]"OK, I got two theories. One, he's brought us all here to humiliate us on live TV for some reason. Maybe some type of punishment. Or two, he's being attacked by a group of ninjas. I'm leaning towards option 1, but you never know with the guy. He's...a character."[/color] Jake smiled weakly. [color=lightgreen]"You guys will get to know him well."[/color] [/indent][/indent][hr] [quote][sub] H.E.R.O. One Dune Savior Island, Castleburg. Interacts with: Dahlia [@baraquiel], Gematria [@Scarifar] [/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]Emily had all but given up on the prospect of reclaiming her papers when a young woman with dark hair and a turtleneck approached with one of the escaped sheets. The Assistant Director smiled warmly as she took the paper back, hastily clipping it to a clipboard she had just procured. Emily recognized the woman as Dahlia, one of the more...certainly troubled heroes that was a fairly recent addition to the roster. [color=lightcoral]"Nice to see you. Eva, was it?"[/color] the HERO leader asked sweetly before the hero asked if she could be of assistance at the event being planned. [color=lightcoral]"Yes, you're right, that's why I'm here. Orientation is important. And I'm sure Hugo- err, Director Powers, that is, will be fine."[/color] She nodded at Eva's request. [color=lightcoral]"I understand. You're quite welcome to stay and help in any way you can. I was thinking we might play an icebreaker or something. Here, I'll get you a seat."[/color] She grabbed a folding chair off of a rack that was haphazardly perched on top of a rock by the edge of the water, setting up the chair and planting it firmly in the tall grass. [color=lightcoral]"Have a seat, we're not due to start for a short while- oh!"[/color] Emily's exclamation was not one of pain or shock, but of pleasant surprise, as another heroine, whom Emily recognized as Gematria, approached with another lost paper. Emily grabbed this one and clipped it to her board as well. [color=lightcoral]"Thank you, I want to say, Meg? Megumi? Is that right?"[/color] Emily reached over and grabbed another seat, the rack creaking as it see-sawed by the edge of the rock. Emily quickly turned, and with a sparkle of bright pink, a web-like substance had bound the edge of the chair rack to the rocks, crystallizing and glittering like gemstones. She then plopped the seat down near Dahlia. [color=lightcoral]"I have to be honest, I wasn't expecting a huge turnout to this event. But there are a lot of new recruits this year, so maybe we'll get a little crowd."[/color] Emily looked over her shoulder. She had the uncomfortable sensation of being watched, and it bugged her greatly. She sighed. Must've been the wind, right?[/indent][/indent][hr]