[b]Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald[/b] “Very well… let this alliance be formed.” He spoke through one of his familiars, this time a lowly insect that could only truly deliver information from one place to another. Overall, it was in his best interest to form this alliance. The insect then spat out some fluids, which quickly formed into what seemed to be cursive and elegant text - a contrast to the common dirt that it layed on top of. It was a contract, not exactly of the same potency as a Geis, but enough to give enough hefty punishments for all those that would violate the contract. “I would prefer if you signed the contract, though it is purely optional in nature, as I do not want you to be forced to do anything too out of your range of comfort.” As uncharacteristic as it may be, he was still a lord, and someone fully capable of negotiation despite his pride. “Please, take your time. I will not force you to rush.” His voice was surprisingly neutral, now free of that smugness that so permeated earlier. Meanwhile, somewhere else, with the company of Oleg-Marie, Kayneth's bird familiar spoke: "Now, what shall we do as our first act of our alliance?" The bird spoke with a neutral tone, leftovers from Kayneth's emotions when handling the others that wanted to form an alliance as well. It was clear that he wanted to do something significant - the more bombastic and noticeable acclaimable to him, the better.