[center][img]https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Webby-Awards-2022.png?w=1000&h=563&crop=1[/img][/center] Alright losers, we're back again for another Webby Awards, brought to you by Tito's and Coke. What another [s]absolute nightmare[/s] wonderful Chapter we've just finished! As a prelude to the main awards, I was peer pressured into giving you all compliments again, so here we go. I apologize in advance for the drop in quality. To jump straight into the awards for Chapter 2, we're gonna start off with a personal favorite that touches my heart. I am a big action fan. I like explosions, fast cars, and one-liners. I am also a fan of more brutal, gritty, borderline body horror action. I like everything from Fast and the Furious franchise to the sort of gritty tension of a Green Room. So, it should come as no surprise that I loved the action that came from the posts involving [b][color=ff7514]Katja Kruger[/color][/b] written by [@Zoldyck]. [b]Best action[/b], very gritty and disgusting. I love me some good brawling. Between the sort of chase sequence to Katja's beatdowns, there was plenty of straight up action this chapter to keep my little lizard brain sated. Brilliant work. What I love almost as much as action is good, old-fashioned, horrible family dynamics. It makes my skin crawl, reminds me a little too much about my childhood, and raises my blood pressure. I can comfortably say [@PatientBean] batted this award out of the park, namely [b]Favorite Family Trauma[/b]. I hate, truly and visciously hate, Calliope's family dynamic. I grew pretty desensitized to most of the trauma posting this chapter by the time we got to the end of it, but the post revolving around Calliope and her family still boils my blood to even think about. That is great writing, honestly. It takes good writing to rile me up like that. Bravo. While we're in the neighborhood, I have to give it up to [@Hound55] and [@PatientBean] for writing perhaps my [b]favorite wholesome moment[/b] I've seen on RPG in ages. Calliope and Banjo reuniting in the simulation, and their little jokes and banter despite the horrific treatment they'd undergone in the Trials... chef's kiss, honestly. Candy is slept on far too much, but this single moment cemented that their relationship works well because of the complexity of the characters and just the way their individual weird shapes align perfectly. Great work, both of you. Speaking of Wholesome, [color=8ECDB7]Aurora Mitchell[/color] as written by [@Melissa] managed to once again secure what I am now referring to as the [b]Best Bean[/b] award. Every single Aurora post had me emotional, angry, and upset that anything bad was happening to her. Mel does a wonderful job of making Aurora's feelings so visceral and clear that I can directly empathize with her in any given scene. I think a lot of writers would struggle to hit the same emotional notes during Aurora's tumultuous journey in this Chapter. Well done. Keeping on a positive streak, I want to commend [@Lord Wraith] for the [b]Best usage of AR technology[/b] in his posts. Lorcán's arc this chapter was a bit more on the comedic side, but I really liked it. I come from a more TV/Film background when it comes to writing, and the posts in this chapter felt the most cinematic from you. I mean, I also know some of the stuff you were setting up for individual posts and for my Rory posts, and it was all brilliant camera work (so to speak). I liked the visuals you worked on this chapter. Speeding right along, the other most cinematic/TV moment came I can think of came from [@Skai]. Cliffhangers are an art form. What makes a cliffhanger even better is when it leaves you speechless, you are so certain that a certain outcome is going to happen, and then the ripcord is pulled out from under you and you are delighted to discover an awful fate was not met for a beloved character. I straight up gasped at work when I skimmed the Harper and Haven collab posts to discover Haven was not, in fact, in a coma and/or dead from the simulation pulling off her neural link. My words are less coherent here... but that was definitely the [b]Best Plot Twist[/b] of this chapter. Now, as we near the last few awards, I want to give a brief round of applause to [@Roman] for coming in swinging late in the chapter. I am giving him the [b]Best Self-Defeating Character[/b] award because it's a good pun and this is my awards show. In all seriousness, the Gil posts were absolutely bone-chilling in ways I can't quite describe. A lot of the horror and trauma in most of this chapter delved deep into character history... but there was something about the specific horror that Gil went through that really shook me in an interesting way. And I think that's mostly because of the horror of Gil's powers, but also just who he is as a character. Faceless Gil is a terrifying thought, I hate it, screw you for making me think it. I also love what little glimpse we've gotten of Gil at the start of Chapter 3 that stems from what he went through in the Trials. Now... as much as Gil's hell was uncomfortable, there is one person who managed to write a post that made me so uncomfortable it took me four times to actually sit down and read the post. The award for [b]Most Uncomfortable I've Been Reading a Post[/b], of course, goes to [@Qia] for the shit you pulled in [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5533583]The Cat Gets the Tongue[/url]. It's a great post, but I think the horror revolving around body image and the specific, small body horror of having someone fuck with your hair and scar you and that person being your sister that really bothered me. Not in like an actual discomfort, or something I'm upset about. It was just very visceral and specific in a way that struck me out of nowhere. It is a very well written post, in my top 3 for this Chapter, and it shows very strong talent. Last, and certainly far from least, comes my final award. You see, this chapter focused a lot on the darkest versions of our characters. Anti-Rory was brilliantly written by Wraith, there were some very fun dopplegangers of family, friends, and loved ones... but above all, a single doppleganger stands out for one specific reason: it was very hard to tell they were a doppleganger, and I am left with so many more questions than answers. [@Rockette] easily wins the award for [b]Favorite Doppleganger[/b], which is going to be my shadow Favorite Character award for this chapter. I think the post with Amma fighting herself in the simulation was brilliant, dramatic, and poetic. I also get more and more confused on who or what Amma is the farther we get into this RP, and I absolutely love it. Anyways... well, that's it. I don't think I missed anyone. Please feel free to post your own superlatives/awards down in the comments, ring that bell or whatever... I'm going to get some rest. I love you all, see you at the end of Chapter 3.