[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Gajah Mada watched as Rider smacked Shielder on the head as he reprimanded the young servant. Rider said he was not the wisest of men, but the veracity of that statement aside, even were he the dullest of man, it was clear that he was virtuous. Gajah Mada respected that. 'To be a human is to seek righteousness and reject evil' she remembered one of her grandfather's lessons. A dullard could mitigate it by learning or having trusted confidants who were wise. An unrighteous man, however, was not a malady that could be mitigated as easily. A righteous man in a position of power, even more so. Jan Sobieski...he lived centuries after her own time, but she had gathered he was a king. His men and people must have cherished such a ruler. Gajah Mada's lips turned upward, making a melancholic smile. Once, she too served under a righteous liege, before, well...her high idealism and narrowmindedness destroyed what they had been working towards. Well, none of that mattered, especially if the grail was indeed corrupted. In any case, the first step was still to claim the grail to inspect it. This alliance was a good first step towards that goal. Soon enough, with Lorenzo and Jan's master's agreement, it would seem that the alliance would be formalized shortly. [i]"You drove her to suicide!? What is wrong with you!? You were sent there to finalize the marriage!"[/i] The words of her king as he looked upon her with contempt echoed in Gajah Mada's head. If this alliance were to work, she had best keep herself in check, so that she would not end up driving a wedge between them. No matter how righteous Jan Sobieski or Constantine were...they weren't perfect, and such a perfect king that she had sought did not exist...That was why with the grail, she had hoped... Her train of thought halted, as she felt a sensation of unease, a premonition from her Moksha skill warned her of imminent arrival that was not necessarily friendly. The sensation reminded her of the one she felt when dealing with the spiders. Their owner then. Gajah Mada immediately drew her kris once more, before stepping closer to Lorenzo, who had uttered a similar sentiment of something coming—Gajah Mada noted he had good instincts—and standing on guard. A moment later, something descended behind Jan, as Saber shouted, [color=39b54a]"Rider, behind you!"[/color]